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Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:26 am
by War Wagon
Mikey wrote:You seem to think that Government should run like a Hollywood screenplay.
Not really... "government" is a cluster fuck infested with dip shits like you.

But I do expect that a CINC who says that he's responsible for what happens to his hand picked ambassador, to indeed act likes he's responsible, instead of a gibbering dumb fuck intent on passing the buck.

I don't expect that from you.

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:52 am
by Felix
mvscal wrote: He then attempted to cover up his own ineptitude by creating a blatantly false narrative about protests that never happened over a video that nobody has ever seen.
Wissam Buhmeid, the commander of the Tripoli government-sanctioned Libya's Shield Brigade, effectively a police force for Benghazi, maintained that it was anger over the Mohamed video which made the guards abandon their post. "There were definitely people from the security forces who let the attack happen because they were themselves offended by the film; they would absolutely put their loyalty to the Prophet over the consulate. The deaths are all nothing compared to insulting the Prophet." ... 35797.html

yeah, what the fuck would the commander of the Libyan police force know compared with what you know? the attack was a planned assault with the protests as a perfect cover....of course, the president wasn't there so he has to rely on intelligence being sent to them.....when a Libyan government official tells the president the film you claim no one saw and no one gave a fuck about was the reason the libyan guards abandoned their security positions, what conclusion should he have reached?

you've obviously got some secret source inside the state department that's feeding you all of this intel right?

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:12 am
by mvscal
Felix wrote:yeah, what the fuck would the commander of the Libyan police force know compared with what you know?
He's a talking monkey who says what he's told to say, you pinheaded fuckwit.
...with the protests as a perfect cover....
There were no protests, dumbfuck. The ambassador walked out a Turkish diplomat at 8:30pm. An hour later, the consulate was hit by rocket fire. No protest. Just an attack. My source is the testimony of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State who monitored the entire incident from the Diplomatic Security Command Center. ... FINAL1.pdf

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:28 pm
by Felix
mvscal wrote: An hour later, the consulate was hit by rocket fire. No protest. Just an attack. My source is the testimony of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State who monitored the entire incident from the Diplomatic Security Command Center. ... FINAL1.pdf
and I acknowledged that it was a planned the immediate aftermath there was a lot of confusion about what went on, but I'm not sure how these factors relate to this statement...
Barry's stunning incompetence and indifference. How dare he!
Charlene Lamb, a deputy assistant secretary in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, said at the hearing that a request from Mr. Nordstrom to extend the military team was only a recommendation and that the State Department had been right not to heed it. Ms. Lamb also testified that budget considerations played no part in considering additional security. Decisions on diplomatic security went no higher than Ms. Lamb and, in limited cases, Mr. Kennedy, officials said.

so tell me if security decisions are typically made at State Department levels, how does this equate to Obama "incompetence and indifference"....

and why would mittens release a condemnation statement directed at obama with virtually no information to go on.....romney politicized it less than five hours after it happened....

that's not only stupid but dangerous....

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:54 pm
by mvscal
Felix wrote:and I acknowledged that it was a planned the immediate aftermath there was a lot of confusion about what went on, but I'm not sure how these factors relate to this statement...
There was no confusion about what went on, you stupid fuckhead. That's the whole fucking point. They knew exactly what happened and they knew it immediately. The confusion you refer to is a direct result of a decision to create a cover story about some protest that never happened.
Charlene Lamb, a deputy assistant secretary in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, said at the hearing that a request from Mr. Nordstrom to extend the military team was only a recommendation and that the State Department had been right not to heed it. Ms. Lamb also testified that budget considerations played no part in considering additional security. Decisions on diplomatic security went no higher than Ms. Lamb and, in limited cases, Mr. Kennedy, officials said.

so tell me if security decisions are typically made at State Department levels, how does this equate to Obama "incompetence and indifference"....
As a point of fact, we don't know where that decision was really made or what directives were provided to guide those decisions. We certainly know this was the wrong fucking answer. Honestly I have to question the sanity of the individual making it.
a request from Mr. Nordstrom to extend the military team was only a recommendation and that the State Department had been right not to heed it.
This attack didn't happen out of the blue. There were dozens of attacks going back for months prior to 9/11. One would have thought the issue would have bubbled past State Dept. Security and into a Presidential Daily Brief. Actually it very well might have made it into one of the 53% of the briefings that Curious Barry was too INDIFFERENT to bother attending.

His incompetance begins with the decision to take Qadaffi in the first place. It was done without Congressional authorization making it a blatantly illegal action. That would be arrogant, indifferent and incompetant. Eastern Libya is completely lawless and well on the way the becoming an independent Islamist state. Those are the kind of animals Barry turned loose and for no good reason at all. It doesn't get any more incompetant than that.

His indifference to the chaos in the aftermath is a matter of record and his indifference to the security concerns of the personnel on the ground is completely unacceptable and the cover story nonsense is impeachable, imo.

The question remains why you are continuing to make excuses for these failures?
and why would mittens release a condemnation statement directed at obama with virtually no information to go on.....
Romney criticized the memo that the embassy in Cairo put out, you fucking idiot. He naturally assumed it went out with the blessing of the administration which may or may not be the case but, in any event, the administration quickly disavowed the statement as well, so they agreed with Romney.
romney politicized it less than five hours after it happened....
Concocting a cover story to paper over your own incompetence isn't politicizing it? How dangerous is it for other people when you inflame ignorant savages with lies about protests over a video that was never made let alone aired?

