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ESPN, STILL sucking Yankee dick
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:46 am
by RadioFan
Aside from the fact that I wish I had TiVo, and/or the VCR running for this shit, ala "Baseball tonight," so I could play it over and over and get and exact transcript of this tardathon, after the Astros won tonight ...
Reece Davis: "Asking," John Kruck and Harold Reynolds, in reference to the World Series, "How do both of these managers do, with the absence of Joe Torre?"
Gee, I don't know. How do you do, without looking down at your pussy?
That's what I wish Reynolds and/or Kruck would have said to this fucking asshat, who is obviously either too stupid or paid too well to ask such idiodic questions.
And people wonder why the Yankees are hated.
P.S. JCT, Todd, Fu ... did you see it?
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:21 pm
by Cicero
I am soooo tired of Yankee this, Yankee that. They havent won a series in 5 years and there are more teams in the league than them. They were the 3rd best team in the AL and probably 6th best in the majors and you would think that they were the odds on fav to win.
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 6:58 pm
by Headhunter
RF, you got direcTV? I just ordered Tivo and it's basically free. $99 bucks with a $100 rebate. $49 for instalation. I ordered 3 of the fuckers. only two are free, but for $149 I'm getting 3 Tivo's professionally installed.1
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:17 pm
by JCT
Just a lil sumpin for you sore twats.
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:47 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
If ESPN didn't hype the shit out of everything, they wouldn't be good business people. Everyone realizes the Yankees' hype isn't on par with how good they actually are, but they have to manufacture hype to keep people interested, which keeps people tuned into ESPN, Fox, etc.
Re: ESPN, STILL sucking Yankee dick
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 4:17 am
by RadioFan
Toddowen wrote:I used to feel the same exact way about Okies. Only after you see their homeland do you realize that there is real genuine reason for them to grumble.
There are those who live there and there are those who are just passing through. And that about covers it. Nobody in their right mind would give two seconds of thought to settling down in Oklahoma unless there was some major financial gain to be had there or the resurection of Helen of Troy in OK City.
And trust me on this. Few are the husbands who hear from the wife and kids "Let's go to Oklahoma for a vacation". "Lets go follow the Trail of Tears and see where the Federal Building was". "Let's go explore the remnants and ruins of the 1930's dust bowl".
Believe me.....I understand your gripe and where you are coming from, brother.
Good, because I was really hoping a Yankee homer who doesn't live in NYC would point out that it was really
Karl Ravech who asked that idiotic question, and not Reece Davis.
You had your shot Todd, and you didn't take it.
Re: ESPN, STILL sucking Yankee dick
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 6:31 am
by RadioFan
Toddowen wrote:RadioFan wrote:
Good, because I was really hoping a Yankee homer who doesn't live in NYC would point out that it was really Karl Ravech who asked that idiotic question, and not Reece Davis.
Setting aside whatever point you are trying make, for the time being...
still don't get it, do you Todd?
JCT obviously lives closer to NYC than you do. Or at least he's visited there more than you have. Hell, I probably have.
More lessons on myopia, later, after the World Series ... that is, if you're still clacking away in here.
Hopefully, in this thread, too.