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Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:59 pm
by LTS TRN 2
The Whistle Is Screaming wrote:Luther,

Make sure you say "Hi" to all my relatives. ;-)

Keep on keeping on!

What, Whistler, are you Russian? Cuz that's basically who lives in the hyper-military race-project bunker society with the weirdly anachronistic name of "Israel." Or, what, did you think it was some kind of natural legitimate construction? What part of 200-300 illegal nuclear weapons (with delivery systems) don't you understand? Your "relatives"? :meds:

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:04 am
by The Whistle Is Screaming
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
The Whistle Is Screaming wrote:Luther,

Make sure you say "Hi" to all my relatives. ;-)

Keep on keeping on!

What, Whistler, are you Russian? Cuz that's basically who lives in the hyper-military race-project bunker society with the weirdly anachronistic name of "Israel." Or, what, did you think it was some kind of natural legitimate construction? What part of 200-300 illegal nuclear weapons (with delivery systems) don't you understand? Your "relatives"? :meds:
Listen up fuckstick cause I'm only gonna say it once. You suck shit like no other poster in the history of these message boards. You are without a doubt one of the worst pieces of shit to roams the earth. I'd feel bad for you because you live your life in such a sad state that you resort to spewing this vitriol on a message board, but you've given me reason to not even care.

You are 100% clueless as to the origins of my family in Israel. And of course, like everything else, you are wrong about their ethnicity. They live there (have for generations), work there and contribute in a positive manner (ie, they don't strap on explosives and blow innocent people up).

You're shit and I shall treat you as such. You opened your mouth and are now in the game you cunt.

BTW- I'm drunk and will abuse some of my epic mod powers the next time I see you post.

Rack Luther for having the balls to visit the Middle East.

Rack Israel forever!

Unwar assholes like fuckwad LTS, douche drinking, brainless drains on society. Enjoy rooting for the losing team.

Bode Israel!

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:33 am
by M2
Easy TWIS, he's not worth it.

Hacolb besader.

Your brother,


Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:38 am
by Mister Bushice
I get the feeling TWIS would be a sniper, given the chance.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:39 am
by Risa
/me, butting into two folks having a hissy slap fight
as if it were real

The Whistle Is Screaming wrote:You are 100% clueless as to the origins of my family in Israel.
but... most are russian jews, aren't they? :?

what is the ethnic composition of israel... because
i remember when they got into a little international
community 'trouble' for trying to deny access to
ethiopian jews, who were (for lack of a better term)
truly old school.

They live there (have for generations),
it's only been there (in it's current state) since
the 40s. was it muslim controlled or what, before
then? :?

or wasn't it? i thought the christians never
got what they wanted (at least, not for long)
when it came to the Holy City.

what happened?
work there and contribute in a positive manner (ie, they don't strap on explosives and blow innocent people up).
semi-serious: why'd they try to keep the ethiopians out?

and what would happen if the us didn't contribute so much money?
BTW- I'm drunk and will abuse some of my epic mod powers the next time I see you post.
Is that in the same class as abusing yourself?
No? alright.

oh well :( I blame Schmeck. That boy and his damn
'quality spirits to mellow out to' threads.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:53 am
by M2
Risa wrote:
what is the ethnic composition of israel... because
i remember when they got into a little international
community 'trouble' for trying to deny access to
ethiopian jews, who were (for lack of a better term)
truly old school.

semi-serious: why'd they try to keep the ethiopians out?
Annie, Please stay outta shit you have no idea about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:08 am
by Risa
m2 wrote:
Risa wrote:
what is the ethnic composition of israel... because
i remember when they got into a little international
community 'trouble' for trying to deny access to
ethiopian jews, who were (for lack of a better term)
truly old school.

semi-serious: why'd they try to keep the ethiopians out?
Annie, Please stay outta shit you have no idea about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


m2 ... =clnk&cd=5
Israeli racism real


"Provocative, ignorant rhetoric ..." were some of the words Kelly Baxter used in Viewpoint last Thursday ("Ignorance contributes to legacy of persecution," Feb. 22) in response to Maryam Abdallah's earlier viewpoint promoting a rally against oppression ("Oppression is alive and well at home, afar," Feb. 16). Ironically, Baxter's own article was riddled with provocative, ignorant and unsubstantiated statements in reference to why Ethiopian Jews in Israel were protesting over Israeli racism.

"There was no rejection (dumping) of 'black blood' based on racial prejudice," says Baxter. Baxter goes on to suggest that "research" showed "Ethiopians were 43 times more likely to carry the HIV virus than the rest of the Israeli population;" therefore justifying the policy of covert blood-dumping.

Not only is Baxter's data unsubstantiated, her argument itself is infuriating. According to a recent Newsweek article ("A New Kind of Blood Libel," Feb. 12), "(Israeli) officials say that Ethiopian immigrants are 50 times more likely to carry the AIDS virus than are other Israelis, but have failed to produce studies to back up the claim."

The blood issue aside, a poll taken in Israel has shown that 79 percent of Israelis believe Ethiopian Jews face discrimination.
Other Israelis, however, were even less sympathetic. What Ethiopian Jews found upon arriving in Israel was a far cry from the Holy Land they envisioned.

The list of grievances by Ethiopian Jews, many of whom came to Israel in two dramatic airlifts in 1984 and 1991, is a long one. They complain of weak education, poor housing, a disturbing number of suicides in the army (mandatory military service has Ethiopians caught up in the middle of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict), and discrimination by the Orthodox rabbinate that makes them feel like second-class Jews. They also resent being referred to as Kushi - a local epithet that translates, roughly, to "darky."

Thousands of Ethiopians still live in dismal mobile home sites like Beerotayim, which at 30 miles north of Tel Aviv is far from job centers and schools. Some Israelis protested when the government tried to move Ethiopians Jews into their neighborhoods, claiming their presence would lower property values. There are also reports of Ethiopians barred from public swimming pools and of a disproportionately high number of young Ethiopian Jews shunted into special education classes.

So you see, Baxter, you put a lot of issues together and sometimes it just takes one more thing to make the situation explode. Ethiopians, by culture, have a quiet demeanor. The riot by Ethiopian Jews startled not just Israelis, but was also a shock for the Ethiopian community worldwide. "You have to be violent in order to be heard here," says one Ethiopian Jew, a former Israeli army officer. "It's too bad, but they don't understand any other language."

Theodore Bitew Demissie

Spokesperson for Habeshas


PsychobiologyComments to
that's not your school, though, right?

some of that sounds like what happened over here in the States, though, against blacks.

Was this all just blown out of proportion, back in the day, though?

What really happened, according to family over there?

and is 'kushi' a real epithet?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:13 am
by Risa
Taken from
UJA Federation of Greenwich, Connecticut

NOVEMBER 10-20, 2003

...What was interesting to me was that this world class business was run entirely by members of the kibbutz, who shared equally in its' profits. I didn't check the payroll, but I suppose the Janitor received the same pay as the CEO. We next paid a visit to the Merchavia Absorption Center for Ethiopian Immigrants, who greeted us warmly....
this doesn't mean anything, I was just a-googling, looking for info in my half-assed way; there were no other Absorption Centers mentioned for other Jewish ethnicities. Maybe it wasn't important enough to visit those sites, considering the sites they did visit during their trip. Do Ethiopian Jews in Israel really have special needs? the kind of needs that make it important to visit, single them out?

{pasted in from the other thread}

World Net Daily be coming up with some weird shit

Just when you thought the extremist anti-Israel campaigning could not get any worse, from the palsied haters come more charges: Zionism is intellectually consistent with Jim Crow racism. And Israel practices institutional racism – indeed, is an apartheid state, as one libertarian (who else?) blogger bloviated.

The writer splutters about how "all manner of basic rights in Israel are granted according to race ... If a person born in Israel is not of Jewish bloodline, he is not entitled to any of these; in fact, he is often legally barred from all of them. However, if he is of Jewish blood, even if he was born, say, in America, he is automatically entitled to them all."

I'll try and interpret this blognoscente's outrageous canard as charitably as possible. Since he would be lying if he did, he can't possibly mean that Israel's Arab citizens are robbed of their rights. I'll thus presume the hatemongering and incitement here are with reference to the general selectivity with which Israel confers citizenship.

Indeed, if the inhabitant of this impoverished blogistan is attempting to convey that not everyone can immigrate to Israel, gain citizenship and full rights, then what can I say? I'm humbled by his gifts of observation!

With a foreboding, "It's not called the Jewish state for nothing," our writer drives home his "insight" into the nature of the Jewish state, and, by extension, Israel's transgressions. The Jewish state is hereby damned to hell for daring to fulfill her designation and for rejecting non-Jews as immigrants with full rights.

I'll be damned! What a concept! And what next? Japan for the Japanese? China for the Chinese?

Equally unaware of how impossible it is for anyone to immigrate to Taiwan or India (ever heard of the "brown India policy"?), a human-rights lawyer-chick elaborates with horror ("omigod") on the nature of the Jewish state: Israel's "laws benefit Jews over other potential immigrants," she protests. Sorry, bubbles, as hard as it is to conceive, what you call "potential immigrants" are "potential immigrants" only according to your rules (and the rules of state-sponsored multiculturalism in the United States.)

That Israel enforces strict citizenship restrictions is to her credit. That the U.S. refuses to enforce strict citizenship restrictions is to her discredit. One of the many misfortunes of the 14th Amendment (and why its repeal is a matter of such urgency) is to have decreed that anyone born in the U.S. is an American citizen.
At the time, the intention was to rightly secure full citizenship for African-Americans. At the time, the need to protect the nation against certain situations was not foreseen. As a result, to acquire American citizenship for her newborn and eventually for her family, all a Mexican woman needs to do is to cross the border and give birth on American soil and dime.

So, yes, with rare exceptions, Israel prohibits immigration by non-Jews. A strong leftist, counter-culture, non-traditionalist streak, imbibed in all likelihood with the brainwashing of the multicultural managerial state, may explain why so many libertarians see any state that protects the ethnic nature of a nation as racist. In a perverse way, these libertarians seem strangely pleased when the state thwarts the wishes of historic, founding populations, and intensely displeased when a state actually upholds the ethnic majority upon which a civilized polity depends. (Murray N. Rothbard referred to such libertarians as "simplistic" and "vulgar" individualists.)

The prospect of the demise of the historical majority in the U.S. has brought tears of joy to Bill Clinton's eyes. To judge by his policies, Bush junior also welcomes this end-of-days scenario. In Israel, however, retaining a Jewish majority is a matter of greater urgency. It's a matter of life and death really, considering that her Arab citizens are reluctant to accept Israel's Jewish-Zionist identity and that their Palestinian brethren outside the Green Line seem to think that Israeli real estate ought to be confined to the Mediterranean Sea.

Bear in mind that for their purposes, anti-Israel libertarians appear to have adopted leftist human-rights nomenclature, according to which feeling like a second-class citizen is the same as being a second-class citizen. The fact that immigration is limited to Jews (as is the burden of military service), or that they retain a majority, doesn't, however, mean that minorities in Israel are oppressed, discriminated against or don't have full rights.

The political climate in Israel is free – everyone and his dog is a human-rights activist. In fact, Americans will find the claims made by Israeli-Arabs strangely familiar. Complaints such as "living standards are far below those of Jews, and the country's Arabs are severely underrepresented in many choice occupations," must surely ring a bell. Much like the demands made by African-American activists (would any self-respecting libertarian heed those?) against mainstream America, the gripes of Israeli-Arabs pertain more often to the standards and influence the community thinks it deserves rather than to rights it doesn't have.

The preference given to Jews in the Jewish state is a no-brainer. But should this preference be tarnished as racism? As it's understood in the U.S., racism is more often concerned with discrimination based on distinct physical characteristics. It's thus important to understand that Jews are not a race. There are white, brown and black Jews in Israel. In fact, there are Jews from 100 countries, including Yemen, India, the Arab countries and Ethiopia. (Roughly 36,000 Ethiopian Jews were lifted to safety in a series of daring operations initiated by successive Likud governments headed by Menachem Begin and then Yitzhak Shamir. It's hard to imagine an American government doing the same for say, white, persecuted, Christian farmers in Zimbabwe, who are no less oppressed under Robert Mugabe than these Ethiopian Jews were by the brutal Marxist-Leninist Col. Mengistu Haile Mariam, at the time.) While these Jews share a common culture or faith – Judaism – in what way are they a race? Israeli Jews are a variegated people – many look just like Arabs and vice versa. The charge of racism as we know it in the U.S. is no more than liberal lather, meant to push politically correct buttons. (Miss Israel 1999 was an Israeli-Arab. She is indistinguishable from many a Jewish girl.)

If Israeli-Arabs are not shunned and "segregated" based on defining physical appearance, let's examine the accusation that roughly 18 percent of Israel's more than 6 million citizens incur "institutional racism." According to the Jewish Virtual Library, Israeli Arabs have equal voting rights – in fact, it is one of the few places in the Middle East where Arab women may vote. Israeli Arabs have freedom of speech, assembly and press, as is evident from the many Islamic journals that thrive in Israel. Arabs currently hold 10 seats in the Knesset. Israeli Arabs have also held various government posts and they serve on the bench. Arabic, like Hebrew, is an official language in Israel.

The sole legal distinction between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel is that the latter are not required to serve in the Israeli army (a bonus, wouldn't you think?). As such, they don't qualify for veteran benefits and, I imagine, will not get work where military security clearance is required. On the other hand, as the JVL points out, Israeli Arabs get a head-start in the economy while Jews are conscripted for 3 years.

Israel has all the usual socialistic drives – the kind America deploys with Africans and other minorities – in order to ensure her Arab population is not underrepresented in higher education and certain industries. In place to handle the advancement of Arab citizens and their equal-opportunity aspirations in the private and public sectors are all the various bureaucracies leftists love. There are laws against discrimination in employment. (A rather funny anecdote concerns the government's subsidies for large families. In an effort to increase Jewish birthrates, and since there is no discrimination in the grant of entitlement, subsidies to large Israeli-Arab families have meant that the state's meddling is compounding demographic anxieties associated with the Israeli-Arab population's robust reproduction rates.)

It is not Israel that has a moral problem, although the many progressive Jews who defend her in the Diaspora sure do. Israel is not the leftist-neoconservative nirvana they make her out to be: She is most definitely – and thankfully – not a free-for-all pluralistic hodgepodge. While fervidly supporting Israel's right to retain her distinct Jewish character and dominance, Diaspora Jews, all too often, continue to undermine an expression of similar sentiments and aspirations among the dominant cultures of Europe and the U.S.

Jews can support Israel's right to retain her ethnically coherent character. But they cannot in good intellectual and moral conscience do so while at the same time condemning Europeans and Americans who reject multicultural immigration policies or who would like to see a greater acceptance and expression of mainstream Christianity.

Again, there is nothing wrong with a nation that doesn't admit everyone into its body politic. Nor is there anything wrong with maintaining ethnic homogeneity so long as minorities within the arrangement are not oppressed. Switzerland enforces well-nigh impossible migration barriers. The barriers Switzerland imposes may very well act as de facto surrogates for race. But so what? The property and way of life of the people of the Swiss cantons should not be up for an egalitarian universal grab any more than Israel should be flooded by a bogus class of refugees maintained and expanded by U.N. definitional trickery.


Ilana Mercer is the author of "Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Culture." She is also an analyst and blogger-at-large for Free-Market News Network. To learn more about her work, and to contribute to Barely A Blog, visit

Take of it what you may. To begin with... that is not how the 14th Amendment was supposed to be interpreted... was it?

As for the rest... no wonder there's drama over there, if some citizens are forced into serving 3 years of their lives in the military...and other citizens are not.

If any of what this lady is talking about is true. Her tone is strange.

That region needs a complete overhaul.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:47 am
by LTS TRN 2
C'mon, Whistler, you know it's totally true. RIGHT NOW---google up a certain Rudolph Kastner (or close spelling thereof), and just suck it...knowing that the zionists worked hand in glove with Eichman and the rest--brothers in antipodal race state fanasty murder sprees. And, yes, suck it deeply as you scan the current horizon and see?...well, what do we see?....a giant desperate Holy Apartheid Wall surrounding a bunch of anxious Ecstacy dealers, retirees, gun-totin' Rhodas from Queens, and a HUGE amount of imported coolies doing all the scut work....and a whole lot of guns....and missles...and tanks....and laser monitored security systems...and heliocopters...and jets inflicting sonic booms regularly upon civilian populations with punitive intent...and checkpoints...and twenty times more electric razor-wire fences than surrounded Auschwitz, Bergen-Belson, Sobidor, and Dachau COMBINED...?

Are you WAKING UP yet?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:55 am
by M2

Why do 16 million Jews world wide...

Scare you?


the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:14 am
by LTS TRN 2
Fuck you, most Jews are properly embaressed by the spun out zionist nightmare. Sure, we'll "make the desert bloom"...huh? mean the enivironmental disaster that's been inflicted like a REALLY bad vaccine test?....and the...300 illegal nukes?...the constantly accruing resentment?

Excuse me, M2, but what exactly are you suggesting is actually working in this 54-year-old race state experiment?


Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:24 am
by M2
sup, ?

Can I have you buy me a drink from my stock?


Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:34 am
by LTS TRN 2

Huh? I'll tell you what 'sup: Ariel Sharon's son is STILL in prison. Scooter just ROLLED ON THE CHIMP...Fuck you! :P

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:40 am
by M2
You bore me...

Like IB

Rock on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:57 am
by LTS TRN 2
Sure, you're REAL bored with the "demographic problem"....


Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:36 pm
by The Whistle Is Screaming
m2 wrote:Frisco/Nick...

Why do 16 million Jews world wide...

Scare you?


the truth

End of story.

Everything else from him is bullshit posturing. WAKEY WAKEY!

Sorry I messed up your thread with my drunken rant, but Nick the dickless pissed me off.

IB/Annie/Risa et al,

Next to Nick "I'm skeered of Jews", you take the cake for the dumbest piece of shit racist fucktard. I guess I shall call you "Queen of the Racist piece of shit Fucktards" since you're the ranking female* in this category. My scroll wheel hates you more and more each day. btw-I didn't bother reading any of the tripe yopu wrote.

* term used loosely

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:00 pm
by Tom In VA
RACK T1B's Mini-Mossad

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:19 pm
by Risa
The Whistle Is Screaming wrote:IB/Annie/Risa et al,

Next to Nick "I'm skeered of Jews",
I haven't the faintest whether Nick/LT is trolling or not.

I am not trolling. I didn't like the Ethiopian Jew stories.
It put an entirely different spin on the Jewish Diaspora.
That's much worse than some silly ass American Blacks
pulling the 'you can't be black because you're African by
immigration, not slave stock' bullshit --

because the 'black' silliness doesn't prevent people from
actually becoming citizens, full citizens.

What went down with the Ethiopian Jews was shameful. Their
traditions go WAY back; so why *are* so many Russian Jews
(Nick is also not kidding about that... whether or not he is
bringing it up for trolling purposes) allowed in? It can't be the
'suffering' card, can it?

But you two, m2 and you TWIS, claim to have family there?
Well, great. You two are better than any number of news

Do other nationalities (ethnicities) have Absorption Centers within
Israel? What happens at the Absorption Centers?

How did your families feel about the Ethiopian situation? then?

What is the real situation between European Jews, African Jews?
Are South American Jews welcomed? Asian Jews? How welcomed
are they, or are they 'rare'?

How big is the boosterism of the United States of American Jew population within Israel itself? Is common knowledge wrong about just how
much money
US American Jews -- not the US government, but private citizen Jews -- send to Israel? and then that is on top of the government
aid the US government gives?

Without the US, and monetary support of US American Jews... where is Israel? Where is the Middle East?

Where is the US without Christians who feel a sense of duty towards making the Apocalypse come true? If they didn't exist.... would US American Jews still be able to pick up the slack, and use their power to persuade the US to give so much money? to be lenient in cases of theft?

I ask because I think of Wen Lo Ho (sp), the Chinese scientist who was harassed for years for committing a crime he didn't commit -- intelligence theft for the Chinese government against Los Alamos. Perhaps that doesn't make sense.

What is the situation of Arabic Israelis? One of you made a comment about 'not strapping on like'.... was that a slur against Arabics, Arabic Israelis, or..?

How can a nation demand one set of citizens be conscripted, but another set be denied conscription? That's like calling Israelis 'men' and Arabics 'women'... 'untrustworthy'?

you know what I mean?

or Arabics only good for their money?
you take the cake for the dumbest piece of shit racist fucktard.
I spread the love.

I guess I shall call you "Queen of the Racist piece of shit Fucktards" since you're the ranking female* in this category.
I'm the only female in this category. If you wish to be more inclusive, and use the 'you're a faggot!' definition, that's fine as well.
My scroll wheel hates you more and more each day. btw-I didn't bother reading any of the tripe yopu wrote.
I know.

So we're at the end, and I'll ask again: what's going on in Israel?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:21 pm
by Risa
Tom In VA wrote:RACK T1B's Mini-Mossad
Do you believe in the Apocalypse?

Are you prepared for Tribulation?

Are you hoping for the rebuilding of the Temple?

Do you wait for Christ's return?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:29 pm
by Risa
88 wrote:LTS TRN 2 isn't a bad guy. You guys simply misunderstand his intentions. He would give all the Jews in Israel a big sloppy kiss and a group hug if they would dump all their military hardware into the Mediterranean Sea and start singing love songs with their Arab brothers. He doesn't like razor wire and sonic booms.
LTS is claiming that the sonic booms are used intentionally to hurt people.
If those sonic booms are concentrated over areas where Arabic Israelis live, work and breed... is that not foul and unacceptable?

But m2 and TWIS, having been there -- or at least with family there -- can relay the truth of such nasty uses of military hardware to subjugate certain populations of a nation's own citizenry. You don't subjugate your own citizens... your enemies are a little different.

So, what is the truth of the sonic booms, LTS refers to?

As for the razor wire, whether you believe his point or not, that is a very vivid image to compare it to the situation of World War II. It's not necessary to have ovens, to have concentration camps. The US proved that, with the Japanese (and those who merely looked 'jap') during the same war......... and with Native America.

Is it apartheid? Are some versions of apartheid 'more kosher' than other versions of apartheid?