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:37 am
by Felix
mvscal wrote:

Romney criticized the memo that the embassy in Cairo put out, you fucking idiot. He naturally assumed it went out with the blessing of the administration which may or may not be the case but, in any event, the administration quickly disavowed the statement as well, so they agreed with Romney.
better check your facts asshat, in a statement issued late Tuesday night September 12th, Romney said he was “outraged” by the attacks in Libya and Egypt. It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks” of course, he assumed facts not in evidence, but any way you slice it that's a direct attack on this what we could expect from romeny when he's faced with a crisis? he just starts talking before he has any idea of what the fuck he's talking about?

romney immediately starts politicizing the deaths of four americans at the hands of terrorists within five hours of the attacks.....he's a fucking disgrace....

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:07 pm
by Sirfindafold
Maybe Romney should of just called it a "man made disaster"

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:12 pm
by mvscal
Felix wrote:
mvscal wrote:

Romney criticized the memo that the embassy in Cairo put out, you fucking idiot. He naturally assumed it went out with the blessing of the administration which may or may not be the case but, in any event, the administration quickly disavowed the statement as well, so they agreed with Romney.
better check your facts asshat, in a statement issued late Tuesday night September 12th, Romney said he was “outraged” by the attacks in Libya and Egypt. It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks”
The Cairo memo was the Obama administration's first response to the attacks.
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.
The fact that that memo was not approved and later retracted supports Romney's criticism.
but any way you slice it that's a direct attack on obama...
So what?
he just starts talking before he has any idea of what the fuck he's talking about?
He was ahead of the administration.
romney immediately starts politicizing the deaths of four americans at the hands of terrorists within five hours of the attacks.....he's a fucking disgrace....
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Choke on a dick, you stupid, fucked up piece of shit.

Your turd colored hero made the political decision to deny requests for additional security despite numerous prior attacks on the facility and the fact that other countries pulled their people out of Benghazi and then he lied about what happened to cover his own ass.

It doesn't get any more disgraceful then that. Of course his decisions are going to be "politicized," you fucking pantload. Wipe your nose and deal with it, you whiny little bitch.

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:35 pm
by War Wagon
Felix wrote: is this what we could expect from romeny when he's faced with a crisis?
I expect that a Romney administration would have sent another security detachment or 3 of marines to protect his embassy staff when the request for more security was made in June. Failing that (which I doubt), I expect he would've pulled them out of harms way well before 9/11 was allowed to occur.

romney immediately starts politicizing the deaths of four americans at the hands of terrorists within five hours of the attacks.....he's a fucking disgrace....
The disgrace is that this was allowed to occur in the first place. The "fucking disgrace" is that mouth breathing pant loads like you are so incredibly naive that rather than demand accountability for incompetence, you cast the blame at Romney for having the gall to demand that very thing.

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:50 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
War Wagon wrote:
The disgrace is that this was allowed to occur in the first place.

You mean bombing the fuck out of Libya and not expecting any blowback?

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:10 pm
by Felix
mvscal wrote:Your turd colored hero made the political decision to deny requests for additional security despite numerous prior attacks on the facility and the fact that other countries pulled their people out of Benghazi and then he lied about what happened to cover his own ass.

It doesn't get any more disgraceful then that. Of course his decisions are going to be "politicized," you fucking pantload. Wipe your nose and deal with it, you whiny little bitch.
he's not my hero asseyes you seem to forget that I'm voting for none of the above......and once again I hate to be the one to point it out but Obama never denied additional security, it never made it that far up the ladder.....or are you forgetting that such security decisions are made at the state department level....

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:22 pm
by mvscal
Felix wrote:Obama never denied additional security, it never made it that far up the ladder.....or are you forgetting that such security decisions are made at the state department level....
So he's merely completely clueless then? Is that your defense? Perhaps if he were attending more than 47% of his PDB's, he might have been in a position to make informed inquiries into the security situation in eastern Libya.

Assuming, of course, that he actually gives a fuck which he very clearly doesn't.

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:57 pm
by War Wagon
Felix wrote:Obama never denied additional security, it never made it that far up the ladder...
and just how, exactly, do you know that? Because Chris Matthews or Rachel Maddow told you so?

But just for the sake of argument, let's assume that true. What you're saying, then, is that essential national security info is being kept from the CINC by the assorted lackeys he chose to surround himself with. Correct?

And I wonder why they would do that. Is it to give him plausible ability to deny? Is it because they don't trust him with anything more sensitive than having keys to the executive wash room?

But wait, he said himself that he's responsible and that we're going to get to the bottom of this... but not until after the election, of course, and would you mean people please quit bringing this sore subject up? It's really hurting my golf game. It caused me to 3-putt just the other day. Sheesh!

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:00 pm
by OCmike
Felix wrote:and once again I hate to be the one to point it out but Obama never denied additional security, it never made it that far up the ladder.....or are you forgetting that such security decisions are made at the state department level....
Who gives a fuck if he had personal knowledge of State Dept requests? He certainly knew about the numerous attacks on the embassy. That's the purpose of the PDB: For the CIA to alert the President to worldwide security concerns. So either he was at the PDBs where Benghazi attacks were discussed (yeah, right) and did nothing, or his advisors were at the PDBs and did nothing. Either way it clearly demonstrates gross incompetance and negligence on the part of his Administration.

Re: Stupid Whore

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:04 pm
by mvscal
War Wagon wrote:But wait, he said himself that he's responsible and that we're going to get to the bottom of this... but not until after the election, of course...
Yes, of course. To do otherwise would be to "politicize" the incident and that would be wrong and bad...dangerous even and certainly reckless. Feelings could be placed at risk and some of them even hurt. Think of their self-esteem, you heartless prick!