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I am not a crook

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:19 am
by Mister Bushice
Bush Approved Eavesdropping, Official Says

By KATHERINE SHRADER, Associated Press Writer

President Bush has personally authorized a secretive eavesdropping program in the United States more than three dozen times since October 2001, a senior intelligence official said Friday night.

The disclosure follows angry demands by lawmakers earlier in the day for congressional inquiries into whether the monitoring by the highly secretive National Security Agency violated civil liberties.

"There is no doubt that this is inappropriate," declared Republican Sen. Arlen Specter (news, bio, voting record) of Pennsylvania, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He promised hearings early next year.

Bush on Friday refused to discuss whether he had authorized such domestic spying without obtaining warrants from a court, saying that to comment would tie his hands in fighting terrorists.

In a broad defense of the program put forward hours later, however, a senior intelligence official told The Associated Press that the eavesdropping was narrowly designed to go after possible terrorist threats in the United States.

The official said that, since October 2001, the program has been renewed more than three dozen times. Each time, the White House counsel and the attorney general certified the lawfulness of the program, the official said. Bush then signed the authorizations.

During the reviews, government officials have also provided a fresh assessment of the terrorist threat, showing that there is a catastrophic risk to the country or government, the official said.

"Only if those conditions apply do we even begin to think about this," he said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the classified nature of the intelligence operation.

"The president has authorized NSA to fully use its resources — let me underscore this now — consistent with U.S. law and the Constitution to defend the United States and its citizens," the official said, adding that congressional leaders have also been briefed more than a dozen times.

Senior administration officials asserted the president would do everything in his power to protect the American people while safeguarding civil liberties.

"I will make this point," Bush said in an interview with "The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer." "That whatever I do to protect the American people — and I have an obligation to do so — that we will uphold the law, and decisions made are made understanding we have an obligation to protect the civil liberties of the American people."

The surveillance, disclosed in Friday's New York Times, is said to allow the agency to monitor international calls and e-mail messages of people inside the United States. But the paper said the agency would still seek warrants to snoop on purely domestic communications — for example, Americans' calls between New York and California.

"I want to know precisely what they did," Specter said. "How NSA utilized their technical equipment, whose conversations they overheard, how many conversations they overheard, what they did with the material, what purported justification there was."

Sen. Russ Feingold (news, bio, voting record), D-Wis., a member of the Judiciary Committee, said, "This shocking revelation ought to send a chill down the spine of every American."

Vice President
Dick Cheney and Bush chief of staff Andrew Card went to the Capitol Friday to meet with congressional leaders and the top members of the intelligence committees, who are often briefed on spy agencies' most classified programs. Members and their aides would not discuss the subject of the closed sessions.

The intelligence official would not provide details on the operations or examples of success stories. He said senior national security officials are trying to fix problems raised by the Sept. 11 commission, which found that two of the suicide hijackers were communicating from San Diego with al-Qaida operatives overseas.

"We didn't know who they were until it was too late," the official said.

Some intelligence experts who believe in broad presidential power argued that Bush would have the authority to order these searches without warrants under the Constitution.

In a case unrelated to the NSA's domestic eavesdropping, the administration has argued that the president has vast authority to order intelligence surveillance without warrants "of foreign powers or their agents."

"Congress cannot by statute extinguish that constitutional authority," the Justice Department said in a 2002 legal filing with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review.

Other intelligence veterans found difficulty with the program in light of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, passed after the intelligence community came under fire for spying on Americans. That law gives government — with approval from a secretive U.S. court — the authority to conduct covert wiretaps and surveillance of suspected terrorists and spies.

In a written statement, NSA spokesman Don Weber said the agency would not provide any information on the reported surveillance program. "We do not discuss actual or alleged operational issues," he said.

Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker, former NSA general counsel, said it was troubling that such a change would have been made by executive order, even if it turns out to be within the law.

Parker, who has no direct knowledge of the program, said the effect could be corrosive. "There are programs that do push the edge, and would be appropriate, but will be thrown out," she said.

Prior to 9/11, the NSA typically limited its domestic surveillance activities to foreign embassies and missions — and obtained court orders for such investigations. Much of its work was overseas, where thousands of people with suspected terrorist ties or other valuable intelligence may be monitored.

The report surfaced as the administration and its GOP allies on Capitol Hill were fighting to save provisions of the expiring USA Patriot Act that they believe are key tools in the fight against terrorism. An attempt to rescue the approach favored by the White House and Republicans failed on a procedural vote.
say buh bye, patriot act as it stands..

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 11:03 am
by Diogenes
~Paging Patrick Fitzgerald~

Time to start prosecuting actual leakers who are atempting to damage our national security.

And if the Party of Petain wants to run next November on having killed the Patriot act, at least the voters would see where they really stand.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 5:26 pm
by Gunslinger
Diogenes wrote:~Paging Patrick Fitzgerald~

Time to start prosecuting actual leakers who are atempting to damage our national security.

And if the Party of Petain wants to run next November on having killed the Patriot act, at least the voters would see where they really stand.
You are so far fucked in the head. Please just move out of this country and pack your bags for China. They seem to have the corruption that you enjoy.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 5:44 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael

More posts like this, and less self-cocksucking.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 5:49 pm
by Gunslinger
Martyred wrote:^^^^^^^^

More posts like this, and less self-cocksucking.
I was trying to get off in Frodo's Bath House, but someone locked the door.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 5:52 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Gunslinger wrote:
Martyred wrote:^^^^^^^^

More posts like this, and less self-cocksucking.
I was trying to get off in Frodo's Bath House, but someone locked the door.
It wasn't locked. Fraudo just propped a chair up against the doorknob so
he could have a few moments privacy for a little *ahem* "deep massage".

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 5:57 pm
by Gunslinger

What really pisses me off about what Bush did, was that law enforcement (even average joe cops) HAVE the ability to take immediate action and spy on someone without anyone knowing. It's a "good faith" law that states that the state or nation believes their personnel are able to be trusted. Whatever the laws state (vary in states), they must report what the did and why.

Supposedly, its 72 hours for the federal government. They have the fucking ability to immediately spy on someone, but decided that wasn't good enough.

He's a fucking liar and I hope the media explains to people how he is full of shit and heres why:

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 10:42 pm
by Dinsdale
Basically, what Bush is saying, is that you have to choose the lesser of evils -- a traiterous regime that steps on the Bill of Rights shamelessly, or deal with the terrorists. Anyone who threatens you if you're not willing to waive your rights is your enemy. Period.

Two things I wish Bush would read -- teh 4th Amendment, and the dictionary. Words like "inalienable," "Oath," and "affirmation" would be a good start for him.

Has the day actually come where the idiots took over the country, and voted in a guy who is OPPOSED to the Bill of Rights? How the hell did this happen? I guess all it takes if for good people to look the other way, and evil flourishes.

INALIENABLE. Period. Every senator of every country in the world can vote for any fucking law they like, but if it violates numbers 1-10, it's not a law, nor am I bound by it. Matter of fact, if anyone DOES challenge #'s 1-10, they are attempting a coup on American soil, and it's time to start shooting. Those rules have worked just fine for 216 years now, yet somehow people think it's a good idea to give up on what made this country great? Are you fucking retarded, or just brainwashed reactionaries? The same people who would have supported McCarthy's personal agenda back in the old days.

I'm just as opposed to terrorist attacks on American soil as the next guy, but jeebus...listen to yourselves. "Those troops are making a scarifice for your freedom." Nice rhetoric, fucking tard. How's about YOU make a sacrifice for YOUR freedom?

I know simple logic has NO place in current American politics, but fucking think, you fucking sheep -- What is this "freedom" you CONSTANTLY like to refer to? If you have a fucking brain, you understand that that freedom is DEFINED by the Bill of Rights. So, how do you morons propose we protect that "freedom?" OF throwing out the Bill of Rights?

Bueller? Retards? Anyone?