And, again, how does a nation keep itself together, when it intentionally reduces a big section of its population to permanent second-class citizenhood by virtue of their ethnicity... which is what the strange op/ed piece from newsmax is referring to, amid the sovereign nation's right to do whatever it wants within its borders.

Thinking about that article, and certain passages within it, it reminds me of how the Japanese allegedly snark at America for being heterogenous instead of homogenous... yet the Japanese and Israeli reasonings, are they the same? Why condemn Japan, but not Israel, if their reasonings are intellectually the same, but their application is extremely different?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:40 pm
by The Whistle Is Screaming
All I'm going to say is that you are horribly misguided on almost every topic you mentioned and the information you seek is readily available from reputable sources.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:47 pm
by Tom In VA
Do you believe in the Apocalypse?

I believe the universe is expanding and expanding, and will eventually collapse on itself ......

l to r, Annie, Tom In VA

Are you prepared for Tribulation?

If I am prepared, it shouldn't be a "tribulation".

Are you hoping for the rebuilding of the Temple?

If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

Do you wait for Christ's return?

No. When I'm doing it right, He's here right now.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:53 pm
by Risa
The Whistle Is Screaming wrote:Annie,
All I'm going to say is that you are horribly misguided
I'm a non-practicing Catholic African-American who was once recruited by some Indiana Odinists... I don't think they knew what race I was when they bought my name from whatever pagan lists I was on back then. To be fair, I didn't know they were a front for worse than an appreciation of the old gods.

Israel gets to exist because people want to see prophecy come true. It is not necessary to have Israel there to have stability within that region.

Is that not so? but since it is there...

It is my firm, ignorant belief that the US is getting gamed by both Israel and the Arab world. Israel (see Project for the New American Century and Israel First) is the brains, the US is the brawn and money. Who really comes out ahead? (and yes, I keep hearing a certain Pet Shop Boys song; god help).

That's not cool, to me... that the US is this powerful rottweiler patrolling the streets, and doing what its owner tells it to do.... that rottweiler will be put down... just like those two dogs sic'd on that lesbian in San Francisco by those two lawyers. They only did what they were trained to do.

But that's my firm, ignorant belief.
on almost every topic you mentioned and the information you seek is readily available from reputable sources.
You and m2 are not reputable?

or leaving aside m2, you're not reputable?

If you've been there, or if you have family there, and you can give the 'low down' on what really goes on there -- as m2 has implied he can -- then let's hear it. What's going down in Israel?

Is the apartheid not just against Arabics?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:02 pm
by Risa
Tom In VA wrote:Do you believe in the Apocalypse?

I believe the universe is expanding and expanding, and will eventually collapse on itself ......

l to r, Annie, Tom In VA
Rollers don't work in my hair. Strictly jheri curl.. and i'm not jheri curled.
and I don't think even you would touch salmon pink :lol:

Are you prepared for Tribulation?

If I am prepared, it shouldn't be a "tribulation".
It's not Paradise. It's a period of intense 'how deep
is your faith?'

Like Roman Circuses, where the just delivered moms are
forced out into the arena to be eaten alive by lions, or
stomped on by elephants, or used in bloody 're-enactments'
as slaves or Amazons or Carthagians,

or worse things that don't bear repeating but humans are
capable of,

for 1000 years.

Or maybe it's just the tribulation of spiralling irrelevancy? how
deep is your faith, when God maybe honestly isn't relevant anymore?

Are you prepared?
Are you hoping for the rebuilding of the Temple?

If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
Is it meant to be?

and m2, TWIS: do you care, one way or the other, if
the Temple is rebuilt?

Do you wait for Christ's return?

No. When I'm doing it right, He's here right now.
So you don't believe in the mushroom fantasies of St. John?
or at least, that the potent symbolism of them has any
relevance to being a guidebook to a physical reality Today
and in the Future?

Poptart, your thoughts?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:06 pm
by Risa
mvscal wrote:
Risa wrote:World Net Daily be coming up with some weird shit
Ordinarily true, but that oped wasn't.
You suck. You know how many ways this can be read?
Well, Red, which way did you mean?

Is that lady psychotic? or is everything she printed factually
true, even if her spin on them is not?
mvscal wrote:
Risa wrote:LTS is claiming that the sonic booms are used intentionally to hurt people.
He's an idiot. You know this...right?
No, I don't. Saying he's an idiot isn't saying that 'no, Israel has never used sonic booms to intentionally send a message to people'.

Israel will roll over a protester with a tank and not think twice about it. Why suddenly get all hesitant with the sonic booms, or anything else that can be used to intimidate and ensure 'order'?

If it's a matter of 'that's not how sonic booms work, to be used that way in the first place' that's different. but which is it?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:11 pm
by Tom In VA
Well I thought for those that were "prepared", they'd be spared the tribulation via the "Rapture".

