Who cares. Fauci threw a wild pitch at Nationals Park.
Dan Vogel
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:59 pm
by smackaholic
Kierland wrote: ↑Fri Jan 07, 2022 4:14 am
Then why did NC just confirm that 100% of ICU beds are filled by the unvaxxed, you baby eating psycho?
Wonder if any of them are world class tennis players?
Once again, you are an utter failure when it comes to logic.
First off, I suspect your claim is utter bullshit, unless you want me to believe that in the state of NC, which I am certain has a fairly high % of their elderly vaccinated, that not one of these people is ill enough to be in an ICU.
But, we'll let that one go for now.
Could it be that those in the ICU because of CV are unvaxxed?
Doubtful, for the following reason. In a state that large, there are bound to be quite a few people with highly compromised immune systems, whom would have a very, very, very bad time with CV, regardless of vax status. Colin Powell's dead rotting corpse out front, should have reminded you.
Assuming you did find an actual claim, which you conveniently failed to post a link for, the only explanation that makes any sense at all is it is yet another shameless example of antivaxer shaming propaganda.
Very interesting discussion if you have a few hours to burn.
Some of the shit that has been done to actively dismiss anything other than the jab as an answer, is criminal.
This is where I got my info about subsaharan Africa pretty much wiping its dick on CV's curtains.
It is a far better explanation than "no one travels" which is laughable. There is undoubtedly interactions between people within villages. There is also examples of CV in said villages. It's just that they are all magically immune. Or maybe they are all just overflowing in a substance that we have known for an awfully long time, is important to immune health.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:58 pm
by Softball Bat
From MS's link...
Getting vaccinated and boosted is the key to staying out of hospitals or becoming seriously ill from
coronavirus, all three physicians urged. At WakeMed and UNC hospitals, 100% of COVID-19 patients
on ventilators are unvaccinated, they said.
The claim is that not a single Covid patent on a ventilator at WakeMed and UNC hospitals is vaccinated.
Not a single one.
Despite the state being over 70% "fully vaccinated."
I wonder, does "unvaccinated: mean the person has not taken two shots? Not taken any shots?
Or are they saying a person is unvaccinated if they have not been boosted?
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:25 am
by smackaholic
To make the kind of claim the midget made regarding ICU patients requires that either you are weapons grade stupid or just really, reallly want to believe it.
This obsession of theirs is looking more and more like a religion with every passing moment.
But without any of religion’s positive aspects.
It’s why commies detest organized religion so much. They see it as a competitor.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:54 am
by Derron57
schmick wrote: ↑Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:44 am
Still standing at ZERO deaths that were caused solely by omicron in the US.
But go ahead and shut down the schools, jobs, economy.... because leftists are afraid of the sniffles.
Fucking cowards.
Has nothing to do with the sniffles. It has everything to do with exerting their radical left control over whatever they can. Senile Joe says Look, get vaccinated.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:53 am
by Softball Bat
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Jan 07, 2022 1:39 pm
Is this your dog, Poptart?
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Mon Jan 03, 2022 7:24 pm
1,500 Americans died from Covid 19 yesterday. Whether or not they are from Omicron is splitting hairs here.
No, they didn't die "from Covid, " but "with Covid." How can you possibly regurgitate such absolute bullshit like a robot?
Over 75% of deaths occurred in people who had at least 4 comorbidities,
so really these are people who were unwell to begin with.
- CDC Director Walensky
Let that marinate.
So yeah...
Vax all the kids.
Vax all the healthy folks.
Vax everyone!
Boost 'em all x many!
Fvckin' unreal.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 2:14 pm
by smackaholic
Yup, it’s your patriotic duty!!!!
Stop the spread. Well, maybe slow it a tad. OK, it doesn’t slow it a fukking bit, but, it’ll make it limp a little.
But it will be wayyyyyyy less severe, which for folks not already with a foot in the grave, doesn’t mean much.
Hey let’s even mandate that public employees and teachers have to get the vaccine to work and collect a (taxpayer funded) paycheck.
But when variant #xyz comes along that has a death rate of 0.0000000%, all the teachers can stay home so that children in the most compromised socioeconomic situations fall further behind than the parents who can afford in-home tutors and still go to work themselves.
Chicago (and other leftist shitholes soon to follow)
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:30 pm
by smackaholic
Usually, when you read stories of someone croaking, they mention age. Here, of course they don't. Took a few minutes of digging, but found that she was 61.
Not ancient, but no kid. Also, no mention of any health issues she may or may not have had. This does nothing to change the fact that young healthy people have little to fear, especially with the omnicold variant.
What is the magic age at which one should really think about getting stabbed? I dunno. Not a Doctor. 58 was old enough in my opinion. Too bad we don't see real data on the topic we can trust. Everything I read has an obvious bias to it in one direction or the other. I should be able to look up death rates of vaxxed/unvaxxed healthy 20 year olds, 40 year olds, 60 year olds without getting lectured to.
Anyhoo, good riddance, Qanon nut job. Contrary to what you commies like to say, the overwhelming majority of us right leaners have little use for them.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:43 pm
by Screw_Michigan
smackaholic wrote: ↑Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:30 pm
Usually, when you read stories of someone croaking, they mention age. Here, of course they don't. Took a few minutes of digging, but found that she was 61.
Not ancient, but no kid. Also, no mention of any health issues she may or may not have had. This does nothing to change the fact that young healthy people have little to fear, especially with the omnicold variant.
What is the magic age at which one should really think about getting stabbed? I dunno. Not a Doctor. 58 was old enough in my opinion. Too bad we don't see real data on the topic we can trust. Everything I read has an obvious bias to it in one direction or the other. I should be able to look up death rates of vaxxed/unvaxxed healthy 20 year olds, 40 year olds, 60 year olds without getting lectured to.
Anyhoo, good riddance, Qanon nut job. Contrary to what you commies like to say, the overwhelming majority of us right leaners have little use for them.
If anything, you have been consistent from Day 1--parroting the Dump line that Covid 19 is no worse than the flu and affects virtually nobody. You may be dead wrong, as usual, but at least you are Death Cult consistent. Nobody is better at paying tribute than you, Suckaholic.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 4:34 pm
by smackaholic
From very early on I have maintained that CV is no joke to the elderly/phat fukks and we should have concentrated efforts to protect them.
I also said that mass lockdowns would do way more harm than good. CV would have likely run its course by mid to late '20. I also said that poor fitting napkins did nothing other than remind everyone how horrible it all was. Nearly 2 years later, none of this has changed.
We were warned that mass distribution of a new vax would result in a higher rate of variants. We were also told that flattening the curve, would lengthen it.
I'm not saying that a little bit of flattening wasn't wise, but once we got through that initial surge, we should have opened things completely, while maintaining a targeted quarantine of those needing it. It would have increased the case count, but who gives a fukk, if the count is high among those that can tolerate it just fine.
Had we done that, CV would have been in the rear view mirror that year.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:24 pm
by Diego in Seattle
smackaholic wrote: ↑Sat Jan 08, 2022 4:34 pm
From very early on I have maintained that CV is no joke to the elderly/phat fukks and we should have concentrated efforts to protect them.
Orange County Deputy DA Kelly Ernby would like a word with you, but the 46 y/o is dead. No known health issues.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:27 pm
by Derron57
From the government controlled hospital in Oregon who has shamelessly pimped the Pfizer shot and is ordered to keep pimping all things covid by the Dictator Governor Kate Cunt Brown. They want a needle in your arm several times a year.
Save the children !! Help make Pfizer the best stock play for the next 20 years !!
New changes to the recommended
COVID vaccine schedule
The FDA and CDC authorized changes to the recommended schedule for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. These changes are:
Ages 12–15 can now get a booster shot.
Booster should be given after 5 months, rather than 6.
Ages 5–11 with weakened immune systems can get 3rd dose at least 28 days after 2nd dose.
What is the new recommended COVID vaccine schedule by age?
With these changes, here is the new recommended schedule:
Ages 5–11
Pfizer vaccine
1st dose
2nd dose after 21 days
Ages 12–17
Pfizer vaccine
1st dose
2nd dose after 21 days
Booster at least 5 months after 2nd dose
Ages 5–17 with weakened immunity
Pfizer vaccine
1st dose
2nd dose after 21 days
3rd dose 28 days after 2nd dose
Ages 18+ (choose A, B or C)
A. Pfizer vaccine
1st dose
2nd dose after 21 days
Booster of Pfizer, Moderna or J&J at least 5 months after 2nd dose
B. Moderna vaccine
1st dose
2nd dose after 28 days
Booster of Pfizer, Moderna or J&J at least 6 months after 2nd dose
C. Johnson & Johnson vaccine
1st dose
Booster of Pfizer, Moderna or J&J after 2 months
Ages 18+ with weakened immunity (choose A, B or C)
A. Pfizer vaccine
1st dose
2nd dose after 21 days
3rd dose of Pfizer or Moderna at least 28 days after 2nd dose
B. Moderna vaccine
1st dose
2nd dose after 28 days
3rd dose of Pfizer or Moderna at least 28 days after 2nd dose
C. Johnson & Johnson vaccine
1st dose
Booster of Pfizer, Moderna or J&J after 2 months
Where can I get a free vaccine or booster?
OHSU Health is giving vaccines and boosters at our pharmacies, select clinic locations and at community sites. Go to ohsu.edu/covidvaccines for hours, locations and scheduling. If you don’t have access to the internet or need to schedule in another language, call 833-647-8222.
Get your vaccine or booster
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:56 pm
by Wolfman
I'd say "Big Pharm" is probably doing very well these days along with "Big Mask".
Latest joke is using masks to stop viruses is getting a shopping cart to haul sand.
About as effective as using chicken wire to keep out mosquitos.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 5:14 pm
by Derron57
Wolfman wrote: ↑Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:56 pm
I'd say "Big Pharm" is probably doing very well these days along with "Big Mask".
Latest joke is using masks to stop viruses is getting a shopping cart to haul sand.
About as effective as using chicken wire to keep out mosquitos.
But it makes all the looney left liberals feel safe if everyone is forced to wear a mask. And we know they are all a big bunch of simpering pussy's, so feeling safe is their number one concern.
Follow the science.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 5:29 pm
by smackaholic
Here is my frustration with the overall tone of articles on this subject, which, if you look at them objectively, you see the obvious bias.
The article says "All vaccinated participants with severe COVID-19 in CDC study had at least one risk factor".
Well, no shit, sherlock. How about telling us the numbers for the unvaccinated in the study?
I mean, let's say that the unwashed in the study had 32 deaths with no known risk factors. Or even 1 or 2.
That would be significant and you know g0ddam well that if it was the case, they'd let you know. But, my guess is that the actual number is the same. Every last fukking one of the unwashed darwin stats had risk factors. We have known since pretty much the start of this thing that people with no risk factors don't have much to worry about. I am not saying that none die. In a population of 330 million, apparently healthy people drop dead every day.
I am certain that the actual numbers in this study confirm what we already know, even we science denier, right wingers. That IF you have any comorbidities or anything approaching a comorbidity, you prolly ought to get stuck, even though there are risks that come with being stuck. It all comes down to risk assessment. And the final decision should be made by the individual.
This decision should be based on making all the data as clear as possible. I have made a fairly serious effort to look at real numbers and every fukking thing I read from allegedly trustworthy sources just smacks of a pro-vax bias. Everything is vague.
I should be able to easily look at data that says a 58 year old mildly phat fukk has an x% chance of assuming room temp if he is fully vaxxed and a y% chance if he passes on the jab. It should also list statistical odds of harm from getting the jab.
But we don't get that. We get you'll do better if you get it and the jab is "safe". Trust us. So what if we've changed our message since the start of this mess. That is what happens as the situation changes.
The goal is not to put out the data and let us decide. The goal is to get you to comply. It's for your own good, afterall. You're too fukking dumb to make your own decision. It is the philosophy of leftists overall. People are dumb. They need to listen to the authorities.
It is complete bullshit. And this, in case you missed it the last 583 times I mentioned it, is the opinion of a fully boosted person.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:53 pm
by Derron57
smackaholic wrote: ↑Sun Jan 09, 2022 5:29 pm
In a population of 330 million, apparently healthy people drop dead every day.
This is absolute fucking bullshit and this needs to stop today. There were 3 people killed in traffic accidents in Oregon yesterday, a couple more murdered in Portland, and crist knows how many died of natural causes. These deaths absolutely can be prevented if we enact mandates and laws on not driving drunk, and mandates and laws that make it illegal to shoot other people, and put all the nations resources towards curing cancer, we can easily bring the nations death rate to zero in the next 90 days.
Now look, it is your patriotic duty to do this ...Are you with me ??
If society cannot get these death rates down to zero in the next two months then we just need to lock down cars, impose executive orders, enact new taxes and fees to fund research into preventing these senseless deaths.
I mean look at these statistics, this has to stop. Something must be done now !! Just fucking bullshit all these people need to die when they can be saved.
Death rate: 869.7 deaths per 100,000 population
Number of deaths for leading causes of death:
Heart disease: 659,041
Cancer: 599,601
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 173,040
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 156,979
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 150,005
Alzheimer’s disease: 121,499
Diabetes: 87,647
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 51,565
Influenza and Pneumonia: 49,783
Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,511
Wolfman wrote: ↑Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:56 pm
I'd say "Big Pharm" is probably doing very well these days along with "Big Mask".
Latest joke is using masks to stop viruses is getting a shopping cart to haul sand.
About as effective as using chicken wire to keep out mosquitos.
Wolfman wrote: ↑Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:56 pm
I'd say "Big Pharm" is probably doing very well these days along with "Big Mask".
Latest joke is using masks to stop viruses is getting a shopping cart to haul sand.
About as effective as using chicken wire to keep out mosquitos.
simpering pussy's,
Any specific point to your post ?
Other than posting random stock pictures ? You are worse than a fucking millennial with all the cute pictures and GIFs
Other than posting random stock pictures ? You are worse than a fucking millennial with all the cute pictures and GIFs
People so afraid of their own shadow that they have to carry a rifle into coffee shop to buy a cup of coffee have no business calling others "pussies."
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:09 am
by Screw_Michigan
schmick wrote: ↑Mon Jan 10, 2022 7:33 pm
Why are leftists so afraid of freedom and the 2nd amendment that they are afraid of a legal firearms owner openly carrying a rifle?
I'm not so afraid that I need to arm myself to buy coffee.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:58 am
by Left Seater
Who says excercising one's right has to be a fear response?
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 2:44 am
by Softball Bat
Walking in to a coffee shop like that makes you look like a m0ron.
Just sayin'.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:19 am
by Left Seater
Agree. But apples and laptops to Screwy's assumption.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 2:38 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Left Seater wrote: ↑Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:19 am
Agree. But apples and laptops to Screwy's assumption.
Did I not make myself clear? Cowards arm themselves to go buy coffee. Do you do this too?
Left Seater wrote: ↑Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:19 am
Agree. But apples and laptops to Screwy's assumption.
Did I not make myself clear? Cowards arm themselves to go buy coffee. Do you do this too?
Again why do you assume it is a fear response?
As for me I know that I have twice entered a store with a firearm on full display. Once was a bird hunt where we were walking thru just harvested grain and when we came to the end of one field there was a gas station. I bought a Diet Coke and took my shotgun inside with me.
Second time was also a hunt in South Texas and rather than leave my rifle unattended on the ATV while I went to the bathroom I took it inside with me and probably also bought a Diet Coke.
Neither was done out of fear. But I get where you liberals want to tell yourself it is all about fear. By selling that narrative to yourself it makes you feel better about yourself in that you aren’t afraid of going into a store. In reality it is just another thing you lie to yourself about.
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:13 pm
by Kierland
smackaholic wrote: ↑Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:25 am
To make the kind of claim the midget made regarding ICU patients requires that either you are weapons grade stupid or just really, reallly want to believe it.
This obsession of theirs is looking more and more like a religion with every passing moment.
But without any of religion’s positive aspects.
It’s why commies detest organized religion so much. They see it as a competitor.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
WTF is your fatt ass babbling about now? Drs are all cooking the numbers? All the nurses going along with it? Just what is your position here?
Left Seater wrote: ↑Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:19 am
Agree. But apples and laptops to Screwy's assumption.
Did I not make myself clear? Cowards arm themselves to go buy coffee. Do you do this too?
Again why do you assume it is a fear response?
As for me I know that I have twice entered a store with a firearm on full display. Once was a bird hunt where we were walking thru just harvested grain and when we came to the end of one field there was a gas station. I bought a Diet Coke and took my shotgun inside with me.
Second time was also a hunt in South Texas and rather than leave my rifle unattended on the ATV while I went to the bathroom I took it inside with me and probably also bought a Diet Coke.
Neither was done out of fear. But I get where you liberals want to tell yourself it is all about fear. By selling that narrative to yourself it makes you feel better about yourself in that you aren’t afraid of going into a store. In reality it is just another thing you lie to yourself about.
The second one clearly was done out of fear, you were afraid someone was going to steal your gun. So you can’t even get your anecdotal evidence correct.
Caught on a hot mic calling Senator Marshall a -----> m0ron.
Turn your volume up a bit and you can hear it around 1:18
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 12:08 pm
by Kierland
smackaholic wrote: ↑Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:30 pm
Usually, when you read stories of someone croaking, they mention age. Here, of course they don't. Took a few minutes of digging, but found that she was 61.
Not ancient, but no kid. Also, no mention of any health issues she may or may not have had. This does nothing to change the fact that young healthy people have little to fear, especially with the omnicold variant.
What is the magic age at which one should really think about getting stabbed? I dunno. Not a Doctor. 58 was old enough in my opinion. Too bad we don't see real data on the topic we can trust. Everything I read has an obvious bias to it in one direction or the other. I should be able to look up death rates of vaxxed/unvaxxed healthy 20 year olds, 40 year olds, 60 year olds without getting lectured to.
Anyhoo, good riddance, Qanon nut job. Contrary to what you commies like to say, the overwhelming majority of us right leaners have little use for them.
The left are all the same, us on the right however are individuals and none of us should be tarred with the stain of any of our members.
Did I not make myself clear? Cowards arm themselves to go buy coffee. Do you do this too?
Again why do you assume it is a fear response?
As for me I know that I have twice entered a store with a firearm on full display. Once was a bird hunt where we were walking thru just harvested grain and when we came to the end of one field there was a gas station. I bought a Diet Coke and took my shotgun inside with me.
Second time was also a hunt in South Texas and rather than leave my rifle unattended on the ATV while I went to the bathroom I took it inside with me and probably also bought a Diet Coke.
Neither was done out of fear. But I get where you liberals want to tell yourself it is all about fear. By selling that narrative to yourself it makes you feel better about yourself in that you aren’t afraid of going into a store. In reality it is just another thing you lie to yourself about.
The second one clearly was done out of fear, you were afraid someone was going to steal your gun. So you can’t even get your anecdotal evidence correct.
You need to work on your word definitions some, sparky.
Do you think he should have left an unattended firearm when he went into the store for a diet coke, lest he be judged a pussy?
BTW, can we all agree that "Diet Coke" may be the single worst named product in history?
Re: Omicron deaths
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 12:35 pm
by Kierland
You are so fatt your brain is saturated in lard. He was afraid someone would take the gun so he brought it with him. He probably has no friends so he was riding solo or maybe he is too stupid to think to ask someone in his party to watch it. But nice projection, so at least you have that down pat like a good GQPer.