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Nice work, Rack Fu

Post by Dinsdale »

An open letter from Portland Mayor Tom Potter wrote:PORTLAND -- On Thursday, May 11, 2006, a Special Agent of the Portland Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation stopped a City employee and showed her a badge and ID. He asked if she knew any City Council members. He asked if she would be willing to pass information to him relating to people who work for the City of Portland . He said that while he had duties in other areas, the agency was always interested in information relating to white collar crime and other things.

One important and legitimate role of the FBI is to investigate public corruption within government entities. For example, recently the FBI arrested a member of Congress for public corruption. But federal officials have told me they know of no public corruption in our city. Federal officials say they are conducting no investigation of the City of Portland.

The only conclusion I can draw is that the agent in question was trying to place an informant inside the offices of Portland ’s elected officials and employees, in order to inform on City Council and others.

The actions of the FBI – even if they are the actions of one agent acting on his own - come at an uneasy time for many Americans. In the past few weeks, we have learned that our phone records are not private, and conversations are monitored without warrants. Journalists exposing these actions have been threatened with prosecution.

Even if this incident is nothing more than the work of one overzealous agent, it represents an unacceptable mindset within the agency. When there is no information to indicate ANY public corruption on the part of City Council members or employees, the FBI has no legitimate role in surreptitiously monitoring elected officials and city employees.
As a city, we will continue to cooperate with the FBI on investigating criminal activities and terrorism, to ensure our community is as safe as possible.

But in the absence of any reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing, I believe the FBI’s recent actions smack of "Big Brother." Spying on local government without justification or cause is not acceptable to me. I hope it is not acceptable to you, either.

But's for your own protection.

No, really.

Mayor Potter and the FBI have gone a few rounds now. Before Potter took office, after 9/11, the feds demanded that the Portland Police help them round up and detain many Islamic Americans for questioning. The vity's response was "Sorry. We have strict laws against racial profiling, which is what you're asking us to do. We can and will not order our police to violate local're on your own."

After Potter took office, they got into it over the Joint Terrorism Task Force, which a small number of Portland Police officers were assigned to. Catch was, that Potter demanded that he and the police chief be granted security clearance, so they could monitor the activities of their charges (Potter was previously Portland Police Chief). The FBI/Homeland Scammers Department told them no. Potter responded with something like "My sworn duty is to the people of Portland, and it is contradictory to this duty that I can authorize funds for anything without knowing what it's being spent on."

And he's right. And he resolved the situation by telling the FBI to go fuck themselves, and withdrew the city from the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

RACK Mayor Potter for standing up to the draconian, pro-Big Brother feds. About time someone with some authority stood up to the evil revolutionaries who are plotting against us from within.

Our biggest enemy isn't in the Middle East...wakey wakey, tards.
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Post by Adelpiero »

2 peeps from my highschool are feds
another guy just got the gig, he was a armored security guard, with 1 year of community college.:meds:

oh yeah, 1 of the guys from my HS was booted from a police department for soliciting a prostitute.

more great hires for the fbi
Last edited by Adelpiero on Wed May 24, 2006 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bobby42 »

Maybe Fu can tell us how many mayors or other elected officials have secret clearances to receive classified information from the JTTF. You probably won't find any. Mayor is no longer a law enforcement official. However, he should have a hook with Homeland Security.

Mainwhile, there's always been a complaint regarding secret clearances and information access. The locals send up their leads to the feds and get little in return.
Last edited by Bobby42 on Wed May 24, 2006 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote:Sounds more like the nervous bleating of a corrupt official than some heroic champion of civil liberty to me.

You mean that "corrupt official" who gave his contributors two choices -- either a maximum donation of $25, OR take him to lunch?

THAT "corrupt official?"

Dude won by refusing to pander to...anyone. Not big business (although his blind eye towards the downtown business core is ruffling some feathers), not Big Government, and not the FBI.

Breath of fresh air. Hated the guy as police chief, think he's pretty cool as mayor.

But that shit aside, talk about KYOA:
In response, the FBI wrote:The FBI cannot investigate corruption (or any crime) until it determines that that crime exists
Yet, they tried to get an informant inside City Hall.

