Wecome to Derron and Dinsdale's Chatroom. S'alright, this thread had pretty much run its course...."course?"...I'm still within the golf theme, so we're safe. Anybody else still following at this point must be REALLY bored.
Derron wrote:The annual gun battles at the Hospital Hole are legendary and true. I have seen dudes start popping 44's into the hole just like a bunch of jungle monkeys.....homie don't play that game .
I was quite a ways upstream when I saw the shootout, actually. Wasn't even a particulary good spot, but when they're running hard, it doesn't really matter. But bullets start hitting the bank near you, and it's time to freaking go. It's a freaking
rock they're gundighting over, for chrissake...but it's gotten WAY better. Never used to pack when I fished before that, if for no other reason I hate the extra weight the piece adds to the vest. I usually do now. Ain't no lawmen on the river unless they're writing you fishing tickets. And if there is, they tend to side with the Tllamook locals, who are all of course related. Not too many branches on them family trees.
If it's not peak season, Loren's Drift can be OK...once the fish start showing up in big numbers, there's more fish there than teeth. If I'm liquored up and armed, I'll show up there and start tossing hardware, which usually brings a shower of bobbers over my line. Funny stuff, all fun and games...until someone shoots your eye out.
And what is it about the Tillamookers? There's only two acceptable calibers of handgun there -- .44 and .45. Ain't nobody "shooting to wound" out there. They bring it big.
Don't know if you've ever come across a guide named Donny Morrison...great big black guy, mainly works the Clack and Willy, but ventur5es down to Tillamook in the fall. That guy is th4 biggest jackass of them all...not sure how a black guy gets away with it in
Tillamook -- where they used to post the times of the KKK meetings on public bulliten boards until not too long ago, and the mayor used to run under the KKK platform. Ponderous. An old fishing buddy got pretty seriously into it with that guy, I think pieces were drawn....something about "I'm a guide, I have more right to the river than you." If you see that guy, put one across his bow for me. What an asshole.
The lower Wilson can be just as bad when them mother fucking guides turn their 60 foot sleds sideways and start mining the hole. There was one dude who paid some kid $ 50 to sit there all night in a drift boat to "hold"the hole.
That's why I never fish below Mills Bridge. Fucking neckshow below that. The fish are a little less plentiful, sure, but the rocks to stand on are readily available. Us "old timers" know where to avoid the crowds. Probably my favorite all-around stream...but it's also the favorite of just about every other Westsider, too. My favoarite fall nooker stream is the Mainstem Nehalem...
SHHHHHH!!!!. Lightly fished, huge numbers(self propagating, from what I understand), massive available room, and more different runs than any stream I can think of...summers, late summers, early falls, falls, winters...Nehalem has it all. And the fish seem less dependent on the freshet to bump upstream. I've hosted some freaking slaughters on that sucker. It's almost kindof a "secret" chinook stream, and I'm glad it seems to be staying that way. Much longer, more remote drive to the good spots.
Plus, I'm a devout harware tosser(and I think bait chuckers are barbarians, and "drift fishermen" are criminals), so I need my space and solitude. The exception to my devotion is winter steelheading on th Wilson, where I also will toss a homemade jig under a bobber(or free in low water) through the slicks...freaking deadly, once you learn the game.
He tried showing us his piece and all that shit, so my my bud just uncovered his 12 gauge tactical Mossberg on the bank. He left with a bunch of pissed off clients.
That's my beef with the fall fisheries. It's a fucking fish...you can go buy the shit in a store...it's supposed to be fun and relaxing, and I don't know about you, but I have a hard time relaxing when people are shooting at me...call me crazy like that. OK, nobody has ever actually shot AT me, since if they did, you would have read all about it in the papers, since one of us would have wound up dead.
I guess it's really no worse than soring at Willy Falls. The n fuckers get pretty serious there, too. But hey, at least the Oregon City Council got arrested for shooting at other boats, right?
I aint flush enough to have stream front property, because even a sewer slough there gets too fucking expensive.
You know, I will never stop kicking myself -- a few years back...must be about 10 years now...I came across a parcel of 5 acres stremfront on the
tidewater of the North Fork Nehalem. Pretty sweet hole there, too. I think somebody had already built a crude dock thingy. $20,000. Twenty-freaking-K. Didn't quite have it together, but Mom to the rescue...thought it would be freaking nuts to let it get away. Got my "i'll take it, right freaking now, cash in hand" in about 5 minutes too late. Stll freaking pissed to this day. I'd still live here where the money is, but it woulda been kinda nice to put a trailer there for me and my buddies until the time came to build a house. Fuck.
BUT NOOOOOO! That wasn't a good enough fuckup for ol' Dins -- same dude, who was some sort of timer broker out of K Falls(who had to verify my ethnicity before we could talk biz...funny as hell, but I was of the correct race for him) also said he had a quater-acre across the street(Three Capes Hwy) from Cape Kiwanda, undeveloped, but the leech field had already been approved, for $28,000. I was so pissed about the North Fork property, that I was too busy pouting to see the pot of gold. I think that lot might have appreciated
just a little.
But the idea is to have the drift boat close and ready. I'll keep you posted on the process.
Please do. My buddy bought this crappy wood boat years ago for like $130. Absolute POS that had been sitting outside uncovered. He got a few runs(more than his money's worth), then got Yaegermeistered up on the Clack and sank it...sort of...all time funny story, the last half of which I caught, since I came to the rescue. I missed the part where they crashed the big party at the riverfrom semi-mansion to use the phoone, and ended up staying and guzzling their booze. Anyhow, my other fishing bud is a carpenter, so we took it and rebuilt the bottom, with a little extra reinforcement. That was probably three years ago, and that sucker hasn't been in the water since. Devout bankrats, since all that time spent messing with the boat could be spent wetting a line.
Sandlie...bwaaahaaaa... that one hole where you have to shoot over that gully.... gets pretty backed up with dudes smoking bowls on the tee...even a shitty tee shot gets a lot of run on the dry fucking fairways in the summer...
A golf topic? OK.
You mean that short par 5 with the pond to the left? #12, I think? That's me holding up the line with the bowls, dude. And if you're at all on your game, even if you suck(sup Dins) you should be at least getting a re4asonable birdy putt on that sucker. I think I've missed that green long on my second shot with a 7 before. Just got to get the drive to the top of the hill, and bingo.
I'll give Hackerlie credit for one thing, though -- one of the toughest finishing holes around. How a hacker course calls that a par 4 is beyond me. Hell, the PGA big dogs aren't going to ring up too many birds there (I've never had any sort of makable bird putt on that one, and I've never seen a bird hit there, although my friend God's Gift To Golfing has never played there in all of his years...ponderous). I think they list it at 460 yards or something like that, but factor in the dogleg, and it's almost unreachable. If you really rip a drive (I kept one just inside the trees, and cleared the fairway once...one of my better pokes ever, good enough to find the trouble), you're still 2 bills out or something, and trying to hit long iron/Fwood at a green that's...a dome, about 1000 feet in elevation above the fairway, without a flat spot on it. When I play with someone who has never been there before, we always tell them "call this a par 6." That sucker is a BITCH. The rest of them are pretty easy. Then again, one hot day, me and a friend downed an 18 pack and a 12 pack between us...we'rent no easy holes on the backside that day...for me. My bud(alcoholic) was somehow freaking -1 after 17, even though he couldn't really walk at that point. I think he tossed up an 8 on 18 or something, though. For the life of me, I don't know how he did it with a BAC near infinity...he's not a particularly low-handicapper to begin with.
That course absolutely blows ass, but for some reason, I always have a good time. I'm kinda white-trash like that.