(!) Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man.... (!)

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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Go Coogs' »

Atomic Punk wrote:Both of you married money. You had a trophy wife and he had a the next Triple Crown winner.

Here's the deal with you two individuals and listen closely. Both of you have really shitty personalities and it is displayed on this board almost every time you post. Indy, you constantly brag about your possessions and show pictures of living the dream. No way a computer nerd can amass that much wealth if his wife didn't come from a very wealthy family. The only "6 pack" you now have is the Beast Lite that you can barely afford. She gets the house doesn't she? Mutual decision my ass. I'll bet you're getting alimony to make it that way dickhead.

Same with R-Jerk. You are a bitter ingrate and married money. I'll bet your shitty personality really impressed her family. You spend more time on this board being negative, while assuming every thing you say should be cut in stone. I've said this before, that if you've spent more time with her than the bunch of us idiots here I would doubt things would have turned out that way.

Now that being said, sucks to be you. Learn this thing called "Humility" as you move on. Karma got both of you donkey dicks and you never saw it coming because you are fucking tools.

Tell you what. I'll help you with the U-Haul if you need help moving bitches. ;)
You're so pathetic. This is beyond grasping at straws, man. You are so desperate to remove the proverbial board bitch title from your Jull Sprat panties that you would conjure up this stupid and unfunny shit about two men's failed marriages.

This is the act of an insecure cross-dressing cocksucker. Go choke on a cup of balljuice you vapid douce.
88 wrote:Go Coogs' (Regular Season Total Points Champ)
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Jsc810 wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:I hate confrontation.
And you became a lawyer?

And you still post on this board?
Yeah, I'm full of contradictions like that.
Martyred wrote:Terry's wife is an obvious hoax.
Swing and a miss. I may exaggerate a little (sin, Marcus) from time to time, but I don't do full-blown hoaxes.

For instance, I never convinced the majority of the board that I was the short dude in denim who once banged Cinder.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Atomic Punk »

Hog fucker' wrote:
You're so pathetic. This is beyond grasping at straws, man. You are so desperate to remove the proverbial board bitch title from your Jull Sprat panties that you would conjure up this stupid and unfunny shit about two men's failed marriages.

This is the act of an insecure cross-dressing cocksucker. Go choke on a cup of balljuice you vapid douce.
Hit a little too close to home there? Didn't you say you were employed by Rumplebeasts dad? How long before she kicks you to the curb?

Listen dumb fuck, if a couple of assholes that have been giving me shit for years on this board, and then they divulge this info on THIS smack board... do you expect me to say, "Oh sorry to hear that bro!" or something like that?

You are an emotionally "needy" pussy that wants acceptance from internet strangers to make you feel good about yourself. What are your plans for tonight? Spending it slopping the hogzilla or by being on Skype with a bunch of dudes you've never met? You are doing that tonight right?

See the pattern of assholes spending their time on this board and neglecting their wives yet you stupid hick?
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Goober McTuber »

What I see is a drunken tranny who has zero chance of ever even having a wife. A husband, maybe. As long as you don’t set your sights too high.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Go Coogs' »

Atomic Punk wrote:Didn't you say you were employed by Rumplebeasts dad?
Not for four years, but nice try.
... do you expect me to say, "Oh sorry to hear that bro!" or something like that?
No, what I expect is for you to throw on another circus tent belonging to a 27 year old hotty and giving us a show. That is good for the board. You're idea of smack is hollow and pathetic. It's not creative or funny.
You are an emotionally "needy" pussy that wants acceptance from internet strangers to make you feel good about yourself. What are your plans for tonight? Spending it slopping the hogzilla or by being on Skype with a bunch of dudes you've never met? You are doing that tonight right?
Sorry, bud, I'm hogging tonight.
Last edited by Go Coogs' on Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by smackaholic »

Go Coogs' wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Fortunately for me, I like my women with a little meat on their bones.
We should talk.
Rack the best sport on the interwebs. Dude can take a punch better than Tina Turner.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by smackaholic »

Go Coogs' wrote:This is the act of an insecure cross-dressing cocksucker. Go choke on a cup of balljuice you vapid douce.
Rack AP's rainman like ability to bring out the mvscal in any poster. Motherfukking Teresa could post here and AP would have her channeling mvscal within 3 posts.

And as much as Indy and R-jack may be hurting at the moment, they can at least know that years from now, when they are on their death beds, they will likely be surrounded by chillins and grandchillins. AP will be surrounded by a jizz stained sex toy or three. Hopefully for you, technology will have advanced to the point where they can change bedpans.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by smackaholic »

Go Coogs' wrote:Her tits are still spectacular.
They fukkin' oughta be. Most of our OL's titties are swinging like mrs chokesondiks because, well, they haven't got a beer gut to sit on like rumplebeast's.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Atomic Punk wrote:a couple of assholes that have been giving me shit for years on this board, and then they divulge this info on THIS smack board... do you expect me to say, "Oh sorry to hear that bro!" or something like that?
Given the chance to go yard on such an easy subject, you're instead all...