Hello? Sounds like an "investigation" to me...and apparently to a lot of other people, as well. They responded "Many of our investigations start with a tip from someone who encounters corruption in the course of their work. "

Newsflash...soliciting informants isn't "a tip." It's an "investigation."

The FBI didn't play by the rules, and they got caught. EOS. Leads one to wonder where they'll draw the line when it comes to breaking the rules...or do we even have any reasonable expectation that they EVER intend to play by the rules, rules that are in place to protect the American People?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Bobby42 wrote:how many mayors or other elected officials have secret clearances to receive classified information from the JTTF. You probably won't find any.
Fu can save his breath. That was a big deal round these parts at the time, and you're right...there aren't any. But, Mayor Potter DID THE DUTY HE SWORE TO DO.

That was kinda the point. He's required to oversee all city expenditures, to ensure that the People are recieving the services they've been billed for, and to make sure they're getting value for their dollar. The FBI's policy was inconsistant with the Mayor's sworn duty, and since he is required to put his local duties ahead of any and all others, he did what was required of him by law.

And if the FBI doesn't like it, they can either change their policies, or continue with their current policy of being told to fuck themselves.

And guess what? All of those big buildings in town are still standing...:bigshocker:.
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Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote: In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it would be irresponsible not to "spy" on local government or any level of government for that matter.
You'll sing a different tune under a Democrat administration.
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Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote:
Not really...they did. Not really even devying it, rather just trying to put some absolutely ridiculous spin on it, that the agent was just trying to be asking a city employee if they've witnessed corruption in the City Council.

The initial reports are sounding like the agent actually stalked the city employee, in order to get an "in." Yet, the FBI still hasn't come up with even a sorry excuse for probable cause to launch an investigaton (you remember that part of the BOR, right?), and even goes so far to say "well, we don't really have any reason to believe there was any corruption."

Your tax dollars at work.
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Post by Derron »

that the agent was just trying to be asking a city employee if they've witnessed corruption in the City Council.
Come on Dins.... there ain't a fucking person in that City Hall that got enough brains to do anything corrupt.

You got to go to the Police or Building Departments for that.
probable cause to launch an investigaton
Asking people if they have seen illegal activity is a first step to devloping probable cause.
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Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote: Save it for somebody who gives a fuck.

First, aren't we both above this stupid fucking bit?

You know, the one where you make the profoundly moronic statement above, and I follow it up with "multipleresponsestothisthreadsayswhat?"

I think you've been around these boards a little too long to be fishing for the "I'm in your dome" response...don't you?

C'mon, mv. The King of Tards isn't a very lofty goal for you, don'tcha think?

"Here's my card, if you see anything improper or wrong, give me a call." is not an investigation no matter how tightly you twist your panties.

From the way the incedent has been portrayed, it's not that simple(granted, there's two sides to every story, and details are still coming in). It's more like the agent singled this person out, stalked them, and attempted to befriend them to achieve this goal. The agent joined the same gym as the employee, and began working out there at the same time as the employee. The agent mysteriously started showing up at the same coffee shop at the same time as the employee. And so on, and so forth.

Awwwwwwful lot of coincedences in a metro area of ~2,000,000 people, eh?

That's a little different from meeting someone in passing, and tossing them a business card.

Matter of fact, it shows a plan. They formulated their strategy, and took measures to execute the plan. If that isn't an "investigation" (which by their own admission, is outside of their legal boundaries), then what is it?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Derron wrote: Come on Dins.... there ain't a fucking person in that City Hall that got enough brains to do anything corrupt.

Don't sell them's widely believed that Erik Sten has corrupted some mangina on many occasions. He's also believed to have corrupted his tonsils with semen.
You got to go to the Police or Building Departments for that.
Didn't Potter also send the PDC on permanent vacation? Too bad for all of the PDC members' in-laws and buddies -- they were getting pretty fat off those deals. Giving public works contracts to the highest bidder is a little...abnormal.

Asking people if they have seen illegal activity is a first step to devloping probable cause.

Nothing wrong with that. But this case reeks of retaliation against Potter and the City Council for the JTTF thing. Just absolutely reeking of revenge, which is childish fucking federal policy..."do what the jackboots tell you, or face the music."

Excuse me if I can't get behind that.
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Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote:Just one question.

How do you know there is no justification for this alleged "investigation"?

I don't...never claimed to.

But this is about procedural violations...a fact that seems to have flown over your head by considerable elevation.

See, we have this thing called a Constitution, and....nevermind.

For all intents and purposes, City Hall is the Mayor's house. He has a right to know what probable cause exists to investigate "his house."

He's successfully stood up to the feds before, and he'll be successful again this time.
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Post by Luther »

I could do a rant about Portland to top all rants. Portland is just one huge lefty city. I used to sit in the roll call room and the sarge would be spelling out some new directive issued by either the Chief or the Mayor. My typical response (I was senior/did a good job/and took no shit) was either, "Are you shitting me," to "He/She wants us to do what?" and then on to "What an embarassment."

My only solace was when I got in my police car and headed south to TardTown...aka Felony Flats, aka The Squirrel, aka Errol Heights. The area was so shitty that nobody above the rank of Sgt. would ever venture into. I used to do this southern tard twang talk during roll call and everybody would bust up laughing. The brass would leave the room as they didn't want to get "caught" listening to it.

It would go customarily like this:

Me: I got a call yesterday where the tard dad wanted to report an expose...but dad called it a "pants dropper." He said the "perp" pulled his britches down right there at our fence line. My daughter Pearl almost passed the fuck out. I asked the daughter (about 10 or 11) what she saw. "Oh my gosh, he pulled his pants down, bent over, and I even saw his balls." I bust up laughing so hard that the dad even laughed. I said, "You saw his balls?" She says, "I've seen balls before, and I saw his balls too."

How precious is that? I begged to God that I hope I get subpoenead to trial on this one as I wanted to retell the story.

Place roared. It has to do with the slang tard accent, IMO. Ask Timmah if I can do it well. I was even more heavily accented during the roll call presentation.

Fuck Portland.

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Post by Derron »

it's widely believed that Erik Sten has corrupted some mangina on many occasions. He's also believed to have corrupted his tonsils with semen.
Yeah... well you would think that with his City insurance and corrupt connections, he could have got that hidious gap in his front teeth fixed...

but then again maybe he is whistling Dixie in the gap while Potters dyke daughter rams him with a butt dildo.
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Post by Derron »

"You saw his balls?" She says, "I've seen balls before, and I saw his balls too."
Well she was living with kin in SE Portland....
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Post by Dinsdale »

Luther wrote:I could do a rant about Portland to top all rants. Portland is just one huge lefty city.
Just the way I like it. Although I live just over the city limits by a coupla miles. Nice place to visit(daily), wouldn't want to pay taxes there.
My typical response (I was senior/did a good job/and took no shit) was either, "Are you shitting me," to "He/She wants us to do what?" and then on to "What an embarassment."
Oh. I though it typically went:

"You want me to put WHAT in my pants? An inflatable WHAT? What an embarrassment."

Fuck Portland.

Rip City

I'll take "KMOA for $1000," Alex.
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Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote:A. City Hall is not the equivalent of his residence.
An-al-o-gy. Look it up sometime. Good word.

While City Hall may not exactly be "his residence" I'm pretty fucking goddamn certain that the people who work there are protected by the BOR, too...regardless of their place of employment.

For all you or I know, he has been informed and this is his way of doing damage control knowing full well that the Feds can't comment on an ongoing investigation.

Almost a valid point -- except for the fact that the FBI already has commented on it...hence, their open letter in response. Hence, their admission that there is no ongoing investigation based upon probable cause...merely an unconstitutional fishing expedition.
The sad thing is that you probably believe yourself to be too smart and sophisticated to be manipulated by political spin and yet here you are first hog at the trough.

Mr FBIsaidit, soitmustbetruesayswhat?

That last one was over-the-top stupid-btw. Think that one through before you delete it in shame.

But feel free to keep turning a blind eye to the obvious problem. Apparently, you've been so badly manipulated by the political spin of the FBI, you can't see the forest through the trees.

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Post by Jeff in SD »

Derron wrote:
that the agent was just trying to be asking a city employee if they've witnessed corruption in the City Council.
Come on Dins.... there ain't a fucking person in that City Hall that got enough brains to do anything corrupt.

