Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:33 pm
i'm probably about 10 miles further, but at least being more south than east the prevailing winds don't have bode on me.
Dr_Phibes wrote:You're the other one that does it, I'm baffled. Why would you bond a newspaper on your windsheild under a 1/4" of ice? It would take half an hour to get the frozen pulp off.
Like the way you think, Phibes, but generally, placing the cardboard under your wipers and between the glass suffices:And how do keep it from blowing off before it freezes? Duct tape or spikes?
An aversion to people? Perhaps a refuge from all the earfquakes, fires, mudslides, smog, gay pride parades and race riots that are occasionally visited upon you folks out west? Or maybe it's just a climate event that eventually passes before nice weather breaks out all over.Van wrote:What sort of grand penance are you serving that compels you to stay in such a barren wasteland?
Interesting choice of transportation, tru.Truman wrote:Dr_Phibes wrote:You're the other one that does it, I'm baffled. Why would you bond a newspaper on your windsheild under a 1/4" of ice? It would take half an hour to get the frozen pulp off.
Naw, I'm in the flattened cardboard box camp. Peels right off. FTR, I've never seen anybody use newspaper to buffer an ice sheet.
Like the way you think, Phibes, but generally, placing the cardboard under your wipers and between the glass suffices:And how do keep it from blowing off before it freezes? Duct tape or spikes?
This is hardly a Flyover development, btw. Talk to Sam to help you operate the Google if you still need assistance...
That "patch of land" you are referring to could have been photographed anywhere from north Texas to southern Saskatchewan.Van wrote:But see, even in good weather that patch of land in your picture there is still a barren wasteland: flat, featureless, devoid of anything worth admiring. You're an upwardly mobile, dashing derring-do sort of swashbuckling ass incubus, so why not move somewhere that's more worthy of your esteem?
Exactly. People aren't supposed to live there.Truman wrote:That "patch of land" you are referring to could have been photographed anywhere from north Texas to southern Saskatchewan.Van wrote:But see, even in good weather that patch of land in your picture there is still a barren wasteland: flat, featureless, devoid of anything worth admiring. You're an upwardly mobile, dashing derring-do sort of swashbuckling ass incubus, so why not move somewhere that's more worthy of your esteem?
That's why God invented U-Haul. People are portable.But to your question: Familial obligations are currently as thick as kudzu. We'll see what the future may bring...
somebody forgot to tell my great grandparents that.Van wrote:People aren't supposed to live there.
Tedious. You DO realize we feed half the world, correct?Truman wrote:Exactly. People aren't supposed to live there.Van wrote:That "patch of land" you are referring to could have been photographed anywhere from north Texas to southern Saskatchewan.
Fixed. If that was an appeal to replace a tax base abandoned by the Calis that have long since escaped your li'l Utopia for Texas, then you might want to rethink your slogan.Truman wrote:That's why God invented U-Haul. People areVan wrote:But to your question: Familial obligations are currently as thick as kudzu. We'll see what the future may bring...portablestupid.
That pic was from early-mid February. You'll note the dude on the tiller (my buddy Mick... the other person half visible in the pic is his wife... who is half his age (44/22), reasonably hot, and retarded... RACKs be unto him, unless he brings her fishing) isn't dressed like an eskimo, just wearing raingear (a few drops that day).MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:I don't need to go out to Oregon to be on the water under a depressing sky surrounded by dilapidated industry. Detroit's not that far. Hell, the "barren wasteland" pic has more sunshine.
It's always funny, the way people who aren't from California think California is either Mexicans, Big City Liberals or Hollywood Nutjobs. As Dins is often wont to point out, much of California is as Red State Neck as you'll see anywhere. People who live in true northern California have about as much to do with the usual Cali stereotypes as, well, you do. Travel through central California's massive agricultural breadbasket and you'll think you're in Any Farmland, USA, only with better weather.Truman wrote:All the pictures of Yosemite, Big Sur, and Mount Shasta are not enough to overcome the fact that you people are fucking, dyed-in-the-wool nutbags. So there's that.
