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Re: Found the fat tripping cop....harassing citizens.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:47 pm
by Felix
mvscal wrote:Because he wasn't a threat to anyone, you pearl-clutching ninny.

Fuck off.
gotta go with mvscal on this one....without seeing the whole incident, it's tough to make a call on whether the police officers concerns were warranted, but the cop was a complete dick from the time the camera started rolling....if the cop grabbed his gun without asking to see the weapon first, I'm not surprised the guy being stopped pulled back....that was the cops first mistake.....if the cop had handled it like the cop from Albany Oregon handled it (88's first video) this would have never come to light....and where he was stopped doesn't appear to be a heavily populated area, I didn't see a single residential dwelling in any of the camera shots, and it seems the camera was panned around about 270 degrees or so.....

the guy may have been out to just demonstrate his constitutional rights, or he may have been truly concerned about feral hogs, or it may have been a combination of the two....but it doesn't really matter, because he was not breaking any laws in Texas, thus was within his rights as guaranteed by the any event it's my opinion based on what I saw that the first cop and his shitty police skills are why the whole thing went south.....
88 wrote:But half way into the hike, Grisham said, “a police officer pulled up.” Initially, he was “cordial” and he “asked what we were doing.” Grisham told him. “Then he looked at my rifle. I carry a rifle any time I walk around because there are feral hogs and cougars and things like that.”
sorry 88, but the guy said he told the cop what they were doing, so you're assumption the guy didn't inform the cop they were on a 10 mile hike for his son's eagle scout badge is assuming facts not in evidence...again, without seeing the entire incident it's tough to make a call on who was the fuckhead.....

Re: Found the fat tripping cop....harassing citizens.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:03 pm
by War Wagon
R-Jack wrote:
Van wrote:
Toddowen wrote:Is there a group of people out there who are legal yet very volatile and stupid?
Raider Fan, SECBSH, Hood Rat, NASCAR Neck, Philly Fan (any sport), Soccer Fan, Softball Guy, Road Rage Moron, Reactionary Thumper, any follower of strict Sharia law, Bowling League Guy, etc.

That list is practically endless.
Jeep Guy, All About Harley Guy, Hand Wash Your Car at a Car Wash Guy...........
Message Board Guy.

Re: Found the fat tripping cop....harassing citizens.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:22 pm
by R-Jack
Kick your own ass guy