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My two favorite bitches:

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:12 pm
by Snooze Baton
1tnacU wrote:KC Paul and BeSmacked are total fucking idiots... here is the pecking order of this team's leaders : Defense -- Harrison
When the Patriots were using guys off of the street to play cornerback last year and Seymour was out, there was one constant that held the team together. Rodney fucking Harrison. They won a Super Bowl with Harrison and a bunch of scrubs in the defensive backfield.

This year, Harrison goes down and their defense is shit. Dude shores up both the run and pass defense and helps set a defensive mindset... come over the middle and I'm gonna knock you the fuck out. That's what was missing last night. Harrison and Wayne ran unchecked throught the secondary. They weren't afraid of gettting unloaded on like in years past.

Bruschi is back and the defense is still shit.

Rodney Harrison... UNDISPUTED LEADER of the team on defense. BSmacked and KC Bitch v 0.0 can go suck a dick. Check out the patriotsrule thread from earlier in the year:
BSmack wrote:When it is all said and done, Bruschi will be remembered as the undisputed field leader of the Pats D.
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:and the UNDISPUTED leader of that team on the field, Tedy Bruschi.