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Grass Roots Racing....

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:51 pm
Let's have it, how many of you actually hit your local speedways? NASCAR and all other big time racing sanctions are great entertainment, but to really get a grasp of the passion some have for the sport. (Sup Anomally)I suggest you take a Saturday night and expierence some local flavor on a short track.

BTW: The wife and I have tickets to the spring NASCAR race in Phoenix...This will be our first time seeing the big boys in person. I hear nothing compares to the feel of 43 cup cars roaring down the front stretch.

Re: Grass Roots Racing....

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 3:16 am
by Trampis
MRCTM wrote:
BTW: The wife and I have tickets to the spring NASCAR race in Phoenix...This will be our first time seeing the big boys in person. I hear nothing compares to the feel of 43 cup cars roaring down the front stretch.
My bro in law,and his bro and dad have been to that race a couple of times.They are last three people you would think to see at a NASCAR race.My Bro in law said that the race is "an incredible rush to the senses".
LOUD,the smells,and of course the people.

And to answer your question,no,I havent been to a local race in years,I should ,just because I havent in a long time.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 5:33 am
by Qbert
As Paul knows (as does Wagon); i grew up with Drag Racing. my Pops owned a couple of Rails back in the day...did ok racing; but, got a chance to get involved with NHRA as an Official back in the late 80's.

The Atlanta Race in April will mark Year #20 of his being Race Master for NHRA.

Race Master isn't the X-Mas Tree Dude...he's the one who "light's them Candles."

I've worked 3 races...(2 Springs and 1 US Nationals) myself...LOOOOooooong Days indeed at those events. Pairing-Up over a hundred Super Gas Cars for their 1st rd. race is NOT Fresh.....btw.

enough about that.

A National Event from the NHRA or Ihra is one of the Best shows that you can lay out significant Caysh to see.

Because YOU are much more "up-close" like Paul said. you can participate!

one last story...a buddy of mine and I crashed out for the Weekend of the Springs outside of Columbus with my Pops and buddy. we Drank..they worked.

my buddy was a complete "Newbie" for a Drag Race. since we had Race Creds (glorified Pit-Passes....can't be on the Track); i took him through the PRO Pits and happened upon John Force's Crew completeing an engine rebuild before their last qualifying attempt. Well, they have to "warm" the Engine up 1st....before they race it.

we were front row...under the canopy of the semi...peeps lined up 10 deep behind us...and they "fired that Biitch UP!"

I knew what was going to happen... the Throttle Blasts of a 7000 HP monster 10 Feet away...the Noise, etc! my buddy was going nuts.

ABSOLUTE HEAVEN? thought so...

uuhhhh....we FORGOT about the Nitro FUMES!!!!

good god and G0D we couldn't get outta there fast enough! choking, crying and laughing is quite a combination.

Go to a NHRA NATIONAL Event...go on a Qualifying Day--->buy a Pit Pass.

I've gone up to Michigan Int'l Speedway quite a few times for the NASCAR races. been to Atlanta once.

its not the same.

you DRINK More BEER...its not the same.

43 Cars coming at you at full bore?

2 at 320 mph---->that THUMPS just a little bit HARDER. and, I've been very fortunate enough to be very close to those Cars when they Launch.

I want to go to a NASCAR Race at Bristol or Richmond. that would be more of a rush...i think.

just to be MORE long-winded...i'll make my POINT.

This thread is about Grass-Roots Racing.

find a Dirt Track in your area that has Sprint Cars (winged or non) on it.

Going to the event won't kill your wallet...and the Action will be BETTER than "short-track Pavement NASCAR" or the "Local" Drag Race.

Living in O-H I-O...i'm 2hrs away from the FASTEST 1/2 MIle in the USA--->Eldora Speedway.

if you hear of the World of Outlaws coming to a track near you---->GO!

think about 3-wide Racing on a half mile dirt track....150mph on the straight-a-ways....and keeping it off of the FENCE.

24 Cars of that size...on a 1/2 mile Track...they make 13 second Laps..and you're right on TOP of you drink as much, or MORE BEER than you do at the NASCAR Event.

Sprint Cars on DIRT--->NOTHING Better as a Spectator....GO for the Weekend!

sorry for the waste of "fired-UP."