I'm about ready to start charging all you thieving fuckers who keep plagiarizing my damn meme. Seriously, when did this place become The1Cuda?War Wagon wrote:Only on T1B could a thread about car washes turn into a "my shithole is better than your shithole" dissertation on the relative merits of living in any particular part of the good ol' USofA.
There's the problem, something happens to people when they go west, hit water and can't go any further, your brain snaps. You either barracade yourself in a white power compound, or go the blissed out but militant, bike riding hippy route.Van wrote: It's always funny, the way people who aren't from California think California is either Mexicans, Big City Liberals or Hollywood Nutjobs. As Dins is often wont to point out, much of California is as Red State Neck as you'll see anywhere. People who live in true northern California have about as much to do with the usual Cali stereotypes as, well, you do. Travel through central California's massive agricultural breadbasket and you'll think you're in Any Farmland, USA, only with better weather.
Agriculture sector top 10 states in 2008Truman wrote:Tedious. You DO realize we feed half the world, correct?Truman wrote:Exactly. People aren't supposed to live there.Van wrote:That "patch of land" you are referring to could have been photographed anywhere from north Texas to southern Saskatchewan.
yeah, stepping to calis with we feed the word smack is not advisable. A drive across the central valley last year made that pretty obvious.Mikey wrote: Agriculture sector top 10 states in 2008
Agriculture gross domestic product in $ billions
Rank State GDP Percentage of U.S.
1 California $27.3 17.3%
2 Texas $9.8 6.2%
3 Iowa $8.7 5.5%
4 Washington $7 4.5%
5 Illinois $6.3 4%
6 Florida $6.2 3.9%
7 Minnesota $5.7 3.6%
8 Nebraska $5.6 3.6%
9 Wisconsin $4.5 2.9%
10 Oregon $4 2.5%
Cali does have some nice beaches, the trouble is the water anywhere north of LA is about 34 degrees. The right coast on the other hand has nice warm water from the messican border all the way up to about cape cod, well, for a few months anyway. Actually our problem is that for 4 or 5 months a year, the entire gulf coast is a bit too warm. Ask wolfie how refreshing the water is at ft meyer's beach in july. gotta be damn near 100 degrees.Mikey wrote:Beautiful green water too.
But, yeah these beaches are pretty nasty all right.
And, we have these really weird things called "waves" that strange people ride on using some kind of boards.
We have a lot of nuts too.Mace wrote:Corn and beans are what's grown in the midwest, along with lots of beef and pork. Cali raises fruits.....lots and lots of fruits. I'll give them that. m2 is a good example.
Yeah, and a lot of them bounce off of m2's chin.Mikey wrote:We have a lot of nuts too.Mace wrote:Corn and beans are what's grown in the midwest, along with lots of beef and pork. Cali raises fruits.....lots and lots of fruits. I'll give them that. m2 is a good example.
...And $18.5 B of that number was in wine sales - an agricultural product. I said feed half the world - not get it drunk.Mikey wrote:Agriculture sector top 10 states in 2008Truman wrote: Tedious. You DO realize we feed half the world, correct?
Agriculture gross domestic product in $ billions
Rank State GDP Percentage of U.S.
1 California $27.3 17.3%
It's always funny, the way people who ARE from California try to ingratiate themselves with rational thinking folk by dismissing all the Mexicans, Big City Liberals and Hollywood Nutjobs that actually hold sway over their state.Van wrote:It's always funny, the way people who aren't from California think California is either Mexicans, Big City Liberals or Hollywood Nutjobs. As Dins is often wont to point out, much of California is as Red State Neck as you'll see anywhere. People who live in true northern California have about as much to do with the usual Cali stereotypes as, well, you do. Travel through central California's massive agricultural breadbasket and you'll think you're in Any Farmland, USA, only with better weather.
Thought we were talkin' Flyover here. Who said anything about Missouri? What part of north Texas to the Canadian line do you struggle with, Van? The Plains are a big place. And we feed lots of folks. Kindly un-fuck yourself, please...Van wrote:Even after subtracting that $18.5 B number California still leads the nation, and I don't see Missouri anywhere on that list anyway so yeah, we're done here.
Grab some pine, meat.
Oh, there is no doubt that the big cities hold sway in California, as they do in every other state. That's where the most people live. There's also no doubt that those big cities are where most of the stereotypes are engendered, and they're basically all located in a very narrow swath almost directly at the water's edge. Take a good long drive through the vast majority of the massiveness that is California and you'll discover that most of the state holds those big cities in the same regard that you do.Truman wrote:It's always funny, the way people who ARE from California try to ingratiate themselves with rational thinking folk by dismissing all the Mexicans, Big City Liberals and Hollywood Nutjobs that actually hold sway over their state.Van wrote:It's always funny, the way people who aren't from California think California is either Mexicans, Big City Liberals or Hollywood Nutjobs. As Dins is often wont to point out, much of California is as Red State Neck as you'll see anywhere. People who live in true northern California have about as much to do with the usual Cali stereotypes as, well, you do. Travel through central California's massive agricultural breadbasket and you'll think you're in Any Farmland, USA, only with better weather.
So Boxer, Feinstein, Pelosi, Governor Moonbeam and 68% of the California Assembly have driven you people towards bankruptcy by some kind of legislative coup? Seems those salt-of-the-earth-types you're trying to jock comprise a very insignificant minority of your populus, Van.
Sorry, I'm fairly content with my take...
Try a drive across I-80, you turd-wrangler.smackaholic wrote:yeah, stepping to calis with we feed the word smack is not advisable. A drive across the central valley last year made that pretty obvious.
Nice of you to gloss over the part where I was saying that you need to move out of that barren wasteland. It was kind of cool, though, to see you go all SEC!SEC!SEC! with your bad self by attempting to cover your sorry ass state in the rest of theTruman wrote:Thought we were talkin' Flyover here. Who said anything about Missouri? What part of north Texas to the Canadian line do you struggle with, Van? The Plains are a big place. And we feed lots of folks. Kindly un-fuck yourself, please...Van wrote:Even after subtracting that $18.5 B number California still leads the nation, and I don't see Missouri anywhere on that list anyway so yeah, we're done here.
Grab some pine, meat.
Which starts in...California.Truman wrote:Try a drive across I-80, you turd-wrangler.smackaholic wrote:yeah, stepping to calis with we feed the word smack is not advisable. A drive across the central valley last year made that pretty obvious.
Actually, it ends there. East-West Interstates originate in the east. North-South Interstates originate in the West.Van wrote:Which starts in...California.Truman wrote:Try a drive across I-80, you turd-wrangler.smackaholic wrote:yeah, stepping to calis with we feed the word smack is not advisable. A drive across the central valley last year made that pretty obvious.
:PTruman wrote:Actually, it ends there. East-West Interstates originate in the east. North-South Interstates originate in the West.Van wrote:Which starts in...California.Try a drive across I-80, you turd-wrangler.
Tell me youknewcare...
It's sort of like a reverse dustbowl. Productive citizens are fleeing California by the millions for points east. California is a complete basket case and things are only getting worse.Dr_Phibes wrote:Mv's moving east, watch his postings become less violent and more thoughtful.
You love sports. You love baseball. The Giants are the defending WS champs and their gorgeous ballpark is considered by many to be a national treasure. That would be definitely be at least one recommended stop during your travels.MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Fuck it. I'm in. So what's a nice spot out west?
The hell you say...Van wrote:Nice of you to gloss over the part where I was saying that you need to move out of that barren wasteland. It was kind of cool, though, to see you go all SEC!SEC!SEC! with your bad self by attempting to cover your sorry ass state in the rest of theconference'sregion's reflected (minimal) glory.
Funny, the Congressman from my district was one of the most embarrassingly conservative assholes in the house "leadership," at least until we got re-districted out - still solidly Republican here anyway.Truman wrote:Perception is reality, Van.
your big socialist enclave.