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Confidence Week 11 tie breaker

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 1:18 am
by kcdave
Upsets hurt EVERYONE.

As of now ..... RSox Fan leads at -29 ...... followed by ....
Dtown -32
Solo -32
BucMonkey -34

Too close to call right now, and peeps are pick all 4 of the remaining teams. I will sort out the mess after the Sunday night game. Prolly Mon AM.

Re: Confidence Week 10 tie breaker

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 1:40 am
by RSoxFan
I'm just trying to stay close to the lead.

Thanks for running this kcdave.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:00 am
by kcdave

Forget what I said earlier. Chiefs won, blowing away all the fog. Monday night no longer matters.

RSox Fan wins any way you look at it. Congrats brah.

Side note. Sorry, I just can not resist the urge.

Had tart taken the duhs with his usual #1 pick, dude would have won. :wink:

RSox Fan, thank poptart for this win.

tart, before you look to crack back on me ....... I just stole your niche. Look for me taking KC w/ my #1 in most of the remaining games this season! :P

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 6:25 am
by d-townmike
Damn, you know it was a tough week when a -29 score wins.

Fuck the Skins for CHOKING what should have been an easy win! :evil:

btw, dave, this is week 11. :wink:

just sayin.