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OMG!!- Jim Rome is Dead in an MVA!

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 7:45 pm
by 4 king guy



Okay, I admit that was wrong... but did I get you??


April Fool's Origin..

The origin of this custom has been much disputed, and many theories have been suggested, e.g. that it is a farcical commemoration of Christ being sent from Annas to Caiaphas, from Caiaphas to Pilate, from Pilate to Herod, and from Herod back again to Pilate, the crucifixion having taken place about the 1st of April.

What seems certain is that it is in some way or other a relic of those once universal festivities held at the vernal equinox, which, beginning on old New Year's day, the 25th of March, ended on the 1st of April. This view gains support from the fact that the exact counterpart of April-fooling is found to have been an immemorial custom in India. The festival of the spring equinox is there termed the feast of Holi, the last day of which is the 31st of March, upon which the chief amusement is the befooling of people by sending them on fruitless errands.

It has been plausibly suggested that Europe derived its April-fooling from the French [1]. They were the first nation to adopt the reformed Gregorian calendar, Charles IX in 1564 decreeing that the year should begin with the 1st of January. Thus the New Year's gifts and visits of felicitation which had been the feature of the 1st of April became associated with the first day of January, and those who disliked or did not hear about the change were fair butts for those wits who amused themselves by sending mock presents and paying calls of pretended ceremony on the 1st of April.

However, it is unlikely that this explanation of April Fool's Day’s origin is correct. Well before 1582 when King Charles IX of France brought in the new Gregorian calendar, French and Dutch references from respectively 1508 and 1539 describe April Fool's Day jokes and the custom of making them on the first of April.

Though the 1st of April appears to have been anciently observed in Great Britain as a general festival, it was apparently not until the beginning of the 18th century that the making of April-fools was a common custom. In Scotland the custom was known as "hunting the gowk," i.e. the cuckoo, and April-fools were "April-gowks," the cuckoo being there, as it is in most lands, a term of contempt. In France the person befooled is known as poisson d'avril. This has been explained from the association of ideas arising from the fact that in April the sun quits the zodiacal sign of the fish. A far more natural explanation would seem to be that the April fish would be a young fish and therefore easily caught.

The Dutch have their own reason. Back in 1572, the Netherlands were still ruled by the Spain's King Phillip II. There were roaming Dutch rebels who called themselves Geuzen, after the French "geux", meaning beggars. On April 1, 1572, they took a small coastal town called Den Briel. This event was also the start of the general civil rising against the Spanish in other cities in The Netherlands. General Alva of the Spanish army couldn't do much. Bril is the Dutch word for glasses, so on April 1, 1572, "Alva lost his glasses". Dutch people find this joke so hilarious they still commemorate April the first.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 8:14 pm
by mouse
FYI he died years ago!

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:32 pm
by Trampis
Whos MVA?

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:38 pm
by Andy Assmunch
You had me going at first there!

Good thing it's just a joke!

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 10:18 pm
by Wolfman
Once I was on air on April 1st PM drive time--
told the listeners that I had an important announcement
near the end of my shift--
said that the station was changing formats and
we would now be all classical opera and symphonic
music-- put on some Beethoven-- then did a
Johnny Fever and segued to ELO's Roll Over
Beethoven !!
I know-- it was done before.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:45 am
by Funkywhiteboy
I'm not white?!? :shock:

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:32 pm
by adam-$300
oh no!!!!! I read the subject line yesterday and called about 50 friends and family who listen to him and told the news. I just now clicked back into the thread to read the details and now I find out it is an arpil fool's joke. oh boy, is my face red. Now I have to call all those people back and let them now.

rack you for getting me good on this one!


Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:29 pm
by Cuda
Trampis wrote:Whos MVA?
Man's Vaginal Accessory?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:50 pm
by Derron
oh no!!!!! I read the subject line yesterday and called about 50 friends and family who listen to him and told the news. I just now clicked back into the thread to read the details and now I find out it is an arpil fool's joke. oh boy, is my face red. Now I have to call all those people back and let them now.

rack you for getting me good on this one!

The only thing stupider that doing it is telling everyone you did.

Nice try at a very bad troll cunt slime.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:55 pm
by Bizzarofelice
Andy Assmunch wrote:You had me going at first there!

Good thing it's just a joke!

rack this troll. always has me laughing.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 9:17 pm
by bbqjones
who does romey think is going to win the game tonight>?>>>>???

is it possible to jump on a bandwagon that kicked you off four months ago??

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:11 am
by Andy Assmunch
bbqjones wrote:who does romey think is going to win the game tonight>?>>>>???

is it possible to jump on a bandwagon that kicked you off four months ago??
Romey was "riding the horse all the way to the finish" with UCLA and former Goucho Ben Howland, but FLorida has this thing under control, unfortunately!