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TNC Week Seven Results and Standings

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 2:42 pm
by Prototype
Let me know if you see any errors.

Pittsburgh (0 Correct Picks)
Atlanta (8)
Milwaukee (8)
Chi Cubs (7)
San Fran (0)
NY Mets (4)
Colorado (3)
Arizona (0)
Boston (9)
NY Yankees (6)
Cleveland (10)
Detroit (9)
Tampa Bay (4)
LA Angels (2)
Oakland (8)

JaysFan 9
atomicdad 9
Shoalzie 9
RSoxFan 9

PrimeX 8
Prototype 8
Terry in Crapchester 8
xtremeplzr 6
Dumbass 6
Jack 6

American League

RSoxFan 52
JaysFan 49
Shoalzie 47
Prototype 45
Jack 44
WolverineSteve 34
SunCoastSooner 21
Terry in Crapchester 16

National League

atomicdad 49
xtremeplzr 48
helmet 44
PrimeX 37
Dumbass 35
Laxplayer 32
moon 19