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Review: The Truth with Jokes

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:43 am
by Gunslinger
By Al Franken


Actually, yawn. I understand what is wrong with Bush. I can't figure out if this is a book for beginners or what it is. I understand Bush is corrupt and didn't need more evidence for my understanding.

The problem with this country isn't Bush. It is about organized propaganda flooded to the masses that was exemplified by McCarthy.

Reagan inacted measures in our government against those fucking nutjobs that would act like McCarthy. Red Scare was created by mindless fucking idiots who roamed the land. Reagan gave the FCC power to rip these assholes off the airwaves.

Several decades later and McCarthiasm has returned in the form of Limbaugh and we know who fucking else.

Lies and the Lying Liers who tell them was much better than this book. I understand Bush is the biggest fucking idiot this country has ever elected, but the real answer lies in why was the stupidest person and biggest corporate failure elected. And that reason is because to many Americans trust our airwaves that Reagan wanted to give back to us.

Maybe Al Franken wants to keep his job, or this was a charge for his election to some office, all I know is that this book attacked the president that we all know is god awful.

So, don't read this book if you are expecting something revolutionary. This country isn't controlled by that Bush idiot, its controlled by that 24/7 mouthpiece of propaganda.

Damn, I wish Reagan was around to arrest these fucks like Hannity!

Al needs to stick to what is wrong with this country and not what sneaks past. Stop the garbage at its source and that is the American airwaves.

It is an OK book, but fucking boring as hell. OReilly should have been yanked from the airwaves for shit he did. He is more evil than Clinton, because his advances were unwanted. Every fucking AM fuck is a draft dodging fucking pussy and Franken needs to glorify McCain and return to the attacks on those pussies that call themselves Americans on a mic.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:28 pm
by Diogenes
Franken is tedious and unfunny and Mccain is a worthless POS.

And Rawhide...

Still a fucking idiot.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 11:13 pm
by Gunslinger
Diogenes wrote:Franken is tedious and unfunny and Mccain is a worthless POS.

And Rawhide...

Still a fucking idiot.
Dio, you are mental child. McCain did more in one second of his life then your entire family tree.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 1:27 am
by Variable
FubuClown wrote:but the real answer lies in why was the stupidest person and biggest corporate failure elected. And that reason is because to many Americans trust our airwaves that Reagan wanted to give back to us.
Wrong. Bush keeps getting elected because the Democrats don't have their own message (the evil you know is better than the evil you don't know and all that) and the Democratic party keeps putting up unelectable tools. Hell, it's a miracle that Clinton ever won. The Gov of Arkansas? Tell me he didn't come out of left field.

Any influence that Limbaugh may have, which I think is significantly less than you might think, is more than equalled by the liberal slant in the network news and print media in major metropolitan areas.

Whether you agree with Limbaugh or not(personally I think he's a tool), he, Franken, Hannity and the like are necessary in this country. Whether you agree or disagree with them, they get people talking. Without shows like theirs, a lot of people would be apathetic about politics.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 2:32 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Variable wrote: (the evil you know is better than the evil you don't know and all that)
That neatly sums up the current state of the American democratic process.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:20 am
by Gunslinger
Variable wrote:
FubuClown wrote:but the real answer lies in why was the stupidest person and biggest corporate failure elected. And that reason is because to many Americans trust our airwaves that Reagan wanted to give back to us.
Wrong. Bush keeps getting elected because the Democrats don't have their own message (the evil you know is better than the evil you don't know and all that) and the Democratic party keeps putting up unelectable tools. Hell, it's a miracle that Clinton ever won. The Gov of Arkansas? Tell me he didn't come out of left field.

Any influence that Limbaugh may have, which I think is significantly less than you might think, is more than equalled by the liberal slant in the network news and print media in major metropolitan areas.

Whether you agree with Limbaugh or not(personally I think he's a tool), he, Franken, Hannity and the like are necessary in this country. Whether you agree or disagree with them, they get people talking. Without shows like theirs, a lot of people would be apathetic about politics.
It's a miracle that Clinton ever won? I'll get intellectual with you for five seconds, then start the insults, because frankly your side should no longer be reasoned with.

Reagan a Republican. Gave the FCC incredible power to silence and bring about change to our airwaves that would not allow corporate monopolies over our media. Reagan had to deal with it to battle McCarthy and learned from that lesson. He decided it was unwise to have one or two air or TV stations running a market. It was unamerican and needed to be torn apart to enure that fair competition was brought into the market place for competing ideas. Further that the truth would have a chance to be reported, because the Republicans were all a bunch of commies according to the media.

Now, I go to southern Indiana and I hear Rush Limbaugh on no less than 3 radio stations. In Indianapolis I have 2 Republican talk stations and several church stations and 2 sports stations. NO Air America!!

I don't have it. I don't want it. I respect Al Franken and will read his books, but I don't want a society were I have to root on his radio station just to debate 3 points out of 5 that I agree with him on.

If you want this type of debate, the fine. Let's have it! Lets gut our State of the Unions and force our president to debate issues weekly with the Senate as Europeans do, but don't half ass this shit. If you want debate it must be FULL debate in our government and not just on our airwaves.

That is Fascism and America is no better than Stalingrad.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:38 am
by Diogenes
I'll get intellectual with you for five seconds
Porky Pig has more intellectual firepower.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 5:11 am
by Gunslinger
Diogenes wrote:
I'll get intellectual with you for five seconds
Porky Pig has more intellectual firepower.
Porky Pig? That is your reference of something that has an intellectual inferiority? We stopped watching Warner Brothers make a cartoon decades ago, and you pull up this shit.

ME Thinks you were wanting Elmer Fudd, considering he was the dumbshit that kept falling for all of Bugs' wisecracks. You could have more clearly stated your intellectual superiourity by discussing the road runner and that coyote, but you have chosen porky pig.

So, Porky Pig is what I am up against. So, be it.

Did you want to conribute to the post or make a claim to why I was wrong? Clearly I have made some points that you can't refute nor your Limbaugh has given you ammunition with to battle those "liberals" on a message board or in your work place.

You come up with this shit.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 5:23 am
by Diogenes
Clearly I have made some points...


Sorry, I guess you're Index channeling disguised them.

Try english next time.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 6:09 am
by Gunslinger
Diogenes wrote:Clearly I have made some points...


Sorry, I guess you're Index channeling disguised them.

Try english next time.
Oh, imagine that, you hate some random black guy.