But I'm not a literalist. I believe there is a God, I'm not Him and that Jesus was the fullfillment of prophecy.

Other than that it's all about keeping my house in order and rebuilding my "temple" after years of self destruction and neglect.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:40 pm
by Risa
Tom In VA wrote:Well I thought for those that were "prepared", they'd be spared the tribulation via the "Rapture".
the 144,000 yes. but the jehovah's witnesses claim to have had that all sown up years ago.

everybody else is screwed. if you believe that stuff.
But I'm not a literalist. I believe there is a God, I'm not Him and that Jesus was the fullfillment of prophecy.
m2, TWIS, your thoughts?

Other than that it's all about keeping my house in order and rebuilding my "temple" after years of self destruction and neglect.
Ok. I don't have anything to say on that... because you've been honest about that, and I can't touch you on that.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:49 pm
by Risa
mvscal wrote:
Risa wrote:Is that lady psychotic? or is everything she printed factually true, even if her spin on them is not?
Suggesting that a nation has a right to make its own laws governing immigration is "psychotic"?
Maybe giving Israel a free pass, when another nation like -- say, South Africa -- is not only roundly condemned but sanctioned for the same... is psychotic. But I was only asking you because I wasn't sure where you were going with your comment above about this lady's World Net Daily op/ed.
With a foreboding, "It's not called the Jewish state for nothing," our writer drives home his "insight" into the nature of the Jewish state, and, by extension, Israel's transgressions. The Jewish state is hereby damned to hell for daring to fulfill her designation and for rejecting non-Jews as immigrants with full rights.

I'll be damned! What a concept! And what next? Japan for the Japanese? China for the Chinese?

Equally unaware of how impossible it is for anyone to immigrate to Taiwan or India (ever heard of the "brown India policy"?), a human-rights lawyer-chick elaborates with horror ("omigod") on the nature of the Jewish state: Israel's "laws benefit Jews over other potential immigrants," she protests. Sorry, bubbles, as hard as it is to conceive, what you call "potential immigrants" are "potential immigrants" only according to your rules (and the rules of state-sponsored multiculturalism in the United States.)

That Israel enforces strict citizenship restrictions is to her credit. That the U.S. refuses to enforce strict citizenship restrictions is to her discredit. One of the many misfortunes of the 14th Amendment (and why its repeal is a matter of such urgency) is to have decreed that anyone born in the U.S. is an American citizen.

At the time, the intention was to rightly secure full citizenship for African-Americans. At the time, the need to protect the nation against certain situations was not foreseen. As a result, to acquire American citizenship for her newborn and eventually for her family, all a Mexican woman needs to do is to cross the border and give birth on American soil and dime.

So, yes, with rare exceptions, Israel prohibits immigration by non-Jews. A strong leftist, counter-culture, non-traditionalist streak, imbibed in all likelihood with the brainwashing of the multicultural managerial state, may explain why so many libertarians see any state that protects the ethnic nature of a nation as racist. In a perverse way, these libertarians seem strangely pleased when the state thwarts the wishes of historic, founding populations, and intensely displeased when a state actually upholds the ethnic majority upon which a civilized polity depends. (Murray N. Rothbard referred to such libertarians as "simplistic" and "vulgar" individualists.)

The prospect of the demise of the historical majority in the U.S. has brought tears of joy to Bill Clinton's eyes. To judge by his policies, Bush junior also welcomes this end-of-days scenario. In Israel, however, retaining a Jewish majority is a matter of greater urgency. It's a matter of life and death really, considering that her Arab citizens are reluctant to accept Israel's Jewish-Zionist identity and that their Palestinian brethren outside the Green Line seem to think that Israeli real estate ought to be confined to the Mediterranean Sea.

Bear in mind that for their purposes, anti-Israel libertarians appear to have adopted leftist human-rights nomenclature, according to which feeling like a second-class citizen is the same as being a second-class citizen. The fact that immigration is limited to Jews (as is the burden of military service), or that they retain a majority, doesn't, however, mean that minorities in Israel are oppressed, discriminated against or don't have full rights.

The political climate in Israel is free – everyone and his dog is a human-rights activist. In fact, Americans will find the claims made by Israeli-Arabs strangely familiar. Complaints such as "living standards are far below those of Jews, and the country's Arabs are severely underrepresented in many choice occupations," must surely ring a bell. Much like the demands made by African-American activists (would any self-respecting libertarian heed those?) against mainstream America, the gripes of Israeli-Arabs pertain more often to the standards and influence the community thinks it deserves rather than to rights it doesn't have.

The preference given to Jews in the Jewish state is a no-brainer.
Why are we supporting apartheid?

Racism through religion is still racism.

I also don't understand what she means by 'would any self-respecting libertarian heed those'... the 'rights' African-Americans have fought and died for aren't about 'want over need' but about equal access.

If Arab Israelis are indeed treated like African-Americans in any way shape or form, then Israel doesn't deserve a dime further.

She also mentions 'jewish-zionist'. How deep do the radical xenophobic 'zionist' roots really extend, however?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:05 pm
by Jerkovich
Jew lover. :lol: :meds:

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:35 pm
by RadioFan
Tom In VA wrote:RACK T1B's Mini-Mossad

mvscal, try not to confuse Annie with facts, please. The scroll wheels are becoming smooth.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:43 pm
by Risa
mvscal wrote:
Risa wrote:Maybe giving Israel a free pass, when another nation like -- say, South Africa -- is not only roundly condemned but sanctioned for the same... is psychotic.
Israel isn't South Africa. Israeli Arabs have more civil rights than Arabs in Syria or Egypt or Saudi Arabia.
a right denied is a right denied. that's not good enough, mvscal. if christians have more civil rights in the UAE, but they're still denied full citizenship strictly due to their religion that's bullshit.

if women have more civil rights in Saudi Arabia, but they're still denied full citizenship strictly due to their gender, that's bullshit.

african americans had more civil rights than south african blacks. That's not good enough.[/i] It will never be good enough.
The Arabs in the occupied territories aren't Israeli citizens.

Well, that's my confusion then.

Since non-jews can never be Israeli citizens, what are they, then?
Why are we spending so much money on a State that the vast majority of Americans could never belong to or immigrate to?

Why are we paying for their special status?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:17 pm
by The Whistle Is Screaming
Risa wrote:Since non-jews can never be Israeli citizens, what are they, then?

:meds: Stop proving your stupidity, please. ... nality.htm
Acquisition of Israeli Nationality
Israel's Nationality Law relates to persons born in Israel or resident therein, as well as to those wishing to settle in the country, regardless of race, religion, creed, sex or political belief. Citizenship may be acquired by:

The Law of Return

I skipped the 1st 3, you can read the link for them.

Acquisition of Nationality by Naturalization
Adults may acquire Israeli citizenship by naturalization at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior and subject to a number of requirements, such as:

they must have resided in Israel for three years out of the five years preceding the day of submission of the application.

they are entitled to reside in Israel permanently and have settled or intend to settle in Israel;

they have renounced their prior nationality, or have proved that they will cease to be foreign nationals upon becoming Israeli citizens.

The Minister of the Interior may exempt an applicant from some of these requirements.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:45 pm
by Goober McTuber
Risa wrote: That's not good enough.[/i]

Brilliant use of ubb code. Bitalics.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:09 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Sure, rail on all you like...but bad a picture I paint of the Zionist dream state, it's true. Of course another series of snapshots could provide an entirely different view--a modern Russian city in the Middle East, with chrome latte machines and expensive designer stores, etc. But I'm looking beneath the facade.

What claim can you actually deny? That Kastner was tried in an Israeli court for his despicible conspiracy with Eichmann?

check it out,

Do you deny any of the prominent features of Israeli society I've mentioned? Which?

(And remember, THIS IS NOT MY THREAD--I neither named it or posted it)

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:30 pm
by RadioFan
LTS TRN 2 wrote:(And remember, THIS IS NOT MY THREAD--I neither named it or posted it)

You made it yours by taking a shit in Luther's, Jew boy.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:41 pm
by LTS TRN 2
I have no problem connecting the dots, I just think the thread deserves a better title, like

"So, Why WERE Four Mossad Agents Dancing (and Detained) In NYC On 911??"


Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:46 pm
by LTS TRN 2
mvscal wrote:Jews in New York City?!? No way...

And dancing as the towers go down? Is that some, uh, local tradition?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:30 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
LTS TRN 2 wrote: "So, Why WERE Four Mossad Agents Dancing (and Detained) In NYC On 911??"

They were buying art from their Israeli art student cohorts.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:36 pm
by RadioFan
LTS TRN 2 wrote:"So, Why WERE Four Mossad Agents Dancing (and Detained) In NYC On 911??"

You finally had a fantasy that made you come during your perpetual jackoff session?

Please, don't tell. Besides, this thread does need a new title.

My vote: "Carol doesn't do Babs."

Hopefully, Israel will kill a few Hamas leaders tonight, so everyone can laugh at you. :lol:

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:41 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael