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Vinny's stock rising every snap.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:35 am
dude should go higher than Leinart.


I could only hope Detroit trades up to about 3 or 4 and grabs this un- tackleable stud.

But, alas, it's the Lions, after all.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:58 am
What you all might not know is, that Vince took his 2nd place finish to Bush in the Heisman, as a personal afront on he, and his Texas teamates.

I think Dude is proving who really WAS the top player in college this last year.

All SC dicksucking hype aside, that is.
If the damn west coast took the whole SC dicks out of their mouths long enough. I mean how the hell does a kid playing in Austin fucking Texas get votes over Los Angeles goldenboys like Bush/Leinart? You can't. Thus, again, the wrong guy wins the award.

Young punks Bushs' worth to HIS team, imo.