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Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:29 am
by jackass007
whoooo whooo whoooo
I guess you don't remember Kurt letting Matt go in Dover, when Kurt was dominating early?... do you?... if that were me, and I gave my team mate a free pass, and he didn't return the favor, that bitch would be spinning into the turn 3 wall.
As for the tirade, I heard him scream before, and I'm sure he'll scream again.
As for Jack the Pompous ass firing him right now.. Go right ahead and fire him, I'm sure as shit Penskie would throw him right into Rusty's backup cars, he'd still get the driver points, and just what Pompous ass Jack would want to see, A pissed off Kurt reeking havoc on his 5 chase cars down the stretch.
I personally hate team racing, and wish it'd all go away
I love it when people knock the looks of a stock car driver.. They're all about 5 foot tall and look like trolls. I don't give a fuck what he looks like, he's earned everything he has on the track. It's not like he has a fan base because of who's crouch the doctor pulled him out of, or who's car he took over, or that he's cute.. The #97 was nothing before Kurt, and it'll go back to being nothing after Kurt leaves
I would say Kurt looks more like the Elfs from Lord of the Ring

BTW that picture of him is a rookie picture before he had a girlfriend calling the shots on that sort of shit
Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 8:49 pm
by Atomic Punk
KC Tard is nothing but a fool that thinks he has takes.
Go away you POS.
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:03 am
by War Wagon
Atomic Punk wrote:KC Tard is nothing but a fool that thinks he has takes.
Go away you POS.
You may not like the take AP, but it most definitely was indeed a "take".
One that I happen to agree with.
Kurt Busch is nothing but an obnoxious, arrogant little punk. Jimmy Spencer had this fuck pegged right from the beginning when he popped him in the nose for his dumbass driving. I wish there were more Jimmy Spencer's around the track to put Krackhead in his place.
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:14 am
by War Wagon
jackass007 wrote:
As for the tirade, I heard him scream before, and I'm sure he'll scream again.
With you swinging from his sack so prodigiously, no doubt. I'd scream too.
As for Jack the Pompous ass firing him right now.. Go right ahead and fire him, I'm sure as shit Penskie would throw him right into Rusty's backup cars, he'd still get the driver points, and just what Pompous ass Jack would want to see, A pissed off Kurt reeking havoc on his 5 chase cars down the stretch.
So, it's "Jack the Pompous" now, eh? My, how quickly your tune changes when things don't go Kvurt's way.
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:29 pm
by jackass007
War Wagon wrote:
With you swinging from his sack so prodigiously, no doubt. I'd scream too.
And you keep swinging from Silverspoons nads Wags just because of who his Daddy was...How sad is that? How sad is it he had to go crawling back to Eury Jr with his tail between his legs, like a spanked puppy. And How funny is it DEI had to make Eury Jr one of the highest paid crew chiefs in the game just so he'd go back to work with Silverspoon..
War Wagon wrote:So, it's "Jack the Pompous" now, eh? My, how quickly your tune changes when things don't go Kurt's way.
Show me 1 link where I ever backed Roush...I hate it when Jack climbs up in Kurts pit box as he wins, and only when he wins, all the other times he's in Mark's box. You may have equated me with Roush because of Kurt, but never noticed how I've rooted for brother Kyle for Hendricks...Does that make me a Gordon/Jimmie Johnson fan too? Fuck no....And if Kurt went to DEI instead of Penski, I'd still hate Silverspoon as much as I do today..
Ford, Chevy, Dodge...It's just a Name in Nascar, these cars are built in race shops, not in Detroit, it's stupid to be or not to be a fan of a guy because of the make of Car they labeled in Nascar...Only difference is the nose, which is made in the shop..
I'm a ford guy, I own 5 fords, 1-88 chevy dump truck, and a freaking Honda CRV
in a couple years Kurt, along with Penskie will be in Toyotas...Will that make me a Toyota guy?
Back to the Paul rant about whinny Kurt....Watch and see Kurt dominate at Phoenix or some other race, and not let ANY of the Roush guys get a lap, and see them bitching, because they will sure as shit..
