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RACK kcdave
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:35 am
by poptart
For running an EXCELLENT confidence game this season.
Yeah, 2 weeks left and he'll prolly fuck it all to hell now that I give him his props, but seriously, he deserves a pat on the back.
I ran it for 2 years, and Wagon for 2 before that, and I know Wagon will attest to the fact that that particular game takes a committment if you're gonna stay on top of it and get results up in a timely fashion.
.....and not piss someone off with your bad math skeelz.
In dave's case he's never been tardy all season, and on top of that he's consistently provided updates on who's leading, etc. PRIOR to the Sunday night or Monday night game(s).
In short, he's made the game very fun to be a part of, and I appreciate it.
Kudos, dave, it's been a fun season.
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:39 am
by Joe in PB
Agreed, slings Dave.
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:09 am
by War Wagon
concur, good work dave.
Rack all who have faithfully made their picks all season as well, regardless of the standings.
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:10 am
by Solo
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:51 pm
by Bucmonkey
Agreed Pops....
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:11 pm
by KC Scott
Yep......... Rack that
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:02 pm
by Cueball
Agreed, nice work Dave
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:41 am
by kcdave
War Wagon wrote:Rack all who have faithfully made their picks all season as well, regardless of the standings.
Thanks all, esp. tart, but that was the best line in this thread. 33% of the field bailed by week 10. Hopefully they wont waste our time next season.
Anywho, good luck to whom ever wins. Sure as shit wont be me this year.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:30 am
by War Wagon
kcdave wrote:33% of the field bailed by week 10. Hopefully they wont waste our time next season
Happens every year, but we know who they are.
They get "in" all wide-eyed and bushy tailed, but then bail as soon as they see their name near the bottom of the pile, the clueless pussies.
The only persons' time they waste is the guy who bothered keeping their score, and then leave some other peep who
did stay in look like a schmuck.
Fuck those cunts.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:17 am
by kcdave
Wags, Im not gonna get all sideways with peeps that bailed this year. Confidence game isnt for everyone. Im sure peeps think it will be easy, then after a few weeks decide for whatever reason that it sucks. Sure, its kinda fun to clown on them a bit, but I really dont give a damn.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:28 am
by Qbert
i'm STRIVING to be the Pick'em CLOWN this year.
Good job as always kcdave....much appreciated on your efforts!
Re: RACK kcdave
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:04 pm
by Mississippi Neck
poptart wrote:For running an EXCELLENT confidence game this season.
Yeah, 2 weeks left and he'll prolly fuck it all to hell now that I give him his props, but seriously, he deserves a pat on the back.
I ran it for 2 years, and Wagon for 2 before that, and I know Wagon will attest to the fact that that particular game takes a committment if you're gonna stay on top of it and get results up in a timely fashion.
.....and not piss someone off with your bad math skeelz.
In dave's case he's never been tardy all season, and on top of that he's consistently provided updates on who's leading, etc. PRIOR to the Sunday night or Monday night game(s).
In short, he's made the game very fun to be a part of, and I appreciate it.
Kudos, dave, it's been a fun season.
Careful Dave, this is Pop's way of luring you in before he runs you..
BTW Pop, your avatar surely brightens one's day