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Note To Board: Babs (allegedly) lost her password...

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 4:50 pm
by the_ouskull
This means one thing:

"MSUFAN" has 267 posts and has been a member since September...

...and just now "lost his password."

What kind of dumb motherfucker; I mean really, how fucking half-witted do you have to be to forget a password that you've been using for over 3 months, and have typed in over 200 times?

Babs, I always knew that you were a fucktard, but I didn't think that you LITERALLY qualified for the second half of that word... until now. You might be the dumbest motherfucker on the internet, and certainly are the dumbest piece of flung monkey shit on this board... Congratulations... You're an idiot.

Do you get free cheese with that IQ?

Anyway, Shine has decreed, and I agree with him being as my give-a-shitter is broken and all, that until posts show back up with the MSUFAN name, that the latest in a long line of shitty trolls that have something to do with man-sex and Michigan State can stay. I used to think that you were just an obsessed, no-pussy getting MSU fan. Now I see that you're an obsessed, no-pussy getting RETARDED MSU fan...

Maybe the next oversized pic you post will be of Leonard Flowers...


Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 8:58 pm
^ See fans, this is why this fucking place is as stale as this fuckers ol lady's crotch. He just won't shut his ass long enough, until some garbage spews out like that.

PSU reset an old PW I had stored here for months and months. It's not "typed in 200 times", like this rumpranger says. T1B's login page didn't remember it, so I went for the new nic.

Fuck you, Skull. Eat shit. Get ready for the sig. and av of your fucking pathetic internet life. Bitch. Open your fat mouth some more! :evil:

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:04 pm
by the_ouskull
Read the sig, bitch. ...or have someone read it to you.



Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:52 pm
by Show Us Your Tits
Even if I lose my MSUFAN password, I'll still have this nic to post with. :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:05 pm
by indyfrisco
Why is this thread a Sticky still?

I put up with shit responses like this in CFB all the time. Thought I'd share.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:03 am
by Shine
Happy now. :wink: