Upon your death, Wagetheus, may Zeus send you to that Seventh Circle of Hell where the Bud Light is always flat; the Marlboros are always stale; and a Jayhawk pecks out your liver daily after it grows back in each night.War Wagon wrote:Where the hell is Truman and "The Hunt For Blue October"?
That pisses me off more than leaving a runner stranded at 3rd with less than 2 out.
Fuck you, Truman.
You bailed, pussy.
Sorry, Wags, but I didn't see much point in gravy-training a thread that I deemed to be a bit too
I realize two out with four to go is not insurmountable (although unlikely) - hell, we bought tickets last night for the one-game playoff with Detroit should a tie occur - but I think our efforts would be better spent trying to figure out how to beat the A's Jon Lester in the one-'n-done next week. I'll take it - hell, its better than missing the playoffs entirely for the 29th straight year - but watching this team piss away the division the last two weeks has sucked.