The lunatics have taken over the asylum. How about YOU make a sacrifice, and DEMAND that our Rights be preserved? If it means a few more people die in terrorist attacks, well then, so be it. Consiuder it making a SACRIFICE for "our freedom." But "freedom" isn't what most of you want... the only freedom you're looking for is freedom from making ANY sacrifices, and freedom to let someone else do it for you. Consider a little extra risk in the name of the BoR as a unpatriotic pieces of shit. Talk as mean a game as you like about your "patriotism," while OF COURSE questioning that of anyone who disagrees with you, all the while not willing to make so much as the slightest little "sacrifice" to protect it. I'm sure if you'd lived without the freedom you take for granted, you'd be singing quite a different tune.

Your freedom lies within the document this country was founded and built on. Protect it, you complete fucking pussies. Supporting this administration's abuse of power is to dishonor those who died on 9/11, and every troop that has served in the Middle East.

But...but...if I don't waive my inalienable Rights, the bad guys might blow me up!"

Heinous choice to make, to be sure. Too bad the people of this country fucked that choice up.

Make that sacrid=fice for your freedom and your Congresspeople and tell them the Patriot Act goes, or they do. It's THE ONLY patriotic choice. Years from now, this country is going to be very ashamed of this era. "How were we so easily fooled?" The answer to that question will be "because of the shocking images that made everyone reactionary, when cooler heads and patriotism should have prevailed."

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 4:45 am
by Gunslinger
The whole point of what he did wrong is that law enforcement HAS THE FUCKING ABILITY to spy on people without a fucking warrant. They have to obtain it later.

He gave them the ability to do it without CHECKS AND BALANCES!!

THAT is a violation of the 4th amendment. Our constitution and the fabric of our country.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 6:53 am
by SunCoastSooner
Gunslinger wrote:The whole point of what he did wrong is that law enforcement HAS THE FUCKING ABILITY to spy on people without a fucking warrant. They have to obtain it later.

He gave them the ability to do it without CHECKS AND BALANCES!!

THAT is a violation of the 4th amendment. Our constitution and the fabric of our country.
I didn't realize our constitution was supposed to be applied to foreign nationals. Foolish me for thinking it was in place to protect me.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 9:41 am
by Diogenes

The same hypocritical twits who claimed that disclosing the identity of a desk jockey in the CIA (said identity having already been compromised) in order to combat the lies of her political hack of a spouse have no problem with the NYT informing AQ of our intelligence gathering methods. On the day before the Patriot act vote to boot. I guess as lng as they think it can hurt the Bush Administration, it's all good.

As far as the paranoid whinings of the clueless, I doubt if the NSA has the time or inclination to feret out Dins' pot buying habits or Indy's tastes in gay porn. Or maybe the other way around? Whatever. This is about backtracing contacts gleaned from captured terrorists, their web cotacts, people they've called et cetera.Plus if any of you twits are stupid enough to belive that your cell phone usages and internet traffic is secure to begin with...

Oh, wait, look who I'm addressing.

And anyone who read the NYT article would know that htere is not only Congressional, but also judicial oversight in the matter. Plus the exclusionary rule would prevent any info gathered without a prior warrant from being used in domestic prosecutions, as opposed to intelligence gathering.

But don't let pesky little facts get in the way of yur precious 'scandal', morons.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:51 am
by Gunslinger
SunCoastSooner wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:The whole point of what he did wrong is that law enforcement HAS THE FUCKING ABILITY to spy on people without a fucking warrant. They have to obtain it later.

He gave them the ability to do it without CHECKS AND BALANCES!!

THAT is a violation of the 4th amendment. Our constitution and the fabric of our country.
I didn't realize our constitution was supposed to be applied to foreign nationals. Foolish me for thinking it was in place to protect me. ... 9lo650.htm#

Don't worry, when everybody gets back to work this week (reporters), this shit and more stories are going to explode. Because stories like this are exactly what they are going to go and find.

Someone tell Diogenes to go ahead and off himself, because methinks his belief system is going to get lonelier and lonelier.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:39 am
by Diogenes
Gunslinger wrote:"Mao Tse-Tung is completely harmless."
Still a fucking moron.

Whose 'takes' are straight from he DU. ... 02x1993552

Or was it the Daily Kos?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:25 am
by Mister Bushice
So are you two actually over the age of 14?
You don't post like any adults I know.
Do you talk to people you know in real life in the same way you post here, or is this your frustration outlet?

