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Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:17 am
by King Crimson
a truly awful film that looks stylish and manages to turn a horrific event into an occasional comedy of foibles, an overdone "personalization" of a symbolic conflict, and a goofy parody of Europe...only to resolve it with faux artsy ambiguity. a tough Spielberg emotional dilemma. hmmmm? can there be such a thing?

many of the scenes don't stand up at all to a second viewing. some are outright hilarious because they are so utterly implausible and serve only to tell the viewer a basic plotline about what is happening and how to feel about it. intersperced with a lot graphic violence and keystone kop type bumbling that is apperently supposed to make a Mossad hired secret team of assassins seem like "real people".

the net outcome is a massive trivialization of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Black September, and the horrific events at the Munich Olympics.

However, you do get to see the Dutch assasin chick naked, even though she's dead. Her name is Marie-Josee Croze. Good News: is you can see her naked even more in a much better and far more interesting film called Maelstrom--which is narrated by a fish. Netflix for people who don't need exlposions to make a decent flick.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:54 am
I'll check out Maelstrom. Syriana, also.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:04 pm
by King Crimson
Syriana is pretty slick and tries hard. it's a little too much at times, but i think it's worth a film. it's not going rock yer world politically as some might have you think.....who think it undermines the so-called war effort by raising some ethical issues about how oil politics shape the political landscape....or will turn you into a George Clooney style hollyweird fag loving commie.

i liked Maelstrom a lot.