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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by PSUFAN »

Uh...still can't believe this just happened on the board:
Toddwen wrote: You tell yourself you're not my kind
But you don't even know your mind
And you could have a change of heart

R-Jake, don't lose that number
You don't wanna call nobody else
Send it off in a letter to yourself
R-Jake, don't lose that number
It's the only one you own
You might use it if you feel better
When you get home
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by PSUFAN »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Go Coogs' wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Fortunately for me, I like my women with a little meat on their bones.
We should talk.
Careful...you'll be pressed between two sweaty expanses of flesh fighting just to fill your lungs with air quicker than you can call "soooeeey"
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by PSUFAN »

IndyFrisco wrote:So now you dicksticks know why I've been AWOL for the most part since October '11...

Take your jabs. Built me a nice six-pack the last 6 months. I can take it.
Indy, sorry to hear this. Does she still have the hottest ass ever, and does it look even better now that it's off limits?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Screw_Michigan »

PSUFAN wrote: Indy, sorry to hear this. Does she still have the hottest ass ever, and does it look even better now that it's off limits?
I was gonna say, Indy, would you post that photo of your wife ex-wife again?
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Truman »

IndyFrisco wrote:So now you dicksticks know why I've been AWOL for the most part since October '11...

Take your jabs. Built me a nice six-pack the last 6 months. I can take it.
Whole lotta karma up in this bitch...
We should all love our wives, those who have one. Smack aside, congrats on 26. I just hit 7 this year. Both my parents and my wife's parents are still married. Good thing we have great examples to live and learn from aside from the losers who decide divorce is the right answer.
Sorry, just don't believe in divorce unless someone is getting physically abused. Cheating fucks and simply unhappy assholes who simply want a divorce because the spark ain't there no more are at fault for getting into in in the first place. Losers. Maybe my view is skewed because I would never think of cheating on or leaving my wife nor do I believe she would do either, but isn't that what it is all supposed to be about when you say "I Do"???
Sorry Wags, when it comes to marriage and your sacred vows, I'd prefer to be self-righteous. For those who fail, so be it. How can they have sacred vows once and then marry again with sacred vows? It is not religious. It is simply saying I vow to this person, then NO I DON'T, then yes again.
http://www.theoneboard.com/board/viewto ... it=divorce
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Screw_Michigan »

A self-righteous Republican? IndyFelcho? No way.......
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Derron »

Atomic Punk wrote: Now that being said, sucks to be you. Learn this thing called "Humility" as you move on. Karma got both of you donkey dicks and you never saw it coming because you are fucking tools.

Tell you what. I'll help you with the U-Haul if you need help moving bitches. ;)
This coming from the panty wearing resident bitch. At least those dudes had the pussy to lose asshole...your have not had enough real female pussy in your freaky life to even understand how to hold a relationship together, and you are doling out advice ?? :lol: :lol:

Usually about 50% of society has been down the divorce road moron...and then there are the freaks like you who can't pull a 300 pound skank waving hundred dollar bills and grams of cocaine around. ..we will just call you Dr. Panties from now on in your new career as a internet relationship advice guru.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by mvscal »

PSUFAN wrote:Careful...you'll be pressed between two sweaty expanses of flesh fighting just to fill your lungs with air quicker than you can call "soooeeey"
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by OCmike »

For those of you suggesting that R-Jack should try to work it out with a cheating spouse...

It was driving me crazy (softball) that my 10 y/o son was around my XOL's cheating a-hole verbally abusive husband and possibly learning his habits. She kept insisting that she could work it out with him because "he isn't always like that". :meds: But after a few weeks of working at it this summer, I finally convinced her to leave him by saying, "What's it going to take for you to leave...a positive herpes test?"

She left him in August, and got the positive herpes test yesterday.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by mvscal »

Stop being so judgemental. It's only herpes.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Bizzarofelice »

IndyFrisco wrote:dick... I can take it.

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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Bizzarofelice »

and too bad about frisco. his wife was cute.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by OCmike »

mvscal wrote:Stop being so judgemental. It's only herpes.

She sent me a text that said, "OMG, I just got a positive herpes test!! WHAT DO I DO?!!!"

Um, I think you're just supposed to think about how stupid you were and say "Ow" a lot.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by mvscal »

Toddowen wrote:Ah! So she gave you the old " I have herpes. So there is no point n trying to get in my pants anymore" ultimatum.
Does anyone even give a fuck about herpes anymore? Does it even rate up to peanut allergy level of annoyance?
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Atomic Punk »

Truman wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:So now you dicksticks know why I've been AWOL for the most part since October '11...