You got to go to the Police or Building Departments for that.
probable cause to launch an investigaton
Asking people if they have seen illegal activity is a first step to devloping probable cause.
You say that, however look at my city where the mayor and city hall fucked our city over for the next ten years. If your city was smart they would beg for someone to watch over, so they dont go and give your entire pension fund to dead people, and lower your bond rating as one of the worst in the US.
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Post by Luther »

Oh Dins, you bust me up with the Portland homerisms.

Great Portland figures of note:

Neil Goldschmidt...........former city commissioner, mayor and Governor slipped just a tad in the '70's, and kind of like Teddy, he escaped jail
On May 6, 2004, shortly before a planned article in the local Willamette Week newspaper, Goldschmidt publicly announced that in the mid 1970s during his first term as mayor of Portland he had engaged in a lengthy sexual relationship with a girl who was 14 years old. Their relations constituted statutory rape under Oregon law. He sent a confessional letter to The Oregonian, which the newspaper published on its front page. The letter contradicted many elements of the Willamette Week story and attempted to portray Goldschmidt in a more favorable light.

Bud Clark: Mayor of Portland for awhile...a guest on the Tonight Show...wears lederhosen, drinks until he's shitfaced with the biker gang on 92nd, and poses for such a classy poster as:


How about old Penny Harrington? I worked for her, she was my precinct commander for awhile. She was decent and fair at that job, and sadly, she should have just stayed there. Then she became chief, and her sister was a deputy chief...good old sock eye. You don't know that story do you, Dins? Bwahahahaha Yeah, that regime sucked big time.

Tommy Potter: Tom was a tight ass type of boss, but I didn't have that much of a problem with him until he rode in the convertible with his daughter, Katie, in the Gay Pride march dress uniforms. How many times did I have to hear shit like, "Oh fuck you Officer Luth, you work for a weenie and a carpet muncher?" Not only was the doors to diversity flung open, but we got to enjoy the fruits (no pun intended) for diverse police officers. One day Steve became Stephanie, one day Jessie became Jess with a cock that one observer, mistakenly viewed in a restroom, was like the nose of Gonzo. Was it just one or 2? Bwahahaha. No. Last I heard, maybe 4 or so. Name me a police department that has more than 4 sex change officers on the force?

Shit assed cops, oh sure we got 'em: Oh Dins, you should have sat and quaffed a few beers with the police bureau's personnel division hiring staff in the mid 80's and 90's. The worst fucking group of tards, ever. Shitty street cops. I won't break down their race, nor their sex, nor how shitty they were in uniform, but it was horrible. I was embarrassed to beat the fucking band. You would feel the same way, I guarantee you. We had cops hired that ended up stalking chicks, some punched out fookers in bars, just doing stupid assed shit. Making bad assed decisions on the job too, ...Fucked up shit, mang. I busted my ass and tried to be accountable...I got sick and tired of trying to explain why "Boys in blues were searching through trashcans of some other female cop who was dancing on the side and maybe dating some guy named Jerome, who could dunk really good for the Blazers." Fuck. Fire all these pieces of shit.

I don't know shit about Beaverton, Hillsburrito or Tigard. Just don't blow smoke about Portlandia. We got the restaurants, some cool music venues, and the land. The cops, basically are to the city, but mix in a few Tarrrrrdsss. Utopia? Greatest place ever to live? Nah. A decent place with great surroundings? Yeah.

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Post by Diego in Seattle »

Maybe the agent was lost & thought he was in San Diego or Las Vegas. :lol:
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Post by Dinsdale »

Luther wrote:Image

Duuuude...I've been looking for that poster online for a long time.

For anyone else who's been bored enough to read -- that was essentially used as the drunk tard's campaign poster. Successfully, apparently. Besides the Mayor's Ball, an unmitigated disaster of epic proportions, was Clark.

