FF turned FF hell.. a WWYD?
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:11 am
Well, I’m in a league with some of my co-workers. There are 14 teams and we had an online draft and 8 teams make the PO’s. When the commish first set up the rules, he set it so that it only took one manager’s objection to veto any trade. I protested this, saying that because it took only one objection, any time a trade was made to improve a team above yours all you had to do was to object to it and it would automatically stop a team from getting better. He told me that if a team proposed a trade that was fair he would listen to the objector but as long as it wasn’t Shawn Alexander for Dennis Northcut or the trade wasn’t so out of whack he would ok it. I agreed to his rule. So now the trade deadline is today. On Monday I was proposed a trade,
I get
Marvin Harrison
Cris Brown
He (another owner, not the commish) gets
Clinton Portis
Matt Hasselback
So of course it’s now 3 weeks to the PO and there is a 6way time for 3rd. The teams are all fairly even, and of course one of the managers who is still trying to get in to the PO’s objects to the trade. The commish then vetoes it and tells me that those are the rules. Of course I disagreed. Stating that the trade was fair and not completely out of whack. He told me those were the rules, one objection and it gets vetoed. So the other person who I am trying to make the trade with, and I decide fuck it, we benched all our players and were going to sit out the rest of the season in protest. So whats my co-worker commish do? He locks our team’s sets our line ups for us and makes it so that we are unable to make any changes. Basically dude is now controlling 3 teams in the league. He claims that this is what the majority of the league wants. I cal bull shit and this is where we stand. I just want to know, what are your thoughts on this? Ever been involved in a FF league where something like this has happened? What did you do? What do you suggest I do?
I get
Marvin Harrison
Cris Brown
He (another owner, not the commish) gets
Clinton Portis
Matt Hasselback
So of course it’s now 3 weeks to the PO and there is a 6way time for 3rd. The teams are all fairly even, and of course one of the managers who is still trying to get in to the PO’s objects to the trade. The commish then vetoes it and tells me that those are the rules. Of course I disagreed. Stating that the trade was fair and not completely out of whack. He told me those were the rules, one objection and it gets vetoed. So the other person who I am trying to make the trade with, and I decide fuck it, we benched all our players and were going to sit out the rest of the season in protest. So whats my co-worker commish do? He locks our team’s sets our line ups for us and makes it so that we are unable to make any changes. Basically dude is now controlling 3 teams in the league. He claims that this is what the majority of the league wants. I cal bull shit and this is where we stand. I just want to know, what are your thoughts on this? Ever been involved in a FF league where something like this has happened? What did you do? What do you suggest I do?