Take your jabs. Built me a nice six-pack the last 6 months. I can take it.
Whole lotta karma up in this bitch...
We should all love our wives, those who have one. Smack aside, congrats on 26. I just hit 7 this year. Both my parents and my wife's parents are still married. Good thing we have great examples to live and learn from aside from the losers who decide divorce is the right answer.
Sorry, just don't believe in divorce unless someone is getting physically abused. Cheating fucks and simply unhappy assholes who simply want a divorce because the spark ain't there no more are at fault for getting into in in the first place. Losers. Maybe my view is skewed because I would never think of cheating on or leaving my wife nor do I believe she would do either, but isn't that what it is all supposed to be about when you say "I Do"???
Sorry Wags, when it comes to marriage and your sacred vows, I'd prefer to be self-righteous. For those who fail, so be it. How can they have sacred vows once and then marry again with sacred vows? It is not religious. It is simply saying I vow to this person, then NO I DON'T, then yes again.
http://www.theoneboard.com/board/viewto ... it=divorce
IndyFrisco wrote:Sorry for no real soap opera but it was a mutual decision I don't care to expound upon here. I had some short comings (which were long comings elsewhere). Bout all I am comfortable saying without giving too much detail.
Mutual decision my ass. Tell the board why I said that you got lucky in marrying wealth. You acted as if you made all of that money to buy the excess by being a computer guy. If that was true, every Punjabi in India would be living larger than yourself.

Truman caught your lying ass. While I believe R-Jerk and he has been pretty cool about it (I was kidding about R-Joke marrying money, BTW) and is taking it quite well, you are lying to yourself... and more importantly to this board. How DARE you lie here!

Brain dead gibbons like Rumps, ucunt, Duhron, suckaholic <--(poster boy for Scott's Turf Builder), etc. can't be lied to because they will believe what they are told.

I know you are lurking too IndyFraudsco.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by smackaholic »

No shit. I can remember when herpes had cred. Now it's somewhere between a bloody nose and the common cold.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by poptart »


Nice find, Truman.

There are lessons to be learned here.

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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by H4ever »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
PSUFAN wrote: Indy, sorry to hear this. Does she still have the hottest ass ever, and does it look even better now that it's off limits?
I was gonna say, Indy, would you post that photo of your wife ex-wife again?
Yes..... The only way you can now get over is to post all the nude pics you have of her. That'll teach her a lesson! The pics will be safe here and your board cred will go up. We will all chip in and buy you another t.v. (Vizio brand...42" or less considering the price of gasoline these days) to replace at least one that the ex no doubt plundered from you in proceedings.

Seriously.....sorry to hear. Keep it civil for the kids' sake. And aren't you the fucko who got all over my ass about divorcing my first wife? Talking about vows and shit like that?
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by H4ever »

mvscal wrote:
Toddowen wrote:Ah! So she gave you the old " I have herpes. So there is no point n trying to get in my pants anymore" ultimatum.
Does anyone even give a fuck about herpes anymore? Does it even rate up to peanut allergy level of annoyance?
Translation: well....you do the math.

Does that shit burn? I hear 1 in 5 have it. Bag it up!
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by indyfrisco »

Gotta put a stop to this. Figured I could use my absence from the board to manifest this bullshit. Thought I was adding onto R-Jack's trolljob. If his is not, so be it.

AP, can't remember the last time I noticed you...surprised I did. P.S...At least I am not you.

For those IM's, my bad. I was just goofing here. Not my style I know, but figured to troll the board. The Deciders can appeal to The Board if my actions were so inappropriate to dismiss me.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by OCmike »

Toddowen wrote:
OCmike wrote:For those of you suggesting that R-Jack should try to work it out with a cheating spouse...

It was driving me crazy (softball) that my 10 y/o son was around my XOL's cheating a-hole verbally abusive husband and possibly learning his habits. She kept insisting that she could work it out with him because "he isn't always like that". :meds: But after a few weeks of working at it this summer, I finally convinced her to leave him by saying, "What's it going to take for you to leave...a positive herpes test?"

She left him in August, and got the positive herpes test yesterday.

Ah! So she gave you the old " I have herpes. So there is no point n trying to get in my pants anymore" ultimatum.

Works like a charm.
When we were both single, we used to fool around here and there for a couple of years after our split, on the agreement that it meant nothing and was just sex. But I haven't tried in years, not only because she was married to a dude that was fucking internet whores on the side, but because she put on 40lbs, got a dude's haircut and now looks like an NFL nose tackle.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by OCmike »

Toddowen wrote: It was just an assumption on my part to think that the " herpes" excuse has been used on anyone else.