If you want to reference incest and racial homosmack, do it elsewhere.

If you can't discusss a topic without reverting to infantile insults, get your whiny complaints ready to post on main street, because no one else here wants to read your oh so witty pre pubescent repartee, and I have my Christmas scissors out and I'm cutting shit.


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:47 am
by Gunslinger
Mister Bushice wrote:So are you two actually over the age of 14?
You don't post like any adults I know.
Do you talk to people you know in real life in the same way you post here, or is this your frustration outlet?

If you want to reference incest and racial homosmack, do it elsewhere.

If you can't discusss a topic without reverting to infantile insults, get your whiny complaints ready to post on main street, because no one else here wants to read your oh so witty pre pubescent repartee, and I have my Christmas scissors out and I'm cutting shit.

Shit! I'm more than welcome to take my shit to main street. You can't deny thatt Dio and mvscal are the most simple minded and insulting ones on this board. I choose to take them to task in their form of childish attacks. Don't seperate me from them and understand if you are getting frustrated at their style of post, then don't take it out exclusively on me.

Look at my post to poptart on Main Street. Fucker hates me more than anything else, yet I responded to him without insults. My childish targets are limited to a few, because that is their method and if they can't take it spit back in their face, then do me a favor and critique them the same way as you wish to me.

Has mvscal ever responded intelligently? :lol:

Has Dio ever posted such extreme shit to not be laughed at? :lol:

If you are going to claim to cut the shit out, then do it! Don't expect me to post warm and fuzzy with intellectual debate with these fuckjobs, you aren't going to get it when they dish it.

I do my damndest to make sure I post at least non insulting posts to those that hate me more than anything, but take a look at who I AM INSULTING!

Delete and mod it all, if your going to do it. I'm down. I generate a response out of Dio and mvscal. Some want to debate them intellectually, while I insult them. I can go to their level on a "smack board" and do it better. Of course they are going to respond with childish shit to my childish shit.

Again, if it pisses you off in this forum then do it. But please don't make Main Street a cluster fuck of insulting political threads, cuz that is what you are going to get.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:47 pm
by poptart
Gunslinger wrote:Look at my post to poptart on Main Street. Fucker hates me more than anything else,
I don't hate you.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:52 pm
by Mister Bushice
Gunslinger wrote:
Shit! I'm more than welcome to take my shit to main street. You can't deny thatt Dio and mvscal are the most simple minded and insulting ones on this board. I choose to take them to task in their form of childish attacks. Don't seperate me from them and understand if you are getting frustrated at their style of post, then don't take it out exclusively on me.
Making racist ccomments and making veiled references to sex with children is not "taking anyone to task", it's wrong and it's not welcome in this forum. Period.

And that does not compare with the typical "You fucking moron " responses mvscal and dio flavor their responses with. It's in a different league altogether.
Look at my post to poptart on Main Street. Fucker hates me more than anything else, yet I responded to him without insults.
And yet, you can't do that here? Why?
My childish targets are limited to a few, because that is their method and if they can't take it spit back in their face, then do me a favor and critique them the same way as you wish to me.
Actually, I do. I've cut a couple of posts of both of them that violated the rules that everyone voted on. You just never saw them so how would you know?
Has mvscal ever responded intelligently? :lol:
Yes, many times. He mixes in sophmoric insults too much for my liking and I've told him that, but he brings a lot to the table at the same time and for the most part doesn't step over the edge very often.
Has Dio ever posted such extreme shit to not be laughed at? :lol:
I honestly think he's more interested in baiting others than he is in actually getting involved in a discussion for the purposes of making a valid point, but that's my opinion.
If you are going to claim to cut the shit out, then do it! Don't expect me to post warm and fuzzy with intellectual debate with these fuckjobs, you aren't going to get it when they dish it.
That's the time you implement the technique you used on main street of responding without insults.
I do my damndest to make sure I post at least non insulting posts to those that hate me more than anything, but take a look at who I AM INSULTING!
Arguing that you're doing it because everyone else does it is weak.
Delete and mod it all, if your going to do it. I'm down.
The rules are quite simple. No posts intended to be just personal attacks, no baiting, no call out threads. Your post was a personal attack. Calling someone a moron while making a point in an argument is not a personal attack, its an opinion. For example. Here's an opinion:

"Bush didn't lie, you moron. He had advisors who gave him false information"

Here's a personal attack:

"You're a moron, Dio. It's probably your mothers fault for dropping you on your microcephalic head."

Get it? While I personally don't see the need for the "Moron" part in the first comment, It's just not a deletable offense. The second one is, because it's a personal insult with no topical point. Those type of posts kill decent threads every time.
I generate a response out of Dio and mvscal. Some want to debate them intellectually, while I insult them. I can go to their level on a "smack board" and do it better. Of course they are going to respond with childish shit to my childish shit.
This isn't a smack board. That's what main street is for. This is a political and social issue discussion board, theoretically for adults.

And BTW when you wallow with the pigs, you become one. The trick is not to wallow, or else if you wish to wallow call them out on main street and wallow there.
Again, if it pisses you off in this forum then do it. But please don't make Main Street a cluster fuck of insulting political threads, cuz that is what you are going to get.

Too late. Main street is already that, and I had nothing to do with it. It's up to the Main Street mods to control that forum. This forum is modded by OCMike and Me, and we are only going by the rules that are posted above.

I see no reason for you or anyone else to prove they are better at infantile insults over and over again, and certainly not on this board. The more intelligent adult discussion we have, the more intelligent adults will want to post here.

And a PS to whitey. If you ever post your baiting shit here again I'll start using your motorsports forum instead of Fraudos bathhouse to dump our garbage in, got it?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:32 am
by Diego in Seattle

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:22 am
by titlover
Diego in Seattle wrote:Image
Not even comparable in the least.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:31 am
by Wolfman
anyone who does not know
about the activities of the
is either an idiot or a
bullshitter !!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:50 am
by BSmack
Wolfman wrote:anyone who does not know
about the activities of the
is either an idiot or a
bullshitter !!
Or lacking a security clearance.

Not sure what you pick up with your tin foil hat, but I'm not getting daily NSA briefings in my email.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 3:14 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
BSmack wrote: Not sure what you pick up with your tin foil hat, but I'm not getting daily NSA briefings in my email.
"We are."

Sincerely, AIPAC

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 3:35 am
by Dr_Phibes
BSmack wrote: I'm not getting daily NSA briefings in my email.
Well I am. Reams of documents about keg parties, naked torture and suspicious Persian cats. :shock:

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:08 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Dr_Phibes wrote:...naked torture ...
Oh, great. You got Diogenes all exited.

You get the mop and bucket, I'll open a window or spray some Lysol or something.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:14 am
by Dr_Phibes
American male barracks culture. I've long had my suspicions.

And you'll be pleased to know that AIPAC has recieved a stern finger wagging and has offered up a solemn promise that they 'won't do it again, we really, really mean it this time'.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:25 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Dr_Phibes wrote:American male barracks culture. I've long had my suspicions.

It's a good thing Tom In VA opted out of military service, and rather chose to support the troops from his torn-up, gin-stained recliner.

Quick, someone pin a medal on DiogeGannon's buttocks.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:40 am
by Mister Bushice
titlover wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:Image
Not even comparable in the least.
Closer than you know.

Re: I am not a crook

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 7:34 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:say buh bye, patriot act as it stands..
Of course the Patriot Act was extended for another six months a mere five days later...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I wonder if Bush will keep his promise and refuse to sign it.

He comes off as a dumbass either way

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:07 pm
by Bizzarofelice
Martyred wrote: It's a good thing Tom In VA opted out of military service, and rather chose to support the troops from his torn-up, gin-stained recliner.
I love Tom in VA, but that's funny.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:07 pm
by Dr_Phibes
Where is Tom, anyway?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:24 pm
by Mikey
poptart ran him

Re: I am not a crook

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:30 pm
by Felix
mvscal wrote:
Of course the Patriot Act was extended for another six months a mere five days later...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Only mvs could find the silver lining in the bitch slapping Congress gave Gdub and the Patriot Act......

You're gold dude, even when you're not trying....... :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:41 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Dr_Phibes wrote:Where is Tom, anyway?
I think he's re-financing his home.

