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Confidence Week 15 tie breaker

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:45 am
by kcdave
If Chi and Bmore win, Charger Mike wins with a friggin -6, in a week that over half of us posted -25 or worse. :shock:

Other than that to close to call right now. Mike has -13 on Chi and -11 hanging on Bmore, so I'll do the fancy cypherin after the sunday night game and see who will still have a sniff.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:39 am
by kcdave
Damn, what a mess. MNF will decide.

As stated before, Bmore wins, Mike wins.

GB wins ..... 3 peeps will finished tied at -11. :shock: Cue, Dfan, and Wags.

No matter what happens in MNF ..... we will have a new leader in the SEASON CONTEST! (Sorry BM. Not trying to smack ya, just telling it like it is.) As of now, Bucmonkey is -48 for the week, and weeks 16 and 17 just got a lil more tricky for those near the top. RSox, Shine, Joe, tart, Solo, Felix, Wags, that means you.

Time for me to set-up the dog turd grid in the back yard, and hope to finish in the top 15.