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How long would it take?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:50 pm
by Luther
Zacarias Moussaoui now says he was just kidding about flying a plane into the white house and now wants a new trial. He got 6 life terms and he'll be safe in his cell for what is it, 23 hrs a day?

Hey, I was just fibbing.


But lets just say he signs up for the prison glee club, or the prison golden gloves tournament, or maybe the Easter play, ...I wonder if someone could take him ooout.

Rip City

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:56 pm
by Cicero
I wish they would let him out in the general population.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:01 pm
by Wolfman
he'll be a brief note in
the papers when he dies !

now Saddam---
they should have taken him out behind
a tree and shot his ass !!

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:44 pm
by Mister Bushice
Maybe they should just play a little slim whitman:


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:46 pm
by Atomic Punk
No idea, I'm guessing his fellow inmates are giving him a "high 5" that isn't sexual.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:52 pm
by The Assassin
Mister Bushice wrote:Maybe they should just play a little slim whitman:


:lol: Rack the Mars Attacks reset.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 11:47 pm
by Bobby42
Difficult, not impossible.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 1:06 am
by A.C. Crut
buttfucked in the mouth?

The sheer mechanics are maddening, something you may have witnessed during street hooker duty, I think.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 1:33 am
by RadioFan
If this clown steered clear, so to speak, of Oklahoma, I'd give him a week. If not, a day.

Billy Bob: "Hey aren't you that Zac-done-us Mousalini, who done trained to fly are-0-planes, in Norman?"

Moussaoui: "Yes, it IS, me. You infidel dog."

Billy Bob: "Yeah, I thunk so"



Billy Bob: "Now try thinkin' 'bout flyin' them are-0-planes."

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 2:21 am
by Ken
Jsc810 wrote:He's going to the fed's SuperMax which means he will have ZERO contact with other inmates. Like on Death Row in Louisiana, he will be in his cell 23 hours per day, everyday, 24/7/365, until he assumes room temp.
I'd say a lifetime of that is about as bad as it can get... worse than daily buttfuckings in the mouth as part of the gen pop.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 2:22 am
by Luther
Good one, RF. hahahaha.

AC Crut used to post way back in the good old TNW days, but where's he's been since, I don't know. Unless he justs trolls in the sports forums...

AC, I don't know who coined that term...maybe RaiderJames ? He typically has all the good ones, so I'm just making an educated guess.

Rip City

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 7:37 am
by Mike Backer
If anyone knows anything about mouf buttfucking, it's the Crutster.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:08 pm
by Some Damn Retard
They wouldn't do anything to him. His crimes wouldn't be any worse than theirs, at least in their minds. How many inmates in the "general population" had relatives killed in the attack or give any kind of fuck about America?

I have to grudgingly agree with this scumbag that "he wins". Get ready for one media outburst after another. He may spend his life behind bars, but that doesn't mean he can't write books, letters, do interviews, etc. He will continue to taunt America and we just let it happen.

Making this a law enforcement issue and not a military issue was a huge miscalculation. If we as a nation don't muster up the mental toughness to deal with the threats confronting us internationally, we can expect to be fucked with continually.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:23 pm
by Luther
Prisoners rarely see each other, and inmates' only human interaction is limited to that of the "correctional officers". Religious services are broadcast in from a small chapel.

It's a Super Max facility and I'm not so sure he'll be giving any jail house interviews. Could he write something and have it published ? I dunno. I don't think we have any Federal prison guards as posters, but we might have one or two former Super Max inmates who could tell us what it is really like.

It also looks like his one measly hour a day for exercise is spent in a concrete box all by himself. If everything is true in the description, then about the only way to get to him is by a Guard snapping and having him go Rodney King riots on the Moose. Or, maybe some crazy bitch in the kitchen fixing him up some special Jim Jones casserole.

No way he won. I would rather get the injection than spend the rest of my life (yeah, I know...about 10 years) in a closet. After awhile his brain will just turn into pudding.

Rip City

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:27 pm
by Some Damn Retard
Luther wrote: No way he won. I would rather get the injection than spend the rest of my life (yeah, I know...about 10 years) in a closet. After awhile his brain will just turn into pudding.

Rip City
No way America won. None of the victims' families looked or sounded like they won.

We haven't heard the last of this clown, unfortunately. His being able to rub our noses in it, at least for a while, gives him a win.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:30 pm
by Mister Bushice
Dude wanted to be a martyr, and he failed at that thanks to the jury. Now he's nothing. He can't get out, he won't be interviewed, and he won't be allowed any outgoing messages to inspire the followers of the "cause".

If they had put him to death, some muslim extremist group would pop up called "The Brigade of Moussaoui Martyrs" or some bullshit like that, and they'd kill innocent people in his name. Now that won't happen. Fucker got the worst punishment they could have given him, to erase him from society and cut off contact with the outside world.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 9:29 pm
by Mister Bushice
Not to them it ain't. Those dopes believe in the 47 virgins thing. I'm guessing Mister Moose is a tad upset.

Lets see....

47 virgins,

Right hand


Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 9:58 pm
I'm not much worried about martyr-making. So a teenager in a Karachi madrass is going to hate us that much more if we put a slug in this guy's eye?

I guess that while Moussaoui lives, the zealots and us are on the mend, eh? Wouldn't want to upset the delicate balance or anything.


Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 10:59 pm
by War Wagon
Some Damn Retard wrote:
Luther wrote: No way he won. I would rather get the injection than spend the rest of my life (yeah, I know...about 10 years) in a closet. After awhile his brain will just turn into pudding.

Rip City
No way America won. None of the victims' families looked or sounded like they won.

We haven't heard the last of this clown, unfortunately. His being able to rub our noses in it, at least for a while, gives him a win.
America "won" because a jury of ordinary citizens rendered judgement.

Rack that shit.

The slimeball isn't rubbing my nose in a damn thing.

Enjoy that concrete box.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:12 pm
by Luther
I agree with WW, my nose isn't rubbed into a damn thing. I spent a lifetime putting shitheads in jail, even though they were a far cry less offensive than any terrorist. I didn't prosecute them, I didn't render any judgement, I just got to put my hands on them and get them to where people like 88, or the Retard could have their go.

I used to think sparky was the worst punishment, ...or any mode of death for that matter. I kind of changed my mind with that. Having to literally rot in a concrete box for decades, without human contact on a regular basis, without watching another Jenna Jamison movie, never seeing the DVD collection of Show Tunes by Manilow is so totally crushing. Having to eat food, prepared by people that really hate your ass seems paradoxically important; healthy food, 3 square meals, poison, spit, and shit like that.

If life in prison is a win then why do so many ex-con's go out with a bang, with that cowardly bullet to the noggin? They ain't looking to score some 47 virgins or whatever the bingo amount is, ...they do it because they don't want to rot. You will ROT in prison.

Rip City

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:23 pm
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote: Why do bleeding hearts lobby to end capital punishment if life in prison is even worse?
Capital punishment is a fine idea...if a jury of citizens unanimously deems that sentence to be appropriate.

This one didn't.

Who the fuck are YOU to question that judgement?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:34 pm
by Derron
You will ROT in prison.
Rack that.

Especially in max. Limited contact.

My bro in law is in corrections at Pelican Bay. He works the SHU, Secure Housing Unit where all the nut cases and ones that are really fucked up live.

The public has no idea what goes on in prison, because after the dirtbags are convicted and locked away, their public viewing and access is also gone.

These guys all think and try to kill everyone they come into contact with. They are slowly rotting away. Just a short stop on earth here, as when they do finally get offed , I am sure Satan has some great plans for them .

War tasers, batons and hockey pucks from a 12 gauge.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:38 pm
by Luther
mvscal wrote:If that's true, why are these shitballs all smiles everytime they get life in prison instead of death?

