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Regarding the Pick Em

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:27 am
by Shine
In an attempt to get more new blood into the mix, I'm tossing out the following.

Anyone who starts picking this week and plays every week until the end of the season, shall be awarded 3 bonus points. This will help to offset them missing out prior to now. This is 1 less point than the low total of last week.

In the event that these bonus points cause a tie for the overall lead at the end with someone who'd been playing all along, the season victory will be awarded to the person who didn't need the bonus points.

For those still being counted in the ongoing standings who've missed a week or more (and I know who you guys are), I'm offering the same deal. Don't miss a week the rest of the way, you get 3 bonus points.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:32 am
by Cueball
<--- Throws hat into the ring