OTTAWA (CP) - The federal government is finally developing its long-awaited National Do-Not-Call-Registry.
It's designed to help consumers tired of telemarketers calling them to pitch their products. The federal Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission held public hearings last week to get input on its proposed new regulations.
And it could take until the end of 2007 to get the registry up and running.
But a similar don't-call-me registry in the United States has been popular with as many as 100 million home phone numbers listed as not wanting calls from telemarketers.
Canada has been considering a similar program since 2001. ... 63&k=55637
First off, I will miss messing with these people, when I had the time and inclination to do so.
Poor tards prolly didn't even know their own names by the time THEY hung up on me. :twisted:
YES, Lib_Stench, we know that your stink talked and talked and talked about doing something about this.Canada has been considering a similar program since 2001.
They also talked and talked and talked about child care for 11 freakin yrs without creating ONE new child care space, which means even you washed have to recognize that The Harpers DO for New Canada, where others just yack, and yack and yack for elections sake.
Come One Come All Blind Lo$ers.
Yes; all 30% of you.
It's Props to Harper Time if you are ever going to regain a resemblance of credibility You Need To Repeat This: ->Thank You Mr. Prime Minister for actually DOING something about those pain in the ass tele-marketers.
Now, that wasn't so horrible, was it. :)