Why do bleeding hearts lobby to end capital punishment if life in prison is even worse?
Honestly, mv, it is because both are basically idiots to the reality of the whole fucking thing. Moose, he doesn't want to ever show that he was ever hardshipped at all, and the bleeding hearts couldn't find their asses with a whoop-ass can full of common sense. Both groups have virtually little grasp with what doctors usually tell the dying cancer patient, "Quality of life".

Moose isn't going to wear New Balance shoes like his buddy Zarquawi, he's not going to be able to wipe the needles from Ozama's dialysis machine, he's not going to even see these fuckers on the tube again. He's got to "mentally" picture Anna Nicole Smith, but his mind is becoming pudding and the images of Mimi from the Drew Carey show flood his mush. He can't even take long hot showers because his nozzle is time set.

Moose can't even sit and shoot the shit with Richard Reid, the tard who tried to light his shoes on fire. He can't even try to cheat at poker if he's playing with Omar Abdul-Rahman, the blind fucking sheik.

He gets a black and white TV that shows only educational or religious shows. Maybe, and it will happen, he will at some time get to see some old shows by Jimmy Swaggert and consider them to be the funniest things EVER.

He's smiling at the camera's now, but I'll guaran-damn-tee you he won't have that smile on his face this time next year.

Fuck him, and fuck the bleeding hearts. Both know shit.

Rip City

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:41 pm
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote:...why don't you go ahead and highlight the portion of my post that "questions" their "judgment".
It's an inference based on your know-it-all posting history.

So, you don't question that judgement?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:46 pm
by Mister Bushice
Luther wrote:
mvscal wrote:If that's true, why are these shitballs all smiles everytime they get life in prison instead of death?

Why do bleeding hearts lobby to end capital punishment if life in prison is even worse?
Honestly, mv, it is because both are basically idiots to the reality of the whole fucking thing. Moose, he doesn't want to ever show that he was ever hardshipped at all, and the bleeding hearts couldn't find their asses with a whoop-ass can full of common sense. Both groups have virtually little grasp with what doctors usually tell the dying cancer patient, "Quality of life".

Moose isn't going to wear New Balance shoes like his buddy Zarquawi, he's not going to be able to wipe the needles from Ozama's dialysis machine, he's not going to even see these fuckers on the tube again. He's got to "mentally" picture Anna Nicole Smith, but his mind is becoming pudding and the images of Mimi from the Drew Carey show flood his mush. He can't even take long hot showers because his nozzle is time set.

Moose can't even sit and shoot the shit with Richard Reid, the tard who tried to light his shoes on fire. He can't even try to cheat at poker if he's playing with Omar Abdul-Rahman, the blind fucking sheik.

He gets a black and white TV that shows only educational or religious shows. Maybe, and it will happen, he will at some time get to see some old shows by Jimmy Swaggert and consider them to be the funniest things EVER.

He's smiling at the camera's now, but I'll guaran-damn-tee you he won't have that smile on his face this time next year.

Fuck him, and fuck the bleeding hearts. Both know shit.

Rip City
If that dumb fuck actually thought he "got over", he wouldn't have requested a new trial. He's fucked, and he knows it.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:49 pm
by Luther
I haven't seen a one liner that pretty much shot an argument to shit in a long time, but there it is.

Rack Bushy.

Rip City

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:55 pm
by War Wagon
Luther wrote:
...he will at some time get to see some old shows by Jimmy Swaggert and consider them to be the funniest things EVER.
Brutal stuff.

I'd take a bullet, instead.

Maybe old Jimmy will convert him?

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 12:17 am
by Luther

[align=center]Oh, Moose. You must know that I too have sinned.
Not as bad as you, but I picked up a skanky whore.
Yes, yes, you are even worse.

We can't catch old Osama right now,
but we will some day. You might hear
about it, but you will never see it on the TV.

But you will see me, you porkless eating tard.
I will cry with you, I will pray with you, but in the long run...
Your ass isn't going to the same station as mine.

Oh hell yeah.

Oh hell yeah.

You won't see me doing it, and you probably won't hear it,
but I'll still be banging fat old Betty from the choir, and you'll
still be thinking of Mimi.

You sorry assed piece of shit.

Cryingly yours,


Rip City