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Some interesting statistics

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 4:50 am
by Dr_Phibes
On the Jewish population:

World Almanac, 1938, pg. 510 -- world jewish population = 15,748,091, with 240,000 in Germany

American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939 -- 15,600,000

World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population -- 15,319,359

World Almanac, 1941, pg. 510: World Jewish Population -- 15,748,091

World Almanac, 1942, pg. 849 -- 15,192,089, "Jews include Jews by race not necessarily by religion"

World Almanac USA, 1947, pg. 748: World Jewish Population -- 15,690,000


National Council of Churches 1930 - 15,600 ,000
American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939 - 15,600,000
World Almanac USA 1946 - 15,690,000
Statistical Handbook of Council of Churches USA 1951 - 15,300,000

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 10:04 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Your math is anti-Semitic.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 11:41 am
by SunCoastSooner
And this has to do with theology how?

I hope you have a theological point to this Phibes.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 12:45 pm
by tough love
I may be wrong, but I think what the good Dr. is saying is that God is a communist.

You are close, my brother, very very close. :wink:

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 3:27 pm
by Dr_Phibes
SunCoastSooner wrote:And this has to do with theology how?

I hope you have a theological point to this Phibes.
I am feeling controversial today. It would be more relevant in a history forum - but there isn't one and givin the nature of the rhetoric in the media regarding Ahmadinejad it seems appropriate. Feel free to delete it though.

Pop history from the bourgeoisis a very real thing, so I'm wondering what methodology was used by the World Almanac to come up with those figures. I've looked them up and they still exist - they seem legit, I can only imagine they got those numbers by various government cencus taken at the time.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 5:39 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Dr_Phibes wrote:
SunCoastSooner wrote:And this has to do with theology how?

I hope you have a theological point to this Phibes.
I am feeling controversial today. It would be more relevant in a history forum - but there isn't one and givin the nature of the rhetoric in the media regarding Ahmadinejad it seems appropriate. Feel free to delete it though.

Pop history from the bourgeoisis a very real thing, so I'm wondering what methodology was used by the World Almanac to come up with those figures. I've looked them up and they still exist - they seem legit, I can only imagine they got those numbers by various government cencus taken at the time.
I just can't believe those numbers are accurate. During WWI the Ottoman Empire conducted very stringent census linked specifically to conscription and they reportedly had over 7 million Jews within their borders. That would be almost half the entire Jewish population two decades later?

I find that a bit hard to swallow.

I take it you were leading into Holocaust propaganda that it didn't occur or only to a small select few right?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 8:01 pm
by Dr_Phibes
No, not at all. Collier's Yearbook comes in the pre-war number 16,700,000 reduced to 12,000,000 in 1945, so that's 4.7 mil (whatever that's worth). The magic number 6 should definitely be revised. Anyway, more accurate numbers are all in German archives and can't be released owing to Amero/Isreali lobbying.

And your Ottoman number is wrong - Just over sixteen million was the peak of Jewish world population, today it stands at thirteen.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 8:53 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Are you counting lamp shades and bars of soap?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 10:56 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Dr_Phibes wrote: And your Ottoman number is wrong - Just over sixteen million was the peak of Jewish world population, today it stands at thirteen.
7 Million was the number of Jews living within just their borders. I didn't claim that every jew lived in the Ottoman Empires domain.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 11:08 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Ahhh, yes...the Ladino Jews of the Ottoman Empire. Proud guests of the Sultan, fresh from their explusion from reconquered Spain.
Seems the Spanish had a bone to pick with the Jews, who were heavily involved in selling Christian slaves to the Moors and other nefarious acts including collusion with the enemies of Christian Europe.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 1:47 am
by Dr_Phibes
SunCoastSooner wrote:
7 Million was the number of Jews living within just their borders. I didn't claim that every jew lived in the Ottoman Empires domain.
Sorry, Suncoast - I've spent the past four hours researching this and you're incorrect. I now know everything there is to know about Jewish demographics.

The Isreali Bureau of Statistics puts the world Jewish population at 13,000,000 in 1914. The total population of the Ottoman Empire the same year was 25,000,000 - with 20,000,000 identified as Turks, Arabs, Kurds, Armenians. The remainder are a hodge-podge, including a few hundred thousand jews - not seven million.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 7:53 pm
by The Whistle Is Screaming
I'm guessing it would be too much for you to slap a few links to back your numbers. Here's what I found ...

Year World Jewish Population Israel Number
1800 2,500,000 6,000
1880 7,750,000 25,000
1939 16,620,000 445,000
1945 11,000,000 565,000
1948 11,530,000 650,000
1950 11,373,000 1,203,000
1955 11,800,000 1,591,000
1975 12,742,000 2,959,000
1985 12,871,000 3,517,000
1990 12,869,000 3,947,000
1993 12,963,000 4,335,000
1995 13,000,000 4,550,000
2001 13,254,000 4,952,000
2002 Exact numbers not available 5,292,000 ... /dem3.html

Lot's of intersting info with regards to demographics.

Also, what Israeli Bureau of Statistics did you use?

Nothing prior to 1949 on this site.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:47 pm
by rozy
There was supposed to be something interesting here according to the thread title...

...still waiting...

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 3:57 am
by Dr_Phibes
The Whistle Is Screaming wrote:I'm guessing it would be too much for you to slap a few links to back your numbers. Here's what I found ... ... /dem3.html

Lot's of intersting info with regards to demographics.
Sorry, I should have!
The 1914 number comes from here: Jewish Virtual Library. They cite the ICBS as a source and provide the same link you've got - I found it difficult to navigate. But if you say there is nothing prior to 1949, I would be suspicious. Maybe these virtual tricksters are messing with numbers for some evil purpose.
The Ottoman Empire numbers come from Encyclopedia Britannica. Don't worry, I didn't use anything like This.

And I found your Zionist link contentious.
rozy wrote:There was supposed to be something interesting here according to the thread title...

...still waiting...
But here is the point, rozy! Statistics might seem a bit boring on the surface, but they get to the heart of the matter.



As the graph above illustrates, facial hair in Communism has declined 100% over a period of eighty years.

Rather than put your head in the clouds and engage in arguements about wether his sky god is crazier than your boogeyman - examining material conditions allow you to reach a more balanced and accurate conclusion. As Jewish demographics are the subject, let's look at that.

From the links I've gone through, Isreal estimates that by 2080, the Jewish population will simply cease to exist - they're simply not having babies and Palistinian birth rates are amongst the highest in the world. Right now, a quarter of all children in Isreal are Palistinian and Muslim and 20% of the population is Palistinian (not counting the Occupied Territories).

As a solution, Isreal has created walled cantons in the West Bank in order to begin dumping the ethnically cleansed non-Jewish population into - it is now illegal for a Palistinian to obtain citizenship or temporary residency even if they marry a Jew - and those already married with families are to be deported, regardless of how long they've been a citizen.

So in conclusion:

With the aid of demograhics and dialectical materialism we have dicovered that the 'roadmap for peace' isn't some act of altruism, more like a recipe for a theocratic tribal society to improve their material conditions at the expense of another theocratic society that reside on the opposite end of the material power spectrum. Throwing around a bunch of 'Islamofascist invisible man' junk is simply childish and does nothing to help Jews have more sex.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 12:08 pm
by SunCoastSooner
You keep wanting this Phibes and we'll keep shooting both commies and rag heads. Welcome to a Brave New World. One where we aremn't putting up with your shit anymore. Congrats on re-awakening the sleeping giant.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 11:15 am
by tough love
Thread + Forum = Porkchop in a Synagogue.

Take it to the SPIN ZONE, Tardio's.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 4:53 am
by trev
rozy wrote:There was supposed to be something interesting here according to the thread title...

...still waiting...
Maybe it needs Shrubified.