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RACK Texas
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:27 pm
by Jimmy Medalions
First of all, rack Texas for playing an excellent game last night. Their secondary was outstanding, and the downfield blocking by their receivers impressed the hell out of me. Vince Young is an outstanding player and I give him all the credit in the world for this win. He willed the Horns to victory last night. Rack him.
Funny story (not really). I roll to the Rose Bowl yesterday with my buddies, and head up to the RV parking lot to get my drink on. After hours of boozing it’s time to go to the game. Roughly 100 yards from the stadium, I reach in my pocket for the ticket…and it’s gone. Yup. Four of my buddies pull out their wallets and I’m suddenly holding about a grand. I wasn’t gonna pay that for a ticket, but I shit you not you couldn’t have found a ticket for any price.
I ended up watching the game on TV in the parking lot with some Raiderfans
Some of the anklers in here will say I’m backpedaling, but to be honest I’m OK with how this all turned out. During the season we spend so much energy around the significance of what is, ultimately, just a game. Winning is fun, no question about it, but it certainly has more meaning when you’ve been hungry for a while. Texasfan finally gets to sit at the head of the table, and they deserve it.
Some of my buddies were pissed as hell after the game, and I let into them about getting some perspective. They wanted to bitch about play calling, officiating and the like, but that’s not what winners do and, despite the loss, the Trojans are winners in the sense that we’ll bounce back and build something great next year and in the years to come. Let me be clear- no moral victory here.
So to Prime, Harv, Vito and the rest of the Hornfans out there, congratulations on your National Championship. We’ve had some fun with this, and I’m glad that for the most part we’ve done it with the kind of class exhibited by Mack Brown and Pete Carroll, in the wake of such a huge game.
Good luck next season, too.
Fight on.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:35 pm
by Cicero
I know how you feel. I lost a ticket for a Bucs Preseason game this year while tailgating. :D
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:38 pm
by Van
Pretty much how I feel too..
Disappointment over the lost opportunity and especially the manner by which we lost it, but still there's an overriding feeling that it's just not that bad.
I definitely don't begrudge Texas their time in the limelight now. They were so worthy with the way they kept their heads and actually showed more poise than USC...
As crushing losses go this one doesn't hurt like many others I've experienced. This one doesn't hurt nearly as badly as the robbery of 2002, Kings-Lakers.
Hell, this one isn't even bothering me as much as the Freeman McNeil/Jeff Fisher UCLA game in the '70s...
What a way though to see it end though. Man. It was almost Tolkien-esque.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:42 pm
Rack Jimmah.
Van, none of us want to hear your squakking about the Lakers. I'm tasting bile after just typing the name.
Re: RACK Texas
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:45 pm
by Dinsdale
Jimmy Medalions wrote:I reach in my pocket for the ticket…and it’s gone.
One of the more unrackable things I've ever read. I'm heartbroken for you.
But, RACK Texas. When it was all on the line, they dug down just a hair deeper and got it done.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:48 pm
by Van
PSUFAN wrote:Rack Jimmah.
Van, none of us want to hear your squakking about the Lakers. I'm tasting bile after just typing the name.
Don't worry, it was just an aside.
I won't dwell on it here.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:54 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Damn Meds, I'm a pretty mellow guy, but I would've been punching through walls if I thought all along I was going to the Rose Bowl and realized I wouldn't be just minutes before the game. I remember a few years back I lost a Mich St football ticket vs Colorado St and I was pissed...but the Rose Bowl for the NC? The Horrah....
Re: RACK Texas
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:02 pm
by M2
Dinsdale wrote:Jimmy Medalions wrote:I reach in my pocket for the ticket…and it’s gone.
One of the more unrackable things I've ever read. I'm heartbroken for you.
$C fan is use to having his lunch money being taken from him as a kid growing up... they just carry this pathetic trait into adult hood.
Pizza anyone?
Rack Texas for taking advantage of the unmistakable choke job by U$C!
A 2 TD lead with 4 to 5 minutes to go... can only be described as major loss of ability to render proper oxygen to the brain.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:03 pm
Van wrote:PSUFAN wrote:Rack Jimmah.
Van, none of us want to hear your squakking about the Lakers. I'm tasting bile after just typing the name.
Don't worry, it was just an aside.
I won't dwell on it here.
j/k, btw
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:20 pm
by Roofer
This thread shoulda been titled "The Morning After". It's hard to put into perspective the feelings I have after that game, but Jimmy and Van come close. I keep wanting to play the "woulda, shoulda, coulda" game in my head, and keep wishing for just one more minute. But I know it aint happening and nothing's gonna change, so then as a Trojan fan, I gotta look at the things to be thankful for as being a Trojan fan. We've had a great run at it over the past 3 years, and the job Pete and the rest of the coaching staff/athletic department do will probably ensure the run and national title expectations will continue. It seems like forever ago when Trojan fan rest their hopes on finishing above .500, but when you think about it, it was only 5-6 years ago. The program has come so far, so fast, it seems there was never a Tollner era or Hackett era. Knowing the pipeline is flowing and the program is returned to glory made waking up this morning easier.
