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Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:27 pm
by ElTaco
Anyone know of a ~$300 printer that has at least 2 trays. I've been searching but the only ones I can find cost a lot more.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:31 pm
by Dinsdale
When I first saw this post, it said "single tray with an envelope tray."

If that's the question, then the printer at home is a single tray with a seperate envelope tray. It's a HP5550. I think it was about $100, and it works pretty darn bitchin for a $100 printer.

Not sure if it's the quality range you're looking for, but whyen they went on sale(Frye's, I think.....might have been one of the other chains), a couple of people I know bought them, and are all quite happy. Hope that helps.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 9:28 pm
by ElTaco
Well a 2nd tray or an envelope tray will work. Yeah I accidentally didn't realize I was in the main forum when I posted that one. I saved the mods a move and deleted/reposted here.

Anyway, my biggest issue is the 'requirement' that it be a color printer and that there be a seperate place to load envelopes. You can get some black laser jets with a single tray and an envelop tray for fairly cheap But the business level stuff for color printers is kind of steep. I'll check out the HP5550 and see if it will do what we want.


Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 9:40 pm
by Dinsdale
Didn't mean to mislead -- it's not a laser/professional printer, but for a cheapy home-jobby, it's pretty damn impressive. Freaking modern technology and whatsuch. My bud prints some deece digital photographs on it, that come out much better than I would have expected. If you don't care about cartridge life, and crank up the resolution, it's not too freaking shabby, for what it is. But, it is what it is -- a home printer. Worth a look.