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Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 11:42 am
by Cicatrix
Please commit actual suicide for a change instead of these posts.

Thank you.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:13 pm
by Risa
you know, this is the first time i've ever read an analysis of that infamous 'dead honky' sketch that makes the whole sketch make sense to me. now i understand what pryor, and pryor's choice of words, was actually doing.

before, to be honest, i thought it was dumb. no matter what the other guy tossed down, all pryor consciously chose to counter it with was the lame-as-fuck 'honkey' epithet. but with Mr. Wise' analysis
In the skit, Chase and Pryor face one another and trade off racial epithets during a segment of Weekend Update. Chase calls Pryor a “porch monkey.” Pryor responds with “honky.” Chase ups the ante with “jungle bunny.” Pryor, unable to counter with a more vicious slur against whites, responds with “honky, honky.” Chase then trumps all previous slurs with “mvscal,” to which Pryor responds: “dead honky.”

The line elicits laughs all around, but also makes clear, at least implicitly that when it comes to racial antilocution, people of color are limited in the repertoire of slurs they can use against whites, and even the ones of which they can avail themselves sound more comic than hateful. The impact of hearing the antiblack slurs in the skit was of a magnitude unparalleled by hearing Pryor say “honky” over and over again.

As a white person I always saw terms like honky or cracker as evidence of how much more potent white racism was than any variation on the theme practiced by the black or brown.

When a group of people has little or no power over you institutionally, they don’t get to define the terms of your existence, they can’t limit your opportunities, and you needn’t worry much about the use of a slur to describe you and yours, since, in all likelihood, the slur is as far as it’s going to go. What are they going to do next: deny you a bank loan? Yeah, right.

So whereas “mvscal” was and is a term used by whites to dehumanize blacks, to imply their inferiority, to “put them in their place” if you will, the same cannot be said of honky: after all, you can’t put white people in their place when they own the place to begin with.
the lightbulb has come on. it's no longer a lame, infamous sketch.

it's fucking genius. :? :(

it's brilliant.

required reading, the analysis, while viewing the sketch.

when was the first time you all 'got' the sketch, those who were around to actually see live, those who saw it later, and those (like me) who may only remember it through baby haze or not at all?

what did it mean to you? or did it mean anything at all, it was just funny, and you didn't really know why, except that the absurdity of it (chevy getting away with saying all that shit in the first place, and/or Pryor using that word in repetition and his facial expressions as he did it) was enough? or for other reasons?

and yes, I'm down with Mr. Wise' analysis of the Fightin' Whities.. but native americans are not about intimidation. or maybe that's too many dances and jewelry sold on the street, talking. :( i don't know what's happened, i could never see that group of schoolkids trying to make people think in order to get them to change; they wanted to get people to think... of them. they chose gentleness over the shotgun. they wanted to make people laugh and give them support at the same time, and MAYBE think about it, but the overall tone i got from them was 'it's all in good fun'.

or maybe their subtlety was of the same order as Pryor's after all.
just the conciliatory tact versus the combative tact. after all, those native american mascots are supposed to represent all that is good and pure -- and mythological -- about native america, without acknowledging that native america is more than just dress up and 'these cool traits of a dead people'. so they chose a mascot that represented all that is good and pure -- and mythological -- about white america. i guess :?

did they go that far, or didn't they?)

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:22 pm
by warren
I find Toddowens chain dragging inference to be a master of trolling ineptitude. As well as a disgusting view into the face of a pussy that couldn't light a fire to keep warm at night, much less do a kill.

I don't care what the press says, race relations are improving, just take yourself a gander at any World History 1301 text and compare the time it took for different cultures to assimilate, and that means forced through slavery, bondage, or mandated religious conversion.

America's done a damn fine job of melting it's pot when you place it in the context of history.

However, the level of hypocrisy that this "educator" displayed by stating that a derogatory statement towards a caucasion is "humorous," and "harmless" while at the same time if I were to use the term mvscal in a crouded Afro-American bar, not only would I have my collective ass handed to me, but before I had the opportunity to collect my incisors off of the pavement I would be arrested for a "hate crime," inciting a riot, and be served with a civil suited document claiming that I had stole the dignity of every Afro-Am that was withing hearing distance of my "ethnic slur."

Of course, that distance would include the 20,000,000 acres of the East Texas Piney woods.

Listen up homey's, quit playing off your ghetto speak, learn the fact that your pseudo-colloqiliesm(sp?) does nothing but lower your viability unless you're planning on making a big "hizzle my Phizzle" SnooDog release.

Enjoy your culture, it's beautiful, it's original, it's effected so much of what we enjoy in fashion, art, and music. But get over your silly fucking anti white bullshit, or you'll just get left behind in Liberia.


Re: Submitted for your approval

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:31 pm
by Risa
Toddowen wrote:How very enlightening.

Golly gee, am I full of fuking glee and want to go out and hug the first niggy I see. I want to put them in a bear hug while someone ties a rope around his feet and we zoom around town with it dragging behind my truck.

You and Pickle can trade fantasies. It'll be neat.

I sense quite a summer coming on.....long and hot. I sense a lot of dark shit plopping about. And I also sense the blinding white razor sharp sword that slices through all the SHIT cutting these evil shitstains down to deathsize and silence.
What, you're too chicken-shit afraid of the Mexicans?

Dig it: they can hide behind Brown Skin AND White Skin privilege at the same time.

I'm a confused person right now. I can't harp on white folks for the use of white skin privilege, when there's another minority that also can take advantage of it -- and chooses to do so. It's kind of like my eternal confusion regarding Jews. How can I talk shit about Hollywood and whites fucking up minority images in popular media images transmitted....

and pretend that 'white' isn't monolithic at the same time; and that those popular negative media images, radio images, may be bought by 'white' but they're controlled, distributed and encouraged by a 'white-which-is-and-is-not-white'.

And that depresses me, because that means even rage and its target is filtered, turned, used, mutated, misappropriated, misguided and finally useless.

But you wanna down Ne.gros, Todd? why?
Still your quivering slurp flaps, you nasty smelling motor mouthed nicker mother fucking no knowing fatherless fucks.
Thank you for the Tim Wise article. He's usually a great read. The above was though-provoking for me, though it may not have been anything except scroll-button tuning for the rest. I had not read that article, but I thank you for posting it.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:35 pm
by Risa
Cicatrix wrote:Please commit actual suicide for a change instead of these posts.

Thank you.
Off topic, when I first saw your avatar and handle, I thought you were Sexie Lexie. The avatar looked vaguely Korean, and the handle had a female suffix attached.

Except Lexie wasn't about 'Korean Pride, World Wide' or any of that hyper AznConshus stuff. And I have no idea what a 'Cicat-' is, or whether reading '-rix' as anything other than just part of your handle is right, at all.

So who are you, what is your gender, and what does your handle and avatar mean?

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:44 pm
by Risa
warren wrote:I find Toddowens chain dragging inference to be a master of trolling ineptitude. As well as a disgusting view into the face of a pussy that couldn't light a fire to keep warm at night, much less do a kill.

I don't care what the press says, race relations are improving, just take yourself a gander at any World History 1301 text and compare the time it took for different cultures to assimilate, and that means forced through slavery, bondage, or mandated religious conversion.

America's done a damn fine job of melting it's pot when you place it in the context of history


History is funny. Things don't march in a straight line out of intention. It only appears that way. There's a lot of curve and forking to the road.

(the cartoon, and other stuff, can be found here

without the linebreak. and yes, the illegals are pulling the same shit,
too -- in answer to dumbass who made a silly 'brotherhood' comment
about what happened at the school (well, as well, no shit kids are gonna
look for an excuse to get out of school). oh well. who was it who said somebody has to be on the bottom to strengthen those reaching for the top?)

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:50 pm
by Risa
warren wrote: However, the level of hypocrisy that this "educator" displayed by stating that a derogatory statement towards a caucasion is "humorous," and "harmless" while at the same time if I were to use the term mvscal in a crouded Afro-American bar, not only would I have my collective ass handed to me, but before I had the opportunity to collect my incisors off of the pavement I would be arrested for a "hate crime," inciting a riot, and be served with a civil suited document claiming that I had stole the dignity of every Afro-Am that was withing hearing distance of my "ethnic slur."
:? well, i guess this is as good a time as any to replay this:

How Not To Be Insane When Accused Of Racism (A Guide For White People)
Posted by Ampersand | December 2nd, 2005

Prometheus 6 wrote something that has stuck in my head ever since:

[roll mouse over to read]
"Not to put too fine a point on it, but "racist" is the only word that makes white people as crazy as "nig.ger" makes Black people."

It's true - a lot of white people, hell, most white people turn ten different colors of pissed off and shoot steam out their ears if someone suggests they've said something racist. And if you make a point of talking about race and racism, sooner or later someone will accuse you of being racist, fairly or unfairly.

Frankly, I think we whites - especially, we whites who think of ourselves as against racism - have to get over it. So here it is, in honor of "blog against racism day" (okay, it's now the morning after blog against racism day, so I'm slow):

Amp's Guide to Not Being an Insane-O White Person When Accused of Racism.

1) Breathe. Stay calm. Stay civil. Don't burn bridges. If someone has just said "I think that sounds a bit racist," don't mistake it for them saying "you're Klu Klux Klan racist scum" (which is a mistake an amazing number of white people make). For the first ten or twenty seconds any response you make will probably come from your defensiveness, not from your brain, so probably you shouldn't say whatever first comes to your mind.

2) Take the criticism seriously - do not dismiss it without thinking about it. Especially if the criticism comes from a person of color - people of color in our society tend by necessity to be more aware of racism than most Whites are, and pick up on things most Whites overlook. (On the other hand, don't put the people of color in the room in the position of being your advocate or judge.)

3) Don't make it about you. Usually the thing to do is apologize for what you said and move on. Especially if you're in a meeting or something, resist your desire to turn the meeting into a seminar on How Against Racism You Are. The subject of the conversation is probably not "your many close Black friends, and your sincere longstanding and deep abhorrence of racism."

Think of it as if someone points out that you need to wipe your nose because you've got a big glob of snot hanging out. The thing to do is say "oh, excuse me," wipe your nose, and move on. Insisting that everyone pat you on the back and reassure you that they realize you don't always have snot hanging from your nose, before the conversation can be allowed to move forward, is not productive.

4) Let Occasional Unfair Accusations Roll Off Your Back. Sometimes, even after you've given it serious thought, you'll come to the conclusion that a criticism was unfair. Great! Now please let it go. Don't insist that everyone agree with you. Don't enlist the people of color in the room to certify you as Officially Non-Racist. Don't bring it up again and again, weeks or months after everyone else has forgotten about the original discussion. In other words, see point #3.

Shorter Ampersand: Don't make it a whacking huge deal if you say something racist, or something others perceive as racist. Apologize, move on, and consider the criticism seriously so that you can improve your thinking, if need be.
Agree or disagree?

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 3:54 pm
by Screw_Michigan
black culture is a joke. BTW. they can have it.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:01 pm
by Van
Toddowen Troll's handler, please die.

Since the shared goal of most (if not all) of the people here is to never see Annie post here what in the fuck where you thinking when you chose to post this? You might as well've titled this thread: "Annie! I got some hot interracial lesbian porn for you, and JUST you! Curious?"

Haven't you ever been to the zoo? You're not supposed to feed the animals. Throwing out another tired "reverse racism" thread, knowing she's lurking about? To her, this thread was like a tin of sardines to a dolphin. She was no doubt off and scurrying to "Black Voices" and http://www.race/relations/ before you even finished typing it up...

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:10 pm
by Risa
Screw_Michigan wrote:black culture is a joke. BTW. they can have it.
Someone dance with your date and you were too chickenshit to say 'no'... or be courteous dance with their own?

If you don't have the balls to stand up for yourself in a computer lab versus the public concourse outside... you have no room to speak about 'jokes'. you are one.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:48 pm
by Cicero
Screw_Michigan wrote:black culture is a joke. BTW. they can have it.

RACK. Their culture is slowly becoming gold teeth and bling bling.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 5:07 pm
by al?
Van wrote:You might as well've titled this thread: "Annie! I got some hot interracial lesbian porn for you, and JUST you! Curious?"