But the Mayor's Ball was so sweet, it made the rest of his retardation worth it. Every freaking band they could pack in a venue, starting way early, and finishing way late. As loud as possible, as wild as possible. And the booze flowed freely. What do you expect, when you put a late-stage alcoholic behind the wheel of the city? Horrific politics, and hellacious parties, that's what.
How about old Penny Harrington? I worked for her, she was my precinct commander for awhile.
I think we've been through this before -- Penny was my best friend's mom. And sure, while she was serving as the first woman police chief of any major city, her husband was dealing drugs...sure. But really, I won't say anything bad -- she wasn't the police chief to me, she was my friend's mom, and always treated me like a million bucks. Nothing but love for Penny here. (Should have been a red flag that she lived in Beaverton, though).

I don't know shit about Beaverton
Makes the Chicago Police during Prohibiton seem like they were on the up-and-up.

The Washington County Sheriff is legendary for being the employer that doesn't drug test...tell me you knew? Nothing like an infinity-tolerance policy to attract the best and brightest, eh?
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Post by Luther »


Oh come on really didn't answer any of the Portland shit. I still have one of those buttons that has a picture of good old Abe Lincoln with one of those goofy red slashed deals of "No Penny". deals. She was one goofy fuckup as a chief. Her husband? hahahaha

I worked around Bruce. You claim he was a dope peddler? Now that is funny, and you'd have to force feed me some semi-logical people who'd pass a lie fucking detector to claim that. You ever meet this guy? Bwahahahaha. This guy was gax. All he did was whine, complain and spray his fucking hair. He didn't have the fortitude/knowledge/guts/ to even smoke a thinny slab of chronic, let alone sell anything. His old town connections? Oh yeah. Would I believe he played the stupid patsy? Sure he did. Jebus, Dins. This guy was like Gomer, mang. Bwahahahaha Did the Chinese restaurants get over? Maybe. What a fiasco clan this group was. Penny, Roberta and Bruce.

Step back mang, as I don't even want to hear some redeeming stories about this grouping. My poker buddies, some who actually worked Intelligence (yeah, I know...hahaha), and some who worked the courthouse. There were no concrete, justifiable, slap your hand on the Bible and hope for a positive needle from the Lie Detector machine. Nada. Bet the fat dog, Dins...Penny, Bruce and Roberta were fucking shitheads. Crappy cops...except I'd take Bruce to cover my ass over any of his wife/family. Geez.

At the end, they all knew I didn't like them.

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Post by Derron »

The Washington County Sheriff is legendary for being the employer that doesn't drug test
Fuckin laughable......or training their employees very well either.

Jail deputy that weights about 300 lb's assigned to take an IN CUSTODY accused rapist to the courthouse. Just walk him over, no cuffs, no leg restraints... and then the perv basically walks away from fatso.

They also have not instructed the deputys that there is this little brown book, called the Oregon Criminal Code, that outlines the parameters for crimes ...

Another jail deputy bonging out after work every day..... they finally fire his ass after about 3 years.

Patrol deputy who is going to arrest this guy for laying out this drunk 17 year old who just punched the dudes wife in the face....all the time spitting bits of Copenhagen in everyones face....

another 300 pound deputy who felt it necessaery to carry, not one, but two, two Glock 40's in a cross draw set up.

another senior deputy who refuse to be a FTO because the fucking newbies can't even drive good enough...

Fuck them...war revolving door at WCSO.
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Post by Rack Fu »

Adelpiero wrote:2 peeps from my highschool are feds
another guy just got the gig, he was a armored security guard, with 1 year of community college.:meds:

oh yeah, 1 of the guys from my HS was booted from a police department for soliciting a prostitute.

more great hires for the fbi
Nice try, dumbfuck.

Look up the requirements for being an FBI Agent and get back to me. Hint: Look at the educational requirements. Anymore talltales to tell?

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Post by Adelpiero »

Rack Fu wrote:
Adelpiero wrote:2 peeps from my highschool are feds
another guy just got the gig, he was a armored security guard, with 1 year of community college.:meds:

oh yeah, 1 of the guys from my HS was booted from a police department for soliciting a prostitute.

more great hires for the fbi
Nice try, dumbfuck.

Look up the requirements for being an FBI Agent and get back to me. Hint: Look at the educational requirements. Anymore talltales to tell?


try again fu

all 3 are/will be agents, with one joining in august(the armored security guard)


ps i can give their names, nice deflect though
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Post by Rack Fu »

Wrong, shitstain.

But what do I know. :meds:
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Post by Adelpiero »

Rack Fu wrote:Wrong, shitstain.

But what do I know. :meds:

want the name? i'd be happy to give it to you
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Post by Rack Fu »

I am taking you to task for saying that the security guard guy with 1 year of junior college is going to be an FBI Agent. You made no mention of the educational backgrounds of the other two (although, if the cop now has a felony record - he's out).

Let me lay it out to you in simple enough terms that even an epic dumbfuck like yourself can comprehend:
Applicants must possess a four-year degree from a college or university accredited by one of the regional or national institutional associations recognized by the United States Secretary of Education.
This isn't just some policy - it's a federal fucking law. There are no exceptions... period.

Unless your buddy was able to get a special session of congress together to change the law, have it passed through the legislative process and signed by President Bush - you or your friend are full of shit. He might have a job working for the FBI in some capacity (18,000 of our 30,000 employees are not Agents), but it's not as an FBI Agent.

You made some lame ass attempt to discredit the FBI and our hiring practices with this bullshit and I planted my foot firmly in your fat ass.

But feel free to continue telling me how your friend without a college education is an FBI Agent.

Fucking jackoff.
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Post by Cuda »

Fu, maybe it didn't occur to you- it sure as fuck should have- that you aren't exactly the best candidate to defend the FBI's intellectual requirements. You ride the plunger pogo-stick every bit as often as m2ool does
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Post by Tom In VA »

Cuda wrote:Fu, maybe it didn't occur to you- it sure as fuck should have- that you aren't exactly the best candidate to defend the FBI's intellectual requirements. You ride the plunger pogo-stick every bit as often as m2ool does

Are you fucking serious ? Are you really drawing a parallel between being able to "run smacK" and bullshit on a message board and being able to pass the myriad of tests required to become a field agent in the FBI ?
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Tom In VA wrote:Are you really drawing a parallel between being able to "run smacK" and bullshit on a message board and being able to pass the myriad of tests required to become a field agent in the FBI ?

Fucking TEARS, Jerry...tears.

Tom has been such an arrogant clueless fuck as of late, I doubt he can even comprehend how fucking funny that was.

800 posts fron Cicero can't remove your "tard-of-the-day" crown.
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Post by Tom In VA »

Dinsdale wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:Are you really drawing a parallel between being able to "run smacK" and bullshit on a message board and being able to pass the myriad of tests required to become a field agent in the FBI ?

Fucking TEARS, Jerry...tears.

Tom has been such an arrogant clueless fuck as of late, I doubt he can even comprehend how fucking funny that was.

800 posts fron Cicero can't remove your "tard-of-the-day" crown.

And responding to you at all, of late, is like stepping in dog shit.

Sure, the dog shit has "bode", but's it's still dog shit.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Post by Rack Fu »

Cuda wrote:Fu, maybe it didn't occur to you- it sure as fuck should have- that you aren't exactly the best candidate to defend the FBI's intellectual requirements. You ride the plunger pogo-stick every bit as often as m2ool does
Care to back that up with a link or two of my so-called plungerings?

I won't hold my breath. I don't pretend that I belong in the smack HoF but I can more than hold my own with any of you. You really are the last person to be throwing stones, douche.

Nice swing and a miss, Ctrl-C.

I smacked Adelfiero away from this thread, which was my only goal. I believe that Tom ran you from this thread already. Good day!
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Post by Adelpiero »

ok, talked to 3rd dude(security guard)

he had 3 1/2 years of college out of hs, then finished his last year up this past year( which is not what he originally told me, but my fault)

but that wasn't the point, i still say hiring:

1.a police officer who was busted in a prostitution sting( i don't care if he got out of it, because his father was key memeber of police board, he still did the crime, i believe sg and bace will remember the story)

2.a armored security guard

are not good hires, and shocking that FBI took them.

the other guy was a fantastic hire, Rob-O-Cop will be a huge assett, and wouldn't be suprised if he goes up the FBI chain of commands, or ends up getting a gig with secret service(if thats possible). He is the only peep my father has ever given perfect scores and reccommended infront of the hiring board to hire him. Even in HS, he knew his shit, which is how he got the Rob-O-Cop nickname.

but i still say that the other 2 