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Bass Pro Shops

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 7:31 pm
by The Seer
Building one in Cucamonga....Heard they are the end all for outdoors stuff...hunting, fishing, camping, etc....

There's one next to the Silverton Casino in Vegas I guess....

Supposed to be unreal....

Any info?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 7:38 pm
by Neely8
Them and Cabela's are numero uno. A fisherman will love it....

Re: Bass Pro Shops

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 8:15 pm
by Jimmy Medalions
The Seer wrote:Building one in Cucamonga....Heard they are the end all for outdoors stuff...hunting, fishing, camping, etc....

There's one next to the Silverton Casino in Vegas I guess....

Supposed to be unreal....

Any info?
Back in college I scored a green mesh hat from them. Cost, including shipping, was $3.99.

Added benefit: the wife hates it.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:48 pm
by Cicatrix
Anything with their logo on it sells like fucking crazy to the fishing folks who dont know jack shit. Tards see that logo on every pork rind chucking NASCAR fuck on his day off asshole that graces the TV on Sunday and they line up to look just like them.

Bass Pro Shops are the Wal Marts of the sporting goods world. Go in on a Saturday afternoon wearing your sandals and socks and you'll prolly get a nice discount.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 1:02 am
by RadioFan
Cicatrix wrote:Bass Pro Shops are the Wal Marts of the sporting goods world.
The one in Broken Arrow (a Tulsa suburb) has an upscale restaurant in it. I still can't figure that one out, since most of the 'necks that seem to prefer those stores are into the flip-flop, cutoffs, wife-beater with a NASCAR-cap look.

Never been into one of those stores, but I've seen the freaks lined up outside for free fishin' demonstrations and Jimmy Houston autograph sessions, which seem to happen every weekend. No thanks. The culture is a bit more refined among the transients downtown.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 1:59 am
by War Wagon
Two NASCAR references in a row as it relates to Bass Pro...they're on a roll. Just wondering...does dropping a NASCAR reference in a derogatory manner give you instant board cred? Some seem to think so. I think you're loquacious, semi-illiterate punks.

Been to the original in Springfield, Missouri like way before it could be compared to Wal-Mart or before they even thought about opening another store ...but I guess the proximity to Bentonville is just too big a coincidence to safely ignore.

Rack the effort at redneckifying the rest of America because it certainly seems to be working.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 2:53 am
by DiT
oh holy shit if you have a BP anywhere near you it's a must see.
animal full body mounts of all kinds.
pretty cool fish tank to.
tons of shit for camping,boating, fishing, hunting hiking, etc

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 3:05 am
by Husker4ever
Never been to a Bass Pro shop. But if it's anything like Cabelas (got one of those 40 miles away), I'm sure you get a discount if you bring your trailer court lot rent receipt.

A buddy and me made it a game to see how many nascar caps with flames on the bill we could count while in there.....I tallied 16 and he said he seen over 20. :lol:

They do have some cool mounted animal displays and the aquariums are cool, too.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 3:29 am
by War Wagon
Husker4ever wrote:Never been to a Bass Pro shop. But if it's anything like Cabelas (got one of those 40 miles away), I'm sure you get a discount if you bring your trailer court lot rent receipt.
Cabellas is a Bass Pro copycat wannabe
A buddy and me made it a game to see how many nascar caps with flames on the bill we could count while in there.
It's NASCAR, dumbfuck... and you had best get with program...seeing as how you're so infatuated with it.

You're either a fan, or you're one of the clueless dumbfucks who wishes he was a fan...but is such a fucking pussy, that he thinks it cool to diss said "sport".

That about sums it up.

This message brought to you by your friendly motorsports mod who doesn't suffer fools gladly.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 3:41 am
by Husker4ever
You got one of them there "flaming" Jimmy Johnson hats don't ya?

I'm not a Nascar fan....I'll watch the highlights the same way I watch hockey recaps on ESPN.

Sensitive much?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 4:19 am
by War Wagon
Husker4ever wrote:You got one of them there "flaming" Jimmy Johnson hats don't ya?

Look at the sig, ya' ignint tool.

Then again, those who hate on NASCAR are generally ignorant, so allowances must be made.

Sensitive? Not really.

Tools who rag on NASCAR just because they think that's a safe bet had best be forewarned.

Like I said....

I don't suffer fools gladly.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 4:23 am
by Husker4ever
I'm not "ragging" on Nascar...just 80 percent of their fans. Social commentary on the fanbase is not a dig against the sport itself.

WTF is up with you? And in what way are your threatening me? Smack? Hack? or what?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 4:27 am
by War Wagon
Now who's sensitive?

I didn't threaten you in any way whatsoever...

Step up your game.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:23 pm
by Prototype
Bass Pro and Cabela's are the Smithsonian equivalent for Hunting and Fishing. Plenty of eye candy for those who like to kill and eat wild animals.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:37 pm
by indyfrisco
nascar sucks but not as much as its fans.

Bass Pro is good if you are into hunting/fishing, but their other "sporting goods" areas suck ass.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 8:20 pm
by lk_pick1
I've only been to Bass Pro down in Springfield, I haven't been to Cabela's yet. Bass Pro is the bomb. I bought some Mossy Oaks there.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 9:52 pm
by Jimmy Medalions
lk_pick1 wrote:I mounted some Mossy Oaks there.

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 12:00 am
by lk_pick1
Jimmy Medalions wrote:
lk_pick1 wrote:I mounted some Mossy Oaks there.
Maybe I did... :D

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 12:50 pm
by Goober McTuber
War Wagon wrote:Cabellas is a Bass Pro copycat wannabe
Really? Cabellas was founded in 1961. Bass Pro Shops started out in 1972. Ignorant neck.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 1:11 pm
by Degenerate
Goober McTuber wrote:
War Wagon wrote:Cabellas is a Bass Pro copycat wannabe
Really? Cabellas was founded in 1961. Bass Pro Shops started out in 1972. Ignorant neck.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 2:52 pm
by orcinus
LOVES me some Bass Pro.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 4:07 pm
by Goober McTuber
Fuck off, you drunken pedophile.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 3:17 pm
by orcinus
Bump for an early-morning Gitzit restock on the way in to the office.

<--- soon to be on fish

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 9:30 pm
by War Wagon
orcinus sighting?

Good to see. What up, bro?
Goober McTuber wrote:
Really? Cabellas was founded in 1961. Bass Pro Shops started out in 1972. Ignorant neck.
Just because one started earlier doesn't mean that they wouldn't try to emulate the other. Dickweed.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:55 pm
by DiT
Goober McTuber wrote:Fuck off, you drunken pedophile.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 12:18 pm
by ElvisMonster
How the fuck can you be born with a penis and be anti-bass fishing?

Bunch of Zima drinking, Capri smoking, "Inside the Actor's Studio" watching, "Men are from Mars" reading, manicure having, hybrid car driving, America hating HOMOS up in this here thread! IF I SEE YOU I WILL PUNCH YOUR FAT FACES!

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 2:28 pm
by Dinsdale
ElvisMonster wrote:How the fuck can you be born with a penis and be anti-bass fishing?
They're not born that way -- they choose that deviant lifestyle.

But I can see how a person could be not into bass fishing...people who grew up where there's fish that are 100 times cooler to fish for, that's how.

Hell, if the only thing that swam in my area was goldfish in an aquarium, I'd fish for them.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 2:38 pm
by ElvisMonster
The goldfish are in a pond..with three BLUEGILL. Not in an aquarium. See? Now don't you feel a little stupid?


Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 2:39 pm
by ElvisMonster
Wait. I read your post wrong. I guess that gives you some kind of 'bode because you got me to melt on accident.


Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 2:45 pm
by Dinsdale
Oh, it was no accident.

I figured all I had to do was remind you that some people are lucky enough to live near the Pacific Ocean, while others aren't.

