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Re: Pussy on the side takes another one down.
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:48 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote:Diego in Seattle wrote:Newt Gingrich says you're an idiot.
Yeah, you're right. Newt is the right wing hero. It's a shame he didn't run last time as he would have made mincemeat out of Barry in the debates.
Wait, that's right, he did run and failed miserably, because character actuallty does matter to some of us knuckledraggers on the right.
It really is a shame though. Given the ammo he had, the debates would have been a complete bloodbath. Not sure if it would have pulled and libs up off of Barry's lap, but, it would have been fun to watch.
It wasn't character that did him in with the knuckledraggers. It was the moon colonies, which just sounds too much like a liberal tax and spend program.
That would have gone over really well in the presidential debates too.
The fucker is a certifiable nutcase but because he's good a spouting the mantas when he chooses to do so you guys seem to think he's an intellectual god or something.
Re: Pussy on the side takes another one down.
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:38 pm
by smackaholic
JFK- We will put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. = Visionary hero
Newt- We put somebody there 4 decades ago. Time for the next step. = Looney tunes
Personally, I think all this space travel bullshit, beyond earth orbit is a bunch of techno-wankery. We can't afford it and it will achieve nothing other than make a bunch of geeks high five one another.
Besides the moon bullshit, what makes Newt a nutcase?
I think he's a bit of a POS on a [tvo]personnel [/tvo] level, but then again I think that of just about every last cocksucker leech in DC. My biggest problem wasn't his marital issues, but, his explanation of them, some sort of shit about working so hard for the country caused it.
But, as low as my opinion is of him regarding his marriages, I think he's still got a step up on billary.
Re: Pussy on the side takes another one down.
Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:18 am
by Moving Sale
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Moving Sale wrote:As I have many times you petty trifling fuck.
Then why mention the iPhone at all? You were trying to blame your shortcomings on the technology you used. Newflash, dipshit: you're a bottom feeder regardless of
how you log-in to this site.
And you're a shit fucking poster who's incapable of backing up her own worthless take. Care to take a stab at the simple fucking question posed to you? Bitch.
So what we have from you so far is IKYABWAI, Ftfy, auto-correct smack and now "I don't believe my own lying eyes" smack.
And this is all to try and get an answer from me that I posted DAYS ago.
Now go back to the gym and lift and steam a few more cocks you vapid flaming homo.
Re: Pussy on the side takes another one down.
Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:22 am
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Dipshit: the post you were responding to presented a fictitious scenario IN THE PAST where someone was speaking TO Petraeus:
mvscal wrote:Wonder how that would work for his former subordinates. "Sorry, sir. I can't deploy to Afghanistan right now because I'm trying to put my life back together. Maybe some other rotation."
So why is whether Petraeus can/cannot rotate back into the military relevant?
Take your time...
Re: Pussy on the side takes another one down.
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:17 pm
by Moving Sale
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Dipshit: the post you were responding to presented a fictitious scenario IN THE PAST where someone was speaking TO Petraeus:
mvscal wrote:Wonder how that would work for his former subordinates. "Sorry, sir. I can't deploy to Afghanistan right now because I'm trying to put my life back together. Maybe some other rotation."
So why is whether Petraeus can/cannot rotate back into the military relevant?
Take your time...
This is clearly why you stick to IKYABWAI, ftfy, autocorrect smack and the like because your power of reason is so flawed.
mvscal wrote:The ranking Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee said he’s spoken to former CIA Director David Petraeus about still testifying on the Benghazi attack — and the answer is not now.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) said on ABC’s This Week this morning that his committee wasn’t told about the Petraeus investigation — reportedly centering around his mistress and emails — until Friday, when the general’s resignation was announced.
“He and I have already had a conversation. You know, he’s trying to put his life back together right now and that’s what he needs to focus on,” Chambliss said in regard to Thursday’s closed-door Benghazi hearing, at which Petraeus was supposed to testify.
Just when you think it couldn't get any more pathetic. Poor little guy can't testify because he's "trying to put his life back together."
Wonder how that would work for his former subordinates. "Sorry, sir. I can't deploy to Afghanistan right now because I'm trying to put my life back together. Maybe some other rotation."
What a fucking cunt.
To which I replied... They are not the same thing.
Now if you would like to point out how someone under contract to serve in the military being deployed to Afghanistan is the same as someone being asked to testify, I'm waiting.
I'm in no hurry so you can finish your lift and steam and suck a few more cocks before you get back to me you stupid trifling fuck.
Re: Pussy on the side takes another one down.
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:36 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Moving Sale wrote:To which I replied... They are not the same thing.
No shit. You don't say? Really?
You are quite possibly the dumbest motherfucker I have never met. 3 separate people have called your comprension abilities into question in thread. 10+ shit posts later, you
still don't get it.
You can lead a donkey to water, but you can't make her drink. Later, dipshit.
Re: Pussy on the side takes another one down.
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:14 pm
by Moving Sale
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
No shit. You don't say? Really? .
If you agree that they are not the same which was my whole point then why are you taking time from sucking cock to piss and moan you stupid fag?