I guess the women in my life figure once the restraining orders and police reports for stalking and prowling don't work, it's time to resort to that old standby.
BTW, the story gets better. She dated some "nice guy" at the same time she first met the a-hole, but of course picked the guy who treated her like crap. The milque-toast guy was sure that her marriage wouldn't work out and pined for her for 4 years while she got her snizz-pumped by someone else.

***Fast-forward to July*** The micro-second the XOL split with her husband, Prince Charming saw his chance and swooped in and she gives him herpes? Ouch. Hope that was worth it.
Moving Sale wrote: I could easily have an IQ of 40
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Atomic Punk »

IndyFrisco wrote:Gotta put a stop to this. Figured I could use my absence from the board to manifest this bullshit. Thought I was adding onto R-Jack's trolljob. If his is not, so be it.

AP, can't remember the last time I noticed you...surprised I did. P.S...At least I am not you.

For those IM's, my bad. I was just goofing here. Not my style I know, but figured to troll the board. The Deciders can appeal to The Board if my actions were so inappropriate to dismiss me.
Wait, R-Jack is an insider and you are saying you don't know yet get all of these IM's? Really?

For you pussies that completely rely on IM's for help on this board... then why didn't one of them IM another pussy that would leak out that you were "trolling" while you were lying to them in the process?

Sure, you didn't even notice me. You are a fucking liar. As you deflect, tell the board the source of your excessive wealth. A woman that is hot and is from a family where she doesn't have to ever work.

You've also dismissed that you have somehow amassed the kind of wealth an IT guy has with the material possessions you constantly flaunt to the peons. Again, if you are such a successful IT pro then every IT pro in India would have what you have.

I call bullshit and you are a lying fraud one way or another. After one IM you shouldn't have received another as the word will spread quickly. Many people use IM's as a crutch with their trusted ones. So you've betrayed their trust as an add-on that you are now admitting.

What a sorry piece of shit you are. Yes, at least you are not me. I'm surprised you didn't break out the panty smack the lowest of the low on this board continually use. You could lower yourself even more if you started doing that... if that helps.

Truman caught you and there is no way to spin out of it.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by missjo »

Truman wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:So now you dicksticks know why I've been AWOL for the most part since October '11...

Take your jabs. Built me a nice six-pack the last 6 months. I can take it.
Whole lotta karma up in this bitch...
We should all love our wives, those who have one. Smack aside, congrats on 26. I just hit 7 this year. Both my parents and my wife's parents are still married. Good thing we have great examples to live and learn from aside from the losers who decide divorce is the right answer.
Sorry, just don't believe in divorce unless someone is getting physically abused. Cheating fucks and simply unhappy assholes who simply want a divorce because the spark ain't there no more are at fault for getting into in in the first place. Losers. Maybe my view is skewed because I would never think of cheating on or leaving my wife nor do I believe she would do either, but isn't that what it is all supposed to be about when you say "I Do"???
Sorry Wags, when it comes to marriage and your sacred vows, I'd prefer to be self-righteous. For those who fail, so be it. How can they have sacred vows once and then marry again with sacred vows? It is not religious. It is simply saying I vow to this person, then NO I DON'T, then yes again.
http://www.theoneboard.com/board/viewto ... it=divorce
There you go Indy is a sanctimonious wanker
who couldn't perpetuate a sesame street trolljob on a preschool
& I still say R-Jacks "situation" is a B- thanks to Indy slipped to a C+ trolljob
& Truman you are brilliant :wink:
You just can't fix stupid...trust me I've tried
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Atomic Punk wrote:Truman caught you and there is no way to spin out of it.
You really believed Indy was also getting a divorce and decided to divulge this info in a thread about... someone's divorce?

Wow... just wow. Now I am really disappointed I didn't try cashing in on this thread like I was contemplating.
yesterday afternoon, ucant almost wrote:Uhm guys. These things come in 3s. I am also getting a divorce. Who woulda thunk it.
You are such a fucking moron it's beyond compehension, AP. :lol:
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by PSUFAN »

if you are such a successful IT pro then every IT pro in India would have what you have.


Rack Indy.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by R-Jack »

missjo wrote: I still say R-Jacks "situation" is a B- thanks to Indy slipped to a C+ trolljob
Sorry sweetheart. My "situation" is very real.

You listing yourself as "curvy" on Match.com.......that's a trolljob.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

R-Jack wrote:
You listing yourself as "curvy" on Match.com.......that's a trolljob.

rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by indyfrisco »

PSUFAN wrote:
if you are such a successful IT pro then every IT pro in India would have what you have.


Rack Indy.
Too easy.

Circle back there Ample Panties. Did you honestly think I can't keep my shit together? Just because you can't....
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

AP has it all figgered out. All of it.
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Re: Stay tuned for my escapades as a single man....

Post by lovebuzz »

he gives really good head driving directions too.
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