April's Tarotscopes (aka: Double Post a Rama)
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:22 pm
because no one should have to pay for this shit.... but it's a sweet gig if you get paid for this shit.
and don't bother with the 'that's so jess the rookie' and 'i don't read horoscopes' bullshit. just enjoy.
April Tarotscope
by Sephera Giron
Under the name Ariana, Sephera Giron is the author of House Magic: The Good Witch's Guide to Bringing Grace to Your Space (Conari/Red Wheel Books), a book which blends concepts of wishcraft, feng shui and other disciplines to improve home, body and soul. She trained as a tarot counselor for three years with the Society of Metaphysical and Esoteric Studies International, and has received additional training and certificates in Reiki and Touch for Health. Sephera has been reading tarot professionally for over seven years, often under the name Ariana. Access Sephera's skills at her online office: http://www.sff.net/people/seph/horoscope.htm.
Tarotscopes are cast using a combination of astrology and tarot cards. Each month I will pull a fresh card for every sign of the zodiac to see what influences are in the stars for your love life. To get even more out of your tarotscope, read your moon sign and rising sign to get a better grasp on what you need to know. If you are born on the cusp, read the sign near you as well. You can never be armed with too much information to travel down the baffling path of relationships! For example, I was born on January 23, so I read Aquarius and Capricorn. My moon sign is Virgo and my rising sign is Leo so I read those signs as well. Your moon sign is your feminine side and the side you become more like as you pass through middle age. Your rising sign is your public face, the mask you wear before people get to know you. You can have an astrology chart cast at astrology.net or astroadvice.com.
Here's April:
At exactly 12:40 pm on Thursday April 13th -- the same night that Passover begins -- the moon will be full. And the full moon of April, called the Wind or Seed Moon, represents fertility. Not only that, but on Friday April 14 (at 1:08 am) the moon enters sensuous Scorpio for a couple of days, which means you're likely to feel the effects of the Fertility Moon even more! The effects of these two occurrences can carry through the entire month. This is time of sexual awakening and you may find that everyone around you is looking for love. (You may also find yourself being more secretive.) The new moon comes in on Thursday April 27. Finish up that spring-cleaning. You may have occasion to be glad you took the time to organize your love nest.
Aries: Six of SwordsIt’s time to pull up anchor and shift gears. Sometimes in order to do what’s best for ourselves we have to make a sacrifice. You may come to realize that you are in a relationship that just isn’t working for you. Can you fix it with a more open mind and an attitude adjustment? Or do you need to call it quits and walk away? A rocky period you have just been through should be smoothing out. Try to be fair in how you assess situations and find the right balance to keep things running on an even keel.
Taurus: Seven of Swords
There is an air of secrecy around you this month. Be on your guard as someone may be trying to sneak around behind your back. Or perhaps it is you doing the sneaking. There are vibrations of infidelity so if you aren’t playing fair chances are you are going to get caught. Pay attention to the little details. There may be some miscommunication. Important papers may be lost or misfiled. You may find yourself in an adulterous relationship or someone you are involved with may be seeing someone behind your back.
Gemini: Death
The death card means transformation. This is time for a thorough spring-cleaning. Time to clean up your act or you’re going to crash and burn. If you are in a toxic relationship, now is the time to move on. If you’re single, you may find yourself in a few situations where you have an opportunity to meet new people. Put on your best face and move forward. Remember the habits you had that didn’t work for you and put them aside.
Cancer: The World
You have the world at your feet but you have to get out in the world first to see it. This is a time of freedom. You may go on a trip or even a cruise. You may meet someone on a trip. You may find closure in a few aspects of your life. If you are trying to leave a relationship, you will finally be able to clean up a few loose ends. Change is in the air and it should be for the better if you use the knowledge you have gathered on your life journey so far.
Leo: Six of Wands
You are victorious in love and war. Don’t get too cocky though or you may find everything comes crashing down. Remember how you got to your coveted position and the friends that got you there. You may find yourself hanging out with important people and even celebrities. There is a lot of sexual energy emanating from you and people are drawn to your charisma. You may find you have quite a few dates. There may be that special person that catches your eye. Let that person know that you are interested.
Virgo: Strength
The springtime brings out your animal instincts. The air is full of delicious smells and you are in hunting mode. You search for ways to get what you want. This might include using your keen logic and caustic charm to manipulate events in your favor. You may find yourself with an inescapable urge to fulfill carnal pleasures. If you are a woman, you need to take control in a relationship or get yourself in the game if you have been lying low. If you are a man, you may be tamed by a strong woman in your life. Let her have her way and you may reap great rewards in the bedroom.
Libra: Five of Pentacles
Don’t get discouraged if things aren’t going as smoothly as you hoped this month. You aren’t as alone as you think. There may be emptiness in your heart but this is only temporary. A relationship may be making you feel unsure about yourself. Try to see both sides of the equation. You have friends around that will help you or at least listen. You may experience financial difficulty during this time so try to prepare for that rainy day. Look around you and enjoy the world bustling around you. Change always brings new and exciting things.
Scorpio: The Sun
This is a great time for you. Life is a roller coaster and you’ll be riding those hills with abandon. The seed for something is planted for blossom in August. You may be feeling childlike. Be sure you don’t get downright immature. Live your life with an eye towards adventure. Indulge your playful side. You may be dealing with someone who is acting immature. Children might play a part in some decisions. If you are single, you may meet someone new and enjoy that thrill of the first few dates. If you are with someone, this should be a fun time as long as you both remember you’re adults.
Sagittarius: Ace of PentaclesOpportunity is coming your way. You may receive a bonus or inherit some money. A job offer may finally come if you’ve been actively looking. If you are in a relationship, you may receive a gift or even an engagement ring. If you are single, someone new is entering your life. This potential mate is steadfast and grounded. A refreshing change from some of your more whirlwind relationships may get you focused. Someone has been watching you and will finally get the nerve up to introduce himself.
Capricorn: Two of Cups
Get out of the house and go to parties. Try dating services such as Internet dating and speed dating. The more people you meet, the more you build the chance that you will find someone who is well suited for you. At one of your schmoozefests, you will meet someone of like mind. You share many similar life experiences and understand each other. This could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship that could blossom into romance. Your wit and charm will captivate this potential suitor.
Aquarius: Seven of Swords
Something doesn’t feel quite right. You logically analyze the situation but it’s hard to figure out where your discomfort lies. Someone is out to get you and you don’t know who or why. You may even be sabotaging yourself so check your motives before you act. If you are in a relationship, one of you may be fooling around. The person may not have acted on it yet, but the potential is there so be extra giving to your lover. If you are single, be certain that dates are who they say they are. You may find yourself entangled with a married person and chances are you’re going to get caught.
Pisces: Ten of Wands
The weight of the world is on your shoulders. Your compassionate nature has led you into deep water. Everyone comes to you with his or her problems and the weight of it all is bogging you down. Learn to say no. Sometimes your generosity has you doing so many favors that they are building into big deals. If at all possible, delegate. If you are in a relationship, you may find you are doing most of the work during this time. If you are single, you may be so overwhelmed by life that you find it hard to gather the energy to meet new people.
and don't bother with the 'that's so jess the rookie' and 'i don't read horoscopes' bullshit. just enjoy.
April Tarotscope
by Sephera Giron
Under the name Ariana, Sephera Giron is the author of House Magic: The Good Witch's Guide to Bringing Grace to Your Space (Conari/Red Wheel Books), a book which blends concepts of wishcraft, feng shui and other disciplines to improve home, body and soul. She trained as a tarot counselor for three years with the Society of Metaphysical and Esoteric Studies International, and has received additional training and certificates in Reiki and Touch for Health. Sephera has been reading tarot professionally for over seven years, often under the name Ariana. Access Sephera's skills at her online office: http://www.sff.net/people/seph/horoscope.htm.
Tarotscopes are cast using a combination of astrology and tarot cards. Each month I will pull a fresh card for every sign of the zodiac to see what influences are in the stars for your love life. To get even more out of your tarotscope, read your moon sign and rising sign to get a better grasp on what you need to know. If you are born on the cusp, read the sign near you as well. You can never be armed with too much information to travel down the baffling path of relationships! For example, I was born on January 23, so I read Aquarius and Capricorn. My moon sign is Virgo and my rising sign is Leo so I read those signs as well. Your moon sign is your feminine side and the side you become more like as you pass through middle age. Your rising sign is your public face, the mask you wear before people get to know you. You can have an astrology chart cast at astrology.net or astroadvice.com.
Here's April:
At exactly 12:40 pm on Thursday April 13th -- the same night that Passover begins -- the moon will be full. And the full moon of April, called the Wind or Seed Moon, represents fertility. Not only that, but on Friday April 14 (at 1:08 am) the moon enters sensuous Scorpio for a couple of days, which means you're likely to feel the effects of the Fertility Moon even more! The effects of these two occurrences can carry through the entire month. This is time of sexual awakening and you may find that everyone around you is looking for love. (You may also find yourself being more secretive.) The new moon comes in on Thursday April 27. Finish up that spring-cleaning. You may have occasion to be glad you took the time to organize your love nest.
Aries: Six of SwordsIt’s time to pull up anchor and shift gears. Sometimes in order to do what’s best for ourselves we have to make a sacrifice. You may come to realize that you are in a relationship that just isn’t working for you. Can you fix it with a more open mind and an attitude adjustment? Or do you need to call it quits and walk away? A rocky period you have just been through should be smoothing out. Try to be fair in how you assess situations and find the right balance to keep things running on an even keel.
Taurus: Seven of Swords
There is an air of secrecy around you this month. Be on your guard as someone may be trying to sneak around behind your back. Or perhaps it is you doing the sneaking. There are vibrations of infidelity so if you aren’t playing fair chances are you are going to get caught. Pay attention to the little details. There may be some miscommunication. Important papers may be lost or misfiled. You may find yourself in an adulterous relationship or someone you are involved with may be seeing someone behind your back.
Gemini: Death
The death card means transformation. This is time for a thorough spring-cleaning. Time to clean up your act or you’re going to crash and burn. If you are in a toxic relationship, now is the time to move on. If you’re single, you may find yourself in a few situations where you have an opportunity to meet new people. Put on your best face and move forward. Remember the habits you had that didn’t work for you and put them aside.
Cancer: The World
You have the world at your feet but you have to get out in the world first to see it. This is a time of freedom. You may go on a trip or even a cruise. You may meet someone on a trip. You may find closure in a few aspects of your life. If you are trying to leave a relationship, you will finally be able to clean up a few loose ends. Change is in the air and it should be for the better if you use the knowledge you have gathered on your life journey so far.
Leo: Six of Wands
You are victorious in love and war. Don’t get too cocky though or you may find everything comes crashing down. Remember how you got to your coveted position and the friends that got you there. You may find yourself hanging out with important people and even celebrities. There is a lot of sexual energy emanating from you and people are drawn to your charisma. You may find you have quite a few dates. There may be that special person that catches your eye. Let that person know that you are interested.
Virgo: Strength
The springtime brings out your animal instincts. The air is full of delicious smells and you are in hunting mode. You search for ways to get what you want. This might include using your keen logic and caustic charm to manipulate events in your favor. You may find yourself with an inescapable urge to fulfill carnal pleasures. If you are a woman, you need to take control in a relationship or get yourself in the game if you have been lying low. If you are a man, you may be tamed by a strong woman in your life. Let her have her way and you may reap great rewards in the bedroom.
Libra: Five of Pentacles
Don’t get discouraged if things aren’t going as smoothly as you hoped this month. You aren’t as alone as you think. There may be emptiness in your heart but this is only temporary. A relationship may be making you feel unsure about yourself. Try to see both sides of the equation. You have friends around that will help you or at least listen. You may experience financial difficulty during this time so try to prepare for that rainy day. Look around you and enjoy the world bustling around you. Change always brings new and exciting things.
Scorpio: The Sun
This is a great time for you. Life is a roller coaster and you’ll be riding those hills with abandon. The seed for something is planted for blossom in August. You may be feeling childlike. Be sure you don’t get downright immature. Live your life with an eye towards adventure. Indulge your playful side. You may be dealing with someone who is acting immature. Children might play a part in some decisions. If you are single, you may meet someone new and enjoy that thrill of the first few dates. If you are with someone, this should be a fun time as long as you both remember you’re adults.
Sagittarius: Ace of PentaclesOpportunity is coming your way. You may receive a bonus or inherit some money. A job offer may finally come if you’ve been actively looking. If you are in a relationship, you may receive a gift or even an engagement ring. If you are single, someone new is entering your life. This potential mate is steadfast and grounded. A refreshing change from some of your more whirlwind relationships may get you focused. Someone has been watching you and will finally get the nerve up to introduce himself.
Capricorn: Two of Cups
Get out of the house and go to parties. Try dating services such as Internet dating and speed dating. The more people you meet, the more you build the chance that you will find someone who is well suited for you. At one of your schmoozefests, you will meet someone of like mind. You share many similar life experiences and understand each other. This could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship that could blossom into romance. Your wit and charm will captivate this potential suitor.
Aquarius: Seven of Swords
Something doesn’t feel quite right. You logically analyze the situation but it’s hard to figure out where your discomfort lies. Someone is out to get you and you don’t know who or why. You may even be sabotaging yourself so check your motives before you act. If you are in a relationship, one of you may be fooling around. The person may not have acted on it yet, but the potential is there so be extra giving to your lover. If you are single, be certain that dates are who they say they are. You may find yourself entangled with a married person and chances are you’re going to get caught.
Pisces: Ten of Wands
The weight of the world is on your shoulders. Your compassionate nature has led you into deep water. Everyone comes to you with his or her problems and the weight of it all is bogging you down. Learn to say no. Sometimes your generosity has you doing so many favors that they are building into big deals. If at all possible, delegate. If you are in a relationship, you may find you are doing most of the work during this time. If you are single, you may be so overwhelmed by life that you find it hard to gather the energy to meet new people.