Q: What if my takes aren't retarded enough to qualify for this forum?
A: jtr and Cicero are m0derators but also m0difiers. If a post needs that "special" look, they'll use those extra buttons to edit it right.
Q: Wasn't this already done? Bace And Fester's Funhouse, much?
A: That forum is funny. This one has a different aim: think "kid's table at Thanksgiving dinner".
Q: With all the changes going on around here, is this latest Admin whim gonna last? I don't want to post just to have it deleted the next day.
A: Yeah, like any of us deserve to have our posts etched in granite for posterity. It's just a message board, lighten up.
Q: jtr and cicero claim to be over 18, yet their posting styles are like what you'd expect of 10 year olds. Isn't it just plain wrong to post to the same board as a couple of brats?
A: We've assigned Rack Fu to age verification duty in this case and depending on his findings, these two will either be cleared to continue or referred to Diego In Seattle for processing.
Hope this helps.
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Moderator: Jesus H Christ
- Mister Bushice
- Drinking all the beer Luther left behind
- Posts: 9490
- Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:39 pm