Gold, Jerry.....GOLD!!!


Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:24 pm
by Cicatrix
Risa wrote:So who are you, what is your gender, and what does your handle and avatar mean?

Take the pic of that future ghetto boy/drug dealer off your sig and I'll tell you anything you wanna know. Tired of seeing that kids grill as I scroll down a page.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:29 pm
by Diogenes
Cicatrix wrote:
Risa wrote:So who are you, what is your gender, and what does your handle and avatar mean?

Take the pic of that future ghetto boy/drug dealer off your sig and I'll tell you anything you wanna know. Tired of seeing that kids grill as I scroll down a page.
Anyone who would saddle a kid with a name like Quadrevion deserves to be hit by a falling satelite.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:41 pm
by Risa
Cicatrix wrote:
Risa wrote:So who are you, what is your gender, and what does your handle and avatar mean?

Take the pic of that future ghetto boy/drug dealer off your sig and I'll tell you anything you wanna know. Tired of seeing that kids grill as I scroll down a page.
He's missing. Maybe seeing him will subconsciously send good vibes by more people to him and Purvis, wherever they are now, so that they'll be found safe and sound.

it's not like he got falling down drunk and went off with 3 dudes for a gangbang on the beach. they're more like amy bradley right now (and god help her; her story is grit-your-teeth wrong). unless they turnout like those two poor little white girls who were killed in the woods on their bikes by -- after all that searching -- one of the little girls' fathers.

He's just a kid, him and Purvis. They need to be home.

What is your avatar?

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:49 pm
by Diogenes
it's not like he got falling down drunk and went off with 3 dudes for a gangbang on the beach...
How do you know?

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:52 pm
by Cicatrix
Nuhuh. You have my terms.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:51 pm
by al?
Diogenes wrote: Anyone who would saddle a kid with a name like Quadrevion deserves to be hit by a falling satelite.

Actually, a little known fact........that's what Quadrevion means in Swahili.

or Navajo, or something.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:43 pm
by Diogenes
Personally I think he offed Purvis for making fun of his name one too many times and is in hiding.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:49 pm
by al?
When did the kid from 'Bernie Mac' go missing, anyways?

I hope they find him. He's funny.


Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:50 pm
by al?
my bad......

that's not him.


Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:58 pm
by Diogenes

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 12:09 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Purvis and Quadrevion.

They sound like pharmaceutical names.

"Doc, I finished that prescription of Purvis, but the rash hasn't gone away."

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 12:27 am
by Van
Actually, Purvis sounds like the affliction and Quadrevion sounds like the futuristic treatment.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 12:37 am
by al?
With this astounding new medical breakthrough, we can ease many suffering people. With Quadrevion, we can cure innocent victims like IB of their Purvis.

the AMA

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:24 am
by Diogenes
I think Quadrevion might be something you take to treat an infected or inflamed Purvis.

Where's Dr Welby?

No, he's a fag. I'm sure Bones would know though.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 3:28 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
4 out of 5 doctors recommend Quadrevion.

Side effects may include, nausea, weight loss, weight gain, dizziness, irritable bowels.
Consult your physician if symptoms persist.
Quadrevion is not intended as a laxative.
Do not operate keyboards if taking Quadrevion.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:14 am
by Screw_Michigan
Risa wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:black culture is a joke. BTW. they can have it.
Someone dance with your date and you were too chickenshit to say 'no'... or be courteous dance with their own?
no, you fucking worthless cunt. i don't dance in the cpu lab, i study, unlike the rest of your kind that treat it like social hour. although i have had no qualms with your kind the last few times, about a week ago it was like a fucking monkey sanctuary in there. but they have been behaving lately. i cross my fingers, lord almighty.
If you don't have the balls to stand up for yourself in a computer lab versus the public concourse outside... you have no room to speak about 'jokes'. you are one.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:14 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
I take back what I said about Purvis and Quadrevion sounding pharmaceutical.

They actually sound like something out of Star Trek!

"Captain Purvis! The Quadrevion scout vessel is about to jump to warp!"

"Arm photons Mr. Chekov! We can't let that ship reach the Bystander star system!"