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Anybody give in to the PBA protection racket?
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 3:03 pm
by smackaholic
Over the last month, I have received atleast 3 phone calls from the fraternal order of state cops or whatever the hell they call themselves. They start the call off with "hi, smack. thanks for your past support..blah...blah....blah.....can we put you down for a 50 dollar contribution. You'll get that cool sticker to put in your window to keep you from getting a ticket errrrrr I mean show your support".
Fukkk you. I'll take my chances with local speed traps without your help.
As for showing my support, I already do by paying the highest taxes in the union. Why don't the firemen or dog catchers or mailmen or convienience store workers hit me up for money? They don't because they don't have something of value to peddle like that cool speeding pass you put in your window.
I'm not trying to turn this into a toddowen anti cop melt, but, I am so sick of these fukkers.
If you are a cop who lets a window sticker affect your ticket writing habits, you are no better than a mafia goon. Fukk you.
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 3:05 pm
by Wolfman
I doubt that a sticker in your window
would help--- however if you are carrying
a badge--- I know that works--right Luther ???
hey Luther !!!!!!
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 3:09 pm
by smackaholic
I know for a fact that that sticker helps. Why else would they give it to you. why else would you want the fukking thing in your window.
Luth, your thought on this would be appreciated.
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 3:29 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote:I know for a fact that that sticker helps. Why else would they give it to you. why else would you want the fukking thing in your window.
Luth, your thought on this would be appreciated.
They give it to you because they know you think it helps. You put it in your window because you think it might help. If you want to avoid a ticket then don't speed in front of a cop.
BTW...fuck the police sticker, you should be sportin' this one:

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 3:34 pm
by Derron
know for a fact that that sticker helps. Why else would they give it to you. why else would you want the fukking thing in your window.
I know exactly what you mean. That fucking sticker saved my ass from a DWI, and from going to jail. I am sending another $ 250 tonight. Great value.
Patrick Kennedy
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 3:40 pm
by Wolfman
I laughed !!
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 4:55 pm
by Moving Sale
Derron wrote:That fucking sticker saved my ass from a DWI...
You mean booze? Got any proof to back that up like oh say a witness that saw him drinking before he peppered his friend in the face, I mean drove?
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 5:25 pm
by smackaholic
You believe the ambien line, TiVO?
Anyone with half a brain would want to stay around to prove that he was not intoxicated, rather than let the cop's bosses sneak him away like they did.
And was there anyone suggesting that chenron had anything more than a beer with lunch? god, you are a pathetic pos.
Back to the topic at hand. I spose a weasel like yourself looks at protection money for cops as no big deal.
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 5:51 pm
by Moving Sale
smackaholic wrote:I spose a weasel like yourself looks at protection money for cops as no big deal.
I wouldn't pay it 'cause they all know who I am anyways from seeing them in the court room and/or x-examining them on the stand, so it wouldn't do any good. They either like me or the hate me. Most cops are pretty cool to 'us', but they would all
love to bust us for something, with a DUI being pretty high on the list.
Should YOU pay it? Probably not.
Should they call and strong arm? Mmmmm no.
Would calling and asking nice for money to help kids or something be okay? Sure.
Is the sticker thing a scam? Yes.
Should they be 'allowed' to make these calls? Yes.
As for Pat... Just a simple question about your evidence.
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 5:57 pm
by Adelpiero
they said on local tv, that that money doesn't go to your local police department, it's a foundation that only some state offieces and departments acknowledge!
and NO i don't give to them!
i give to Backstoppers, local group where money goes to family of deceased Policeman who die on the job. Helps with their bills,college for kids, living expenses, etc. Great Charity in my Opinion.
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 6:15 pm
by smackaholic
how 'bout the families of those that die doing something other than being a cop. I have this thing they call life insurance. Cops should as well. Iam also fairly sure that the families of cops whacked on the yob receive some sort of pension or whatever. Probably better than I have provided through my employer.
Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 1:04 am
by Derron
You mean booze? Got any proof to back that up like oh say a witness that saw him drinking before he peppered his friend in the face, I mean drove?
Does not take a witness counsler, it take's a mother fucking breath test. Which dude refused to take since, he probably paid them off any way.
So he walks and does the old rehab thing blah blah blah,
Then right on cue the screaming monkleys throwing their legal shit . Amazing you attorneys really thinks any body gives a fuck about what you think.
Hows it feel to be damn near as low as the criminals you serve ??
Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 1:15 am
by Moving Sale
Derron wrote:... breath test. Which dude refused to take...
Link? Of course you don't have a link because you are a lying sack of shit.
Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 1:34 am
by Luther
Honestly, the sticker thing is news to me. I've heard of solicitors calling people on behalf of the cops for different things, but I haven't heard of or seen one of the stickers. I have however seen Fire Department stickers and such.
The area that I worked in was high in property crimes/drug use. Burglaries, auto theft, theft, meth and heroin were the basic stuff I handled. Family beefs, bar fights, dog fights, shit like that. Typically, I wouldn't really have that much time to write a lot of tickets. I only did it to drive out some POS doper/crook from my district. Tow his car a few times and hopefully he'd want to move to a different district so he could be anonymous for awhile.
If I stopped a cop from a neighboring county or town, I wouldn't cite them. I would if there was someone hurt, but I think I've only stopped two or three during my career. I myself was stopped once and was shined on, thankyou.
Now that I'm retired I don't know what would happen. My drivers license is in my wallet behind the police ID, which I like to have it quickly visible in case I have to use it etc. Rarely do I carry a weapon as I just don't go to shaky places or am out late at bars etc. I'm usually in my jammies and watching the boob tube, hoping I could make it until the 11 PM news.
Rip City