I can't say enough about the Longhorns and the level of football they played, not only last night, but all year. There is no way that team is overrated or anything other than what Longhorn fan has been saying all year. The O-Line performed exactly as Vito and the rest of the burnt orange faithful had predicted. VY...what can you say, other than he probably performed better than even Longhorn fan expected last night. The young bucks they have at TB and WR are going to be monsters if they stay to graduate. The defensive backfield was nails and made some tough tackles on some tough ball carriers. Hell their LBs were very capable of covering #5 out of the backfield 1 on 1. The D-Line got pushed around some as one might have expected, but they did a serviceable job for the most part. In the end, both offenses just made big plays.....UT just made one more at the end of the game.
At the end of the day/season, a truly epic game that pretty much matched the hype, if that's even possible. It was everything one could hope for, even if the team I wanted to win came out on the short end of things. I feel fortunate enough to simply have been a sports fan that got the great fortune and opportunity to watch one of the greatest college football games, and one of the most spectacular individual performances by a QB or anyone else. I rejoice in the fact that I recorded that game, and only hope I can get past the disappointment of USC's loss to stomach watching it at some point.
Again, Rack UT, their staff and their fans. Mack Brown is a class act and as a USC Trojan fan, I feel honored to have been beaten by the best.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:19 pm
by indyfrisco
Roofer wrote:I keep wanting to play the "woulda, shoulda, coulda" game in my head, and keep wishing for just one more minute.
[/who said something similar to this?]USC didn't lose. USC just ran outa time.[/who said something similar to this?]
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:22 pm
by Killian
IndyFrisco wrote:[/who said something similar to this?]USC didn't lose. USC just ran outa time.[/who said something similar to this?]
Michigan fan after every loss?
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:29 pm
by indyfrisco
Actually, it was Mack Brown after a loss to Oklahoma.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:32 pm
by Harvdog
I thought is was RC after he lost to Texas again.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:34 pm
by indyfrisco
No, it came after a close game.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:42 pm
by L45B
Meds wrote:Roughly 100 yards from the stadium, I reach in my pocket for the ticket…and it’s gone.
Walking into the Fiesta Bowl on Monday, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ticket, but the bottom stub was ripped off. The people at the entrance gate were total fucking assholes. I told them that I didn't get it from a scalper, that I had bought it through the alumni association (which was not a lie). The lady didn't care. "I'm sorry."
My friends, who I had picked up in
Vegas the night before, were stunned, but I told them to go ahead. Luckily for me, a guy in the ticket office sympathized and traded me for another ticket. I missed about half the 1st quarter, but got to sneak up to my original section. Had it been the NC game, I might have punched that lady in the face.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:44 pm
by Adelpiero
rack Meds and Greginpgh
Solid Trojan fans
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:16 pm
by TheChief
Rack Texas and USC for putting up a spectacular game. Congrats Vito and the rest of Texas Fan
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:56 pm
by Dumbass
Van wrote: This one doesn't hurt nearly as badly as the robbery of 2002, Kings-Lakers.
One of these years you may actually get over it and you may unblock the memory of the BS game 6 that even allowed your Queens to get to game 7.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:08 pm
by Dumbass
Congratulations Texas. That was one mother of a game and I am barely getting over the hang over. I have no voice left at all and neither do many at that bar last night. I am at the age now where the losses do not devestate me as much as they used to and if you're going to lose to someone in a streak like this it better damn well be someone you can respect, like this undefeated Texas team here. This was a tremendous game and just a few points shy of a victory to make it all that I'd hoped.
Way to close it out Vince and Texas and to achieve your goals in this 2005 NCAA Football season. Congratulations on a fine performance that will be remembered for many many years to come.
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:59 am
by buckeye_in_sc
Congrats to Texas fan and very classy of SC fan...
I know that tOSU and Texas fan had some nice battles in here before the game and both sides of fans exhibited class like you guys are...
that was an epoch game and an amazing run by SC and a currently amazing run by UT...
you know texas fan it all comes crashing down this september...
meds if I roll out to SOCAL in 08 you better not lose the tickets...

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:03 am
by Jimmy Medalions
I will never lose another ticket again, as long as I live.
If I have to resort to becoming a lesbian, and wearing one of these, I will.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:18 am
by Guest
You have to be a dumbass to lose a ticket to the Rose Bowl.
I have been lurking here for a while and from reading your posts you're a real asshole. You deserve to lose that ticket.
The only thing stupider than losing that ticket was Reggie Bush's lateral.
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:31 am
by campinfool
Wow a nube with worse posts than me. Thanks for coming out so I look a tad bit better.
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:33 am
by Waz
Hanglyman wrote:You have to be a dumbass to lose a ticket to the Rose Bowl.
I have been lurking here for a while and from reading your posts you're a real asshole. You deserve to lose that ticket.
The only thing stupider than losing that ticket was Reggie Bush's lateral.
jeezuz mtool you are that freaking retarded
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:59 am
by rozy
Crap, now I gotta take back all the ugly things I've said about USC fans. Very classy thread.
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 3:38 am
by Laxplayer
Jimmy, as always win or lose you exhibit yourself with class. Congrats on a great run. It's not over, but a new one will probably begin next year. With Pete at the helm and that talent he has it's a minor bump in the road.
Ok, now that I'm done being nice......may I? Thank you.
I couldn't be happier. I took my daughter to the dentist this AM to get her braces and sported my longhorn hat. It's funny but I didn't notice any SC gear. Amazing. My son had soccer practice this afternoon and many of the people at the soccer field who had been wearing their gear suddenly didn't have it on. Well I conveniently asked where it was? Hmmmm amazing that it was probably in the wash or something. The guy across the street from me took his flag down right after the game, but he said that he never liked leaving it out in the wind. funny, but it wasn't windy last night or today. I think a lot of the bandwagoners are in the hospital because they got hurt jumping off last night. Just like typical Laker loses gear goes away. Bitches. They lose and hide. I fukking love it.
Meds, if OSU comes to LA in 08, please don't try and hook up with sc....he still owes me big time from a few years ago........
Hey, maybe we can get greg to hop a flight from Mormon ville and we'll make a mini tour stop out of it.......
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:44 am
by PrimeX
Rack Meds and Racks to all USC fans, including the T-shirt Trojans who lurk ;).
Great read, bud. I totally wanted to post a "what I thought" thread, but I've been headbutted by baby Jesus with a puke bug going on 4 days now and I barely had the energy to stay up for the game. Of course I made it here afterwards, but keeping down a couple of beers helped me through the pain.
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:11 am
by Van
Jimmy, as always win or lose you exhibit yourself...
I really didn't need to fucking know that.
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:24 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Waz wrote:Hanglyman wrote:You have to be a dumbass to lose a ticket to the Rose Bowl.
I have been lurking here for a while and from reading your posts you're a real asshole. You deserve to lose that ticket.
The only thing stupider than losing that ticket was Reggie Bush's lateral.
jeezuz mtool you are that freaking retarded
I dunno, that smells like a Babs post to me.
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:49 pm
keeping down a couple of beers helped me through the pain.
UN____! being sick and having to stay away from beer. Personally, I would still partake, but my wife stands firm on that threshold. She can't understand how a sick guy would even
want beer. Thus, rarely do I ever admit to being sick...
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:19 pm
by ggil
Rack SC for a classy thread.
I am sure glad I paid the $12 for the ticket holder and Rose Bowl pin. I had my ticket around my neck and under my shirt until kick off. Good thing because we were into the second 5th of bourbon before noon and I laughed at a joke wrong and ended up hurling on myself in a portacan as three of us were side by side in the cans whizzin. I just pulled a bukowski and wiped my face off with the clean part of the shirt and abandoned it right there.
Ticket spared, bought new shirt and proceeded on to the best game I've attended ever. Anyone else see geezer horn fan sobbing with joy after the game? Those old tars have been holding back those tears for 35 years.
Great game. Still kinda speechless. I was in three airports last night and they were owned by horn fan. We musta had 40+ thou who showed up in Pasadena.
If I were Carroll I woulda gone for it too on that 4th down. I didn't think we had a chance until that moment. Fuckin roller coaster ride that was.
Classy fans and classy team SC is. I'd trade a home and home with Ohio for USC in a heartbeat. Can't believe we have to host Ohio fan next year. Hope the hooligans can't afford bus fare to Texas.
Memo to Leinart. VY is no freak show. He's just bettern you all day long, and our defense held you. EOS
chum evol
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:48 pm
by Dinsdale
PSUFAN wrote:keeping down a couple of beers helped me through the pain.
UN____! being sick and having to stay away from beer. Personally, I would still partake
Eat a dick, heartless asshole.
ggil wrote:Good thing because we were into the second 5th of bourbon before noon and I laughed at a joke wrong and ended up hurling on myself in a portacan as three of us were side by side in the cans whizzin. I just pulled a bukowski and wiped my face off with the clean part of the shirt and abandoned it right there.
I wanna party with YOU, cowboy.