I've got a pool and a pond...pond's good for you.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 2:48 pm
by ElvisMonster
So you on purpose got me to read your post about fishing for goldfish wrong? I may have underestimated you. Very clever. This round may have gone to you, Dinsdale, but I'll be back. You won't be so lucky next time.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 2:56 pm
by Dinsdale
ElvisMonster wrote:I may have underestimated you.
Only because I made you underestimate me.

I'm kinda clever like that.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 9:06 pm
by Goober McTuber
War Wagon wrote:orcinus sighting?

Good to see. What up, bro?
Goober McTuber wrote:
Really? Cabellas was founded in 1961. Bass Pro Shops started out in 1972. Ignorant neck.
Just because one started earlier doesn't mean that they wouldn't try to emulate the other. Dickweed.

Whatever you say, SpinWagon.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 9:44 pm
by Uncle Fester
While channel surfing, I saw something on ESPN2 or ESPN8 or ESPN99 about the PROFESSIONAL BASS FISHING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS.

And I'm thinking, some guy gets PAID to sit in a boat and catch delicious bass????

And I've got to mow the fooken lawn and go to a clarinet recital and live next to psychotic neighbors while the Bush economy kicks my 401k's ass?


Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:01 am
by War Wagon
Goober McTuber wrote:
War Wagon wrote:orcinus sighting?

Good to see. What up, bro?
Goober McTuber wrote:
Really? Cabellas was founded in 1961. Bass Pro Shops started out in 1972. Ignorant neck.
Just because one started earlier doesn't mean that they wouldn't try to emulate the other. Dickweed.

Whatever you say, SpinWagon.
Research the GPBT of both and get back to me with those numbers before KYOA any more sufficiently than you've already managed to accomplish.

Or don't.

Just continue the normal punkass message board routine of stalking around looking for any tidbit whatsoever that you can jump on to make yourself feel important.

Or don't.

I pretty much don't care and dismiss out of hand a troll who glosses himself as "Goober McTuber"...did I just type that?

Oh well, I'll toss you a bone or two to gnaw on. Best get busy and show everyone what a studly stud you really are, Goobs.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 5:00 am
by Goober McTuber
War Wagon wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
War Wagon wrote:orcinus sighting?

Good to see. What up, bro?
Just because one started earlier doesn't mean that they wouldn't try to emulate the other. Dickweed.

Whatever you say, SpinWagon.
Research the GPBT of both and get back to me with those numbers before KYOA any more sufficiently than you've already managed to accomplish.

Or don't.

Just continue the normal punkass message board routine of stalking around looking for any tidbit whatsoever that you can jump on to make yourself feel important.

Or don't.

I pretty much don't care and dismiss out of hand a troll who glosses himself as "Goober McTuber"...did I just type that?

Oh well, I'll toss you a bone or two to gnaw on. Best get busy and show everyone what a studly stud you really are, Goobs.
Why don't you get busy and show how Cabelas is copycatting BPS. I've shopped both since the 1970's, and I always thought they were distinctly different. While you're at it, please explain why you think that a certified tard like "Whitey Wagon" is worth stalking.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 4:03 pm
by Uncle Fester
Never tried any.

You've never tried a delicious bass?

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 5:20 pm
by BSmack
ElvisMonster wrote:How the fuck can you be born with a penis and be anti-bass fishing?

Bunch of Zima drinking, Capri smoking, "Inside the Actor's Studio" watching, "Men are from Mars" reading, manicure having, hybrid car driving, America hating HOMOS up in this here thread! IF I SEE YOU I WILL PUNCH YOUR FAT FACES!
Bass fishin is OK. Then again, sometimes it's just as much fun to just drink on the damn boat and stop for a fish fry somewhere.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 5:35 pm
by lk_pick1
About what I said with regard to the Ozarks. I think many of you would fit in quite well.

And you make fun of me...

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 7:04 pm
by Atomic Punk

A couple of years ago I had a long layover at DFW and went to this one north of the airport for an hour or so. The place was HUGE and there was all kinds of cool shit and displays in there. You can easily spend a lot of money on things you really don't need.

If you know exactly what you need for local fish and game then go for it at BPS. If not, you would be better going to a local shop where the local "pros" will tell you what gear you'll need for the area.