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 1:47 am
by Mississippi Neck
Derron wrote:
Hows it feel to be damn near as low as the criminals you serve ??
Really Derron. I wouldn't make many generalizations about his. clients. The only one I'd probably make is that all of his clients need a better attorney
Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 2:07 am
by Jerkovich
Moving Sale wrote: or the hate me.
Uhm, I live in SLO. They hate your fucking ass. Just sayin'.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 2:15 am
by Moving Sale
Jerkovich wrote:
Uhm, I live in SLO.
Not that I believe that, but the rest was pretty funny.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 2:26 am
by Jerkovich
Moving Sale wrote:Jerkovich wrote:
Uhm, I live in SLO.
Not that I believe that, but the rest was pretty funny.

Uhm, I saw you the other day at the courthouse, ya twerp. I was with the restaurant owner across the street on Monterey. We both laughed when I told him what fuck you are.
Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 2:42 am
by Moving Sale
Jerkovich wrote: I was with the restaurant owner across the street on Monterey.
Which one?
Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 4:44 am
by Taint
Jerkovich wrote: We both laughed when I told him what fuck you are.
I think he was probably laughing at your horrific grasp of the English language.
Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 11:57 am
by SunCoastSooner
I give to the State Troopers FOP, or whatever it is, and it is more than $50 a year ya cheap bastard. I do use the sticker. I am not under any delusions that is ever going to get me out of a ticket though. I don't need that to get out of a ticket though; speaking with respect to officers goes along way. They're just doing their damn jobs, protecting us, for shitty pay. If you can't afford a speeding ticket then don't fucking speed.
I will say that my daughter has gotten me out of atleast 2 tickets on I-10; troopers for some damn reason see a baby and just start acting like women, go figure.
Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 2:30 pm
by Adelpiero
smackaholic wrote:how 'bout the families of those that die doing something other than being a cop. I have this thing they call life insurance. Cops should as well. Iam also fairly sure that the families of cops whacked on the yob receive some sort of pension or whatever. Probably better than I have provided through my employer.
your not really this stupid are you?
Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 7:17 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
In NY, there are no legit "PBA" groups that do phone solicitation. The attorney general's office even has warnings to let folks know that and how to deal with the scammers. My next door neighbor is a deputy sheriff and the yutzes who do the "PBA" phone scam even tried to ask him for money. He laughs about how he screwed around with the guy's head on the phone before dropping the "oh, by the way, I'm a cop and what you're doing is against the law..."
I've got legit PBA stickers from cop relatives and they've told me as I slapped the things on my car that they don't mean crap since any yahoo can get one. The magistrates' association stickers, on the other hand...(my mom was a town court clerk and used to toss me those).
Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 7:29 pm
by smackaholic
Adelpiero wrote:smackaholic wrote:how 'bout the families of those that die doing something other than being a cop. I have this thing they call life insurance. Cops should as well. Iam also fairly sure that the families of cops whacked on the yob receive some sort of pension or whatever. Probably better than I have provided through my employer.
your not really this stupid are you?
not sure. depends on what this stupid is?
what is the problem? I just don't get cops or anybody else whinning about how horrible/dangerous their yob is. This is probably because I live in a state where cops are pretty damn well paid. Particularly in places like the cities where they actually do have a modicum of risk associated with the job. For the rest, their drive to work is the riskiest thing they do.
Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 2:19 pm
by Rooster
I didn't realise the Professional Bowling Association was involved in strongarming innocent citizens.
Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 4:38 pm
by Uncle Fester
Those wristguards and polishing cloths cost money.
Can I put you down for $50.00?
Wayne Webb
Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:58 pm
by smackaholic
yeah, heart attack, my arse. It was PBA goons that took out the bestest bowler in history, Earl Anthony.
Anybody remember old earl? Smoovest mofo to ever strap on the wrist thingy.
Re: Anybody give in to the PBA protection racket?
Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 11:00 pm
by The Assassin
smackaholic wrote:Over the last month, I have received atleast 3 phone calls from the fraternal order of state cops or whatever the hell they call themselves. They start the call off with "hi, smack. thanks for your past support..blah...blah....blah.....can we put you down for a 50 dollar contribution. You'll get that cool sticker to put in your window to keep you from getting a ticket errrrrr I mean show your support".
Fukkk you. I'll take my chances with local speed traps without your help.
As for showing my support, I already do by paying the highest taxes in the union. Why don't the firemen or dog catchers or mailmen or convienience store workers hit me up for money? They don't because they don't have something of value to peddle like that cool speeding pass you put in your window.
I'm not trying to turn this into a toddowen anti cop melt, but, I am so sick of these fukkers.
If you are a cop who lets a window sticker affect your ticket writing habits, you are no better than a mafia goon. Fukk you.
My wife made the mistake of giving them money. and now they call all the time. They cant even get our names correct! Fukkin cops and their scams.