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Confidence Week 8 tie breaker

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 2:04 am
by kcdave
Very close week for some of you. Tampa hurt everyone, although some more than others. Everyone in the running has picked NE and Pitt...... so as long as they do indeed win ...... it looks like Solo will win this week. All bets are off if either or both lose.

Felix, Dfan, tart, rozy, zilla, and d-town are all with in 3 points, and most have at least one scenario in which they can still win, or share the tie.

Either way it plays, good week for all these guys, not so good of week for the rest of us.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 3:31 am
by rozy
If not for J-ville and the 2 missed FGs I mighta tied my 3 point record. :evil:
