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Confidence Week 7 tie breaker

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:14 am
by kcdave
Pretty decent week for alot us so far. One game left, 9 peeps are still less than -20. More than half the field is less than -30, so all in all, compared to some weeks ...... pretty decent job thus far. ALTHOUGH almost everyone has ATL picked tomorrow night in double digits. Fingers crossed, knocking on wood.

Anywho ...... SHINE got off today. Great picks. Missed one game, -8 points. Jimmy in Philly copied-pasted someones picks, had his OL do it, whatever ..... missed 2 games and has posted -12. So, IF ATL wins, (still crossing fingers, knocking on wood), then SHINE wins. HOWEVER ...... Jim, his old lady, some poor smuck that got their picks lifted, whatever..... picked ATL low ....... thus ..... if the Jets win ...... then Jim in Philly, his OL, theft victim, whatever ..... would prevail.