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Listening to radios while you work
Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:54 pm
by Trampis
Im not getting at the guy that sits quietly at his desk listening to some soft music or some talk radio at a low volume level. Im talking about construction worker guy or garage guy who absolutly must have Don Paublo or Motley Crew or God forbid,Garth brooks blaring,Blasting from some crappy grease covered,drywall goo splatered boom box.
How in the fook can anybody concentrate while Don Puablo goes bu Ba Bu Ba Bu Ba BOBOBO baabab.
If I was on some work crew and my workmates had to listen to that shit at full volume Id go fooking nuts.
I speak of this becasue as we speak there is a house thats being built over by our shop and the Mexican plastering crew is blasting Christina Don mexilera on the Boom box with the broken volume knob whilst the white cabinet dudes ply there craft.
Im staying the fook away otherwise Im liable to go Morton Downey and get in someones salsa infested grill.
Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:56 pm
by SunCoastSooner
You wouldn't last a day in my home/office.
Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:04 pm
by Goober McTuber
Why don’t you sashay over there with a cold sixer of wheat beer and make some new friends?
Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:38 pm
by Uncle Fester
I used to work the on the highway crews back in Wisconi, trapped in the cab of a sign truck for ten hours a day. I'm a banjo picker and hillbilly and all that, but that fricken "modern Country" radio was like taking a belt sander to the fingernails.
Kenny Rogers
Ronnie Milksop
Lee Greenfag
"Juice" Newton
Je-heesis Christ in a chicken basket. I had many murderous thoughts of killing my partner with a shovel and dumping him in the Wisconsin River.
The topper was when my truck buddy would stop the truck, compose himself, and settle in for the genius of Paul Harvey, like he was receiving commands from God Himself.
Harvey always ended with a slobbery, snickering "joke" and then, pretending to laugh, he'd say "PAUL HARVEY....[two octaves higher]...Good DAY?
It always sounded like the old fart would grab his scrote to say "Day" in a sufficiently high voice. WTF?
Occasionally, I'll catch a little bit of "Modern Country" radio somewhere, which will trigger Nam-like flashbacks and I'll find myself walking though the park at night with a shotgun in my hand shouting Communist manifestos.
[insert Homer Simpson shudder]
Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:58 pm
by Derron
Occasionally, I'll catch a little bit of "Modern Country" radio somewhere
What... you mean you don't like Ken Chesney grabbing his dong like the noggers due ??
Or some of that goat calling that Nashville gets the stupid 20's to buy ??
I am getting ready to replace my pickup, and that mo fo is going in for XM the day after I get it...
Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 11:24 pm
by WhatsMyName
I was told...I could listen to my radio at a
reasonable volume...
Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 12:00 am
by chargerfan
WhatsMyName wrote:
I was told...I could listen to my radio at a
reasonable volume...
Shit beat me to it..... Rack![stream][/stream]
Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 12:08 am
by Wolfman
un-war "classic rock radio"
pathetically tiny play lists and HEAVY
rotation of the same old tunes---
if you didn't know better, you'd swear
that Warren Zevon's only recording
was "Werewolves of London" !!
I wish I hit the lottery big time and
buy a station and play "B-sides",
rarities, and obscure cuts !!
Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 12:21 am
by War Wagon
All radios/boomboxes have been banished from my shop. No more listening to bitching about people playing their shit too loud, or not being able to stand the Hispanic/Vietnamese/Rap/Hard Rock/Country/insert whatever you can't fucking stand.
Just the screching 110 decibel whine of high speed saw blades tearing thru 6061 T6 aluminum and the incessant pounding of OBI presses stamping out 1050 full hard carbon steel. Yeah, that's the ticket.
You came to fucking work today mister, not a beach blanket bingo get the fuck out of here with that wife beater T-shirt, moron.