Follow the trail of retarded ribbon stickers.

Re: I am not a crook

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 4:04 am
by Mister Bushice
Felix wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Of course the Patriot Act was extended for another six months a mere five days later...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Only mvs could find the silver lining in the bitch slapping Congress gave Gdub and the Patriot Act......

You're gold dude, even when you're not trying....... :lol:
Not to mention that he was wrong about that even.

Try a one month extension - and I still say it won't remain "as it stands"

Re: I am not a crook

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 7:01 am
by Gunslinger
Mister Bushice wrote:
Felix wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Of course the Patriot Act was extended for another six months a mere five days later...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Only mvs could find the silver lining in the bitch slapping Congress gave Gdub and the Patriot Act......

You're gold dude, even when you're not trying....... :lol:
Not to mention that he was wrong about that even.

Try a one month extension - and I still say it won't remain "as it stands"
No, it won't remain as it stands. It's a fucking failure as the 911 commision has continuosly stated.

Plus, it gave a coke head, drunk driving, business failure, draft dodging fuck the power to run his failure of a foothold on our government. It'll be overturned due to the fact that the shit in office isn't to be trusted and once again our country is in jeopardy over the issue of "good intentions".

McCain won't get my vote next year and neither will Giliani. Once again we will get a shitty election of McCain or Shitiani vs. Clinton. I will vote for that pussy ass Powell who is also losing my respect for retiring and leaving my country.

Re: I am not a crook

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 2:16 pm
by Diogenes
Mister Bushice wrote:
Felix wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Of course the Patriot Act was extended for another six months a mere five days later...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Only mvs could find the silver lining in the bitch slapping Congress gave Gdub and the Patriot Act......

You're gold dude, even when you're not trying....... :lol:
Not to mention that he was wrong about that even.

Try a one month extension - and I still say it won't remain "as it stands"
So what significant changes do you think will be made?

Of course you are wrong, the only differance will be the number of Dems and RINOs voting against the nation's security.

American male barracks culture. I've long had my suspicions.

American, male and a veteran, guilty as charged.

And damn glad notto be a chickenshit Canadian with delusions of gender.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 4:41 pm
by Dr_Phibes
My apologies Dio, I didn't know.

Switch 'gender' with 'grandeur' and report to OC 'Lord Nelson' Mike, Field Marshall Mv or failing that, SunCoasts Dad - if you served in logistics.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 2:53 am
by Diogenes
Whatever, comrade.

I notice none of the brave defenders of the Constitution from the sinister Chenron cabal have been able to come up with anything to these points...

Diogenes wrote:Classic.

The same hypocritical twits who claimed that disclosing the identity of a desk jockey in the CIA (said identity having already been compromised) in order to combat the lies of her political hack of a spouse have no problem with the NYT informing AQ of our intelligence gathering methods. On the day before the Patriot act vote to boot. I guess as lng as they think it can hurt the Bush Administration, it's all good.

As far as the paranoid whinings of the clueless, I doubt if the NSA has the time or inclination to feret out Dins' pot buying habits or Indy's tastes in gay porn. Or maybe the other way around? Whatever. This is about backtracing contacts gleaned from captured terrorists, their web cotacts, people they've called et cetera.Plus if any of you twits are stupid enough to belive that your cell phone usages and internet traffic is secure to begin with...

Oh, wait, look who I'm addressing.

And anyone who read the NYT article would know that there is not only Congressional, but also judicial oversight in the matter. Plus the exclusionary rule would prevent any info gathered without a prior warrant from being used in domestic prosecutions, as opposed to intelligence gathering.

But don't let pesky little facts get in the way of yur precious 'scandal', morons.
And from the Main Street thread...
Diogenes wrote:Just for the record...

Since the moron who started this thread thinks there is some comparison to the Simpson case, and all the usual Bushphobes seem to have a sudden concern over the fourth amendment, how many of you found it objectionable when the LAPD searched his premises under false pretenses to circumvent been turned down for a warrant?

Lied under oath abourt the reasons for goiing on his property?

Claimed he wasn't a suspect at the time?

How many of you have stated that the criminals in uniform in question belonged in jail for perjury, along with the prosecuters who suborned said perjury?

