Derron wrote:At least our police chief is just in trouble for banging some white skank.
He's OBVIOUSLY innocent.
Foxworth is. was, and always will be a douchebag (and I'll bet dollars to donuts that Luth knows the guy personally). What a proud organization the Portland Police have become. It's such a good-ol-boys network, it's comical. From Chief Moose with his "I've never done anything wrong, it's all the White Media's fault" (but now the Greater DC area thinks that fucking tard is a
hero? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!), and murdering a guy who was about to sue the police for unlawfully shooting him(" but....but....but WE THOUGHT WE SMELLED MARIJUANA, so that whole 'Bill Of Rights' is out the window, right?....right?)....
To Whatshisface paying for gay prostitutes....on city time...
by check....
To creating an infrastructure to cover their ass every time they shoot an African American for their crime of being...
African American in a white town (not that anybody is going to miss most of the pondscum they're offing, but they were definitely getting a little out of control there for a while, what with police dispensing more bullets per capita than any city in the country, despite it being traditionally a very low violent crime city, even before the indescriminant use of bullets).
And while I'm ranting -- I love Portland, but the political correctness is getting to be a bit much. Was never that way before the transplants poisoned the place. Portland has the lowest percentage of blacks of any major US city(a fact that isn't without its inherent BODE
**dodges flying objects launched by Risa**), yet when a major position needs to be filled in the city government, they parade every god damn underqualified African American in the freaking country to interview for it, and the white people that make up the overwhelming majority of the city aren't even considered. And they always seem to hire the black with the shadiest past they can get their hands on, I can only assume to prove they're "down with the brothers...all 3 of them."
And that school board dude who never saw a restraining order that he didn't want to violate...multiple times. BUT OF COURSE, when they kick him off the school board for being convicted of
multiple crimes, it's OF COURSE "racism." Freaking unbelievable.
It's gotten old. From the complete fuckup police chiefs that Charles Moose(but he looks good on YOU, Maryland...BWAHAHAHA) and Foxworth were/are, to that school superintendant that was incompetant and robbing the city blind....why do they still do it? Why do they always feel they HAVE to hire an African American? If they do HAVE TO, how about maybe finding one
from Portland(not that there are many)? That is a lot more important a qualification to me than what race the candidate is, which I truly don't give a shit about. PC gone mad, I tells you. But then again, it's the same city that elected a twenty-something flaming homo to the city council, just to look "enlightened."