From what I've read, Kurt was fucking furious about Matt, it might boil over into the races
BTW who the Fuck is Jimmy Spencer anyway? Kurt was right calling him a "Never Was"
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:16 am
by jackass007
oh and by the way...Matt came out and said this..
Matt Kenseth admits he should have allowed teammate Kurt Busch to pass him for the lead early in Sunday's race at Kansas so Busch could gain the five bonus points for leading a lap. Kenseth didn't do that and defended his actions over his team's radio. "When it gets to the chase, we're all racing each other for the championship, and I'm not going to get beat by four points at the end of the year because I gave away a free five (points) somewhere," Kenseth said during the race. Tuesday, Kenseth changed his tune after talking with Busch and Busch's crew chief, Jimmy Fennig. "I think what I probably did wrong is when he was all over me, I probably should have let him lead a lap just because we were both abusing our cars. He ended up blowing a tire, and I ended up losing some track position because I was running so hard and my car didn't handle the way I thought it would and it ended up getting real tight. Things happen when you're in the car and the racer comes out in you, and that's what it's about is racing. I was looking behind me and I saw five (championship) chase cars behind me and I certainly didn't want everybody to get up there and get a bunch of points that they didn't have to."
covering his ass, or his teams (roush) ass... The whole Roush camp jumped on the Kenseth band wagon saying Matt did the right thing after the race... Kurt feels pretty fucked over there right now, and Jack Roush just took Kurt's car he won with at Phoenix and gave it to Mark Martin to run at Phoenix, there has to be much more to this than we know about..
So far I've noticed Team Caliber has 50% off all Kurt Gear.
I'll quote Jack when asked about Kurt "I've put up with a lot from Kurt Busch over the years"
and now Jacks taking winning cars from 1 team and giving it to another?
Seven Figure buyout is on the way for Kurt for 2006!
crack open a Miller Lite and put my 2 hat on, I'll be a Dodge guy I guess
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:26 am
by jackass007
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:
You lost all credibility with me whatsoever when you cracked on Jack Roush AND informed us that you own a FUCKING import car. :roll:
Honda, Toyota....what the hell's the difference? They BOTH suck, and so does Kurt Busch.
Hey, I'll be the first to tell you I never liked Mark Martin, don't hate him, but never cared for him, and Rusty too, hell, over the years I've hated Rusty..
As for my Honda CRV, I had to buy something smaller for my wife, as she seemed to have a hard-on for backing into things with my Expedition, and my Bronco. Kinda sucked having to pay 350 bucks everytime she went to the fucking mall.
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:58 pm
by trev
Kurt sucks? He's been nothing but a contender. And a champion.
Jimmy Spencer is doing alright with his broadcasting gig. He's more likely to get into less fights this way.
It's all good.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:55 am
by jackass007
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:Being an ALLEGED "Ford man", didn't you know that Ford sells these:

not really my call...besides, you might wanna compare stickers oon those 2, if I remember correctly, 10 gr???...I could buy a new Ford Ranger for 10
we looked at everything
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:22 pm
by jackass007
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:
Why should Kurt feel "fucked" at Roush Racing right now? Jackass, HE'S the one that brought all of this upon himself- NOT Jack Roush, Matt Kenseth, Mark Martin, or anybody else. KURT is the one that wants to bust out of RR and go to Penske. WHY he would possibly want to leave the BEST racing team in NASCAR right now is beyond me, but my point is that he made his bed and now he gets to LIE in it.
P.S.- Mark Martin will ALWAYS be Priority #1 at RR until he retires. He SHOULD get the best cars, crews and equipment.
It won't work, you can't take a winning car from Kurt, set up to Kurt's liking and then give it to another driver, and expect a win..I can see Kurt clamming up right now about setups because he's so pissed off right now.
Did Jack do that for Kurt last year? Fuck no. Face it Major sour grapes. Roush dropped the ball letting Kyle Busch get away by tearing up his contract, then offering a Truck ride when he turns 18..I guess they should have kept Kyle on and used him for testing, and maybe he would have stayed. I'm sure that never made Kurt happy, and when Kyle did turn 18 I'm sure Kurt steered him away.
What about Roush bringing in McMurry, and signing him to a long deal a year early, it's ok when Jack does it with other drivers, but not OK when it gets done to him?
Mark Martin, mr super nice guy who NEVER won a championship
35 wins in 23 years...Kurt 14 wins in 5 years.. when it's all said and done, look for Kurt to fly right by that awesome standard of 35 wins in 23 years
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:Like I said before, NOBODY was at Kurt's souvenir rig at Kansas Speedway last weekend. You can ask Wags or anybody else that was there.
good works for me, easier to meet up with the guy at the track at race day..
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:taking winning cars from 1 team and giving it to another.
It's called "Kurt was a NOBODY before Jack Roush discovered him, and the thanks he gets for his efforts is a slap in the face and an ADIOS over to Penske".
Nobody, hmmm nice try, Jack found Kurt first, but Kurt has won on every track he's raced on, wouldn't have been long before he was offered a shot.
They are going to release Kurt this year, you don't throw the 50% off at the trailer if he stays another year, you don't take away his best cars if he's going to stay another year, there is already a rumor of the buy out, and as a fan of Kurts I would probably wait till next year to buy any gear.
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:30 pm
by BSmack
jackass007 wrote:They are going to release Kurt this year, you don't throw the 50% off at the trailer if he stays another year, you don't take away his best cars if he's going to stay another year, there is already a rumor of the buy out, and as a fan of Kurts I would probably wait till next year to buy any gear.
Why? That gear is going to be worth something someday. Like that piss yellow #15 Wrangler gear that Dale Sr. used to have.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:26 am
by rozy
War Wagon wrote:
Kurt Busch is nothing but an obnoxious, arrogant little punk. Jimmy Spencer had this fuck pegged right from the beginning when he popped him in the nose for his dumbass driving. I wish there were more Jimmy Spencer's around the track to put Krackhead in his place.
I only skimmed the rest of the thread as this pretty much nailed it.
RACK Jimmy Spencer AGAIN!
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:46 pm
by jackass007
rozy wrote:I only skimmed the rest of the thread as this pretty much nailed it.
RACK Jimmy Spencer AGAIN!
and what has Jimmy ever done on the track? kinda sad his claim to fame is punching a guy half his weight, strapped in his seat after a race
fuck that fat pig Jimmy Spencer
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 4:17 pm
by War Wagon
That punch was all drivers everywhere who have to put up with punkass shit drivers on the hi-ways who think that once behind the wheel of a car they're fucking invincible. God knows I've wanted to punch some tailgating motherfuckers who think they own the road in the nose and then wring their goddamn neck for being so stupid.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:01 pm
by jackass007
back to the issue
Kurt traded paint with Jimmy for the win at Bristol in 2002, it wasn't a bump and run it was Kurt getting the inside and Jimmy trying to block him..
Then at the Brickyard Jimmy spins Kurt into the wall..Now Kurt finished 3rd in points that year, and I'm sure he would have loved to have those points back..
The next year Kurt bumps Jimmy's fender and gets his clocked cleaned...
I can see why Jimmy got pissed, he was in a new ride.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:47 am
by trev
Wagon, you need to take a road rage test, buddy.
Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:33 pm
by jackass007
Just wanted to touch up what Kurt is going thru...
OK Kurt won in I said before the car Kurt won with was given to Mark Martin.. we all know that already.
Saturday nights race had another one of Roush racings "You're leaving us so I'm gonna fuck you" moments..
Kurt scuffed 8 sets of tires for himself for that race..
Mark Martin scuffed 4 sets..
when Mark ran out who's did they take?
I'll give you a hint wasn't Biffle's, Edward's, or my new favorite asshole Kenseth's
I love it he finished 2nd, would have enjoyed it more if he finished first
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:59 pm
I am not defending Roush, but that car probably would have needed a complete chage anyway. The spring race in Phoenix was a night race and the track had recently been washed clean of rubber by a major downpour. That race was a toss-up as far as the car set-up goes, the race coming up will be totaly different.
That being said, Jack Roush is a favorite playing tool and I can't wait until his superteam is broken up by the new NASCAR rules.
This season is Tony Stewarts to lose, with another dominating car at Martinsville, Tony needs only to stay out of the wrecks and avoid another tire issue (thanks for that NASCAR) to keep his momentum through the end of the year.
WAR championship #2 for the #20!