And that the verdict was correct, and Alan D. would have got ay guilty verdict overturned anyway due to the tainted evidence?
Now carry on with the duck and spin.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:23 am
by Mississippi Neck
Gunslinger wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:So are you two actually over the age of 14?
You don't post like any adults I know.
Do you talk to people you know in real life in the same way you post here, or is this your frustration outlet?

If you want to reference incest and racial homosmack, do it elsewhere.

If you can't discusss a topic without reverting to infantile insults, get your whiny complaints ready to post on main street, because no one else here wants to read your oh so witty pre pubescent repartee, and I have my Christmas scissors out and I'm cutting shit.

Shit! I'm more than welcome to take my shit to main street. You can't deny thatt Dio and mvscal are the most simple minded and insulting ones on this board. I choose to take them to task in their form of childish attacks. Don't seperate me from them and understand if you are getting frustrated at their style of post, then don't take it out exclusively on me.

Look at my post to poptart on Main Street. Fucker hates me more than anything else, yet I responded to him without insults. My childish targets are limited to a few, because that is their method and if they can't take it spit back in their face, then do me a favor and critique them the same way as you wish to me.

Has mvscal ever responded intelligently? :lol:

Has Dio ever posted such extreme shit to not be laughed at? :lol:

If you are going to claim to cut the shit out, then do it! Don't expect me to post warm and fuzzy with intellectual debate with these fuckjobs, you aren't going to get it when they dish it.

I do my damndest to make sure I post at least non insulting posts to those that hate me more than anything, but take a look at who I AM INSULTING!

Delete and mod it all, if your going to do it. I'm down. I generate a response out of Dio and mvscal. Some want to debate them intellectually, while I insult them. I can go to their level on a "smack board" and do it better. Of course they are going to respond with childish shit to my childish shit.

Again, if it pisses you off in this forum then do it. But please don't make Main Street a cluster fuck of insulting political threads, cuz that is what you are going to get.

So if your dog shits in the you go out and do it too? I dunno, your logic seems a tad infantile

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 6:02 am
by Gunslinger
Mississippi Neck wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:So are you two actually over the age of 14?
You don't post like any adults I know.
Do you talk to people you know in real life in the same way you post here, or is this your frustration outlet?

If you want to reference incest and racial homosmack, do it elsewhere.

If you can't discusss a topic without reverting to infantile insults, get your whiny complaints ready to post on main street, because no one else here wants to read your oh so witty pre pubescent repartee, and I have my Christmas scissors out and I'm cutting shit.

Shit! I'm more than welcome to take my shit to main street. You can't deny thatt Dio and mvscal are the most simple minded and insulting ones on this board. I choose to take them to task in their form of childish attacks. Don't seperate me from them and understand if you are getting frustrated at their style of post, then don't take it out exclusively on me.

Look at my post to poptart on Main Street. Fucker hates me more than anything else, yet I responded to him without insults. My childish targets are limited to a few, because that is their method and if they can't take it spit back in their face, then do me a favor and critique them the same way as you wish to me.

Has mvscal ever responded intelligently? :lol:

Has Dio ever posted such extreme shit to not be laughed at? :lol:

If you are going to claim to cut the shit out, then do it! Don't expect me to post warm and fuzzy with intellectual debate with these fuckjobs, you aren't going to get it when they dish it.

I do my damndest to make sure I post at least non insulting posts to those that hate me more than anything, but take a look at who I AM INSULTING!

Delete and mod it all, if your going to do it. I'm down. I generate a response out of Dio and mvscal. Some want to debate them intellectually, while I insult them. I can go to their level on a "smack board" and do it better. Of course they are going to respond with childish shit to my childish shit.

Again, if it pisses you off in this forum then do it. But please don't make Main Street a cluster fuck of insulting political threads, cuz that is what you are going to get.

So if your dog shits in the you go out and do it too? I dunno, your logic seems a tad infantile
I can verbally spar with the best of them, when it comes to intellectual debate. And if need be, I can go around with the 13 year old who wants me to call him poopy pants.

Did you poopy your pants?

1 hour past Merry Christmas to you, but tis the same.