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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:55 pm
by Mace
It's hard for me to believe that so many among us are so bored that they feel compelled to respond to the insanity of this fucking wingnut. I suppose it kills a few minutes of your day but, my god, you'd be better served by taking a good shit.
Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:44 pm
by OCmike
88 wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:You seem to think that posting a cartoon makes some kind of point. It doesn't.
Alright. You got me. This all makes perfect sense now. Larry Silverstein, who sounds to be of Jewish heritage, and a crew of Mossad agents conspired with George W. Bush to obtain access to the three main WTC buildings a few weeks prior to 9/11. Using this access, they were able to plant military grade nanothermite detonation devices throughout the steel superstructure without anyone who worked in the buildings noticing. I bet they dressed up as janitors or elevator repairmen or something, and probably worked at night. Anyway, once all of the explosives were in place, Silverstein bought insurance policies on the buildings from non-Jewish insurance companies while Bush and Cheney orchestrated their airplane/remote-controlled missile switcheroo. On the morning of 9/11, Bush made sure he was in Florida, far away from NYC and DC, where it was all going down. Cheney stayed back at the Bat Cave, in case any last minute shit needed taken care of. Four planes carrying Saudis who were being set up departed from Logan and JFK airports. In mid-air, Israeli agents took control of the planes and made some weird comments to ATC people, to make it look like hijackings. Three of the planes immediately flew off to a clandestined location, where the non-Israeli passengers were likely murdered and placed into a mass grave. Bush and Cheney issued a stand-down order, which prohibited the thousands of interceptor jets available that day from zipping up to see what the fuck was going on. In the meantime, two remote-controlled fake jets were flown into the WTC buildings at the exact spot where the previous explosive charges had been set. A third fake plane screwed up for some reason and crashed near Shanksville, PA. The fourth plane, which was a real one, flew very close to but directly over the Pentagon at the exact moment explosive charges placed there were detonated. The real plane then flew away behind the smoke and fire to the clandestined location, where the non-Israeli passengers were summarily executed and deposited into the mass grave. Some of the Mossad agents involved in the plot could not contain their glee and were seen dancing around at the success of the mission, which was witnessed by several citizens. Bush and Cheney had to fly those Mossad operatives out of the country after a good scolding. They almost blew it, you know. Silverstein then collected his billions. Bush and Cheney used the WTC bombings as a basis to launch a military operation against Afghanistan and later Iraq, duping every one of the U.S. Senators who authorized it. And Bush and Cheney would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for us
meddling kids!
Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:50 pm
by Dinsdale
I don't think nano-thermite is/does what LTS (or whoever spoonfeeds him this shit) he thinks it is/does.
Nano-thermite is thermite with finer particles (a grade schooler can make thermite), so it burns a little faster. Not a whole lot more heat potential, and it would take a good chunk to cut through an I beam of that size (and every charge would have to ignite simultaniously to make a "controlled demolition"... you know, a straight down collapse like one might expect when there was slow heating from the inside, like a bunch of atomized kerosene might do)...
but remember... we're the ones who don't understand basic physics.
Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:59 pm
by Python
I'm picking out a thermite for youuuu. No ordinary thermite will dooo.
BTW, don't do a google image search for "jerk bathtub". Nasty.
Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:04 pm
by Dinsdale
Python wrote:
BTW, don't do a google image search for "jerk bathtub".
Well, there goes my afternoon plan.
Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:14 pm
by Derron
Mace wrote:It's hard for me to believe that so many among us are so bored that they feel compelled to respond to the insanity of this fucking wingnut. I suppose it kills a few minutes of your day but, my god, you'd be better served by taking a good shit.
I know exactly what you mean.
Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:51 am
by LTS TRN 2
Gee fellas, it's nice to see you all laced up in your propers...shivering and stammering with such resolve. Sure, it's a shock to awaken to the blazing fact of your betrayal..and guess what? It's just beginning. Waking up is tough, of course. Dreaming is where we want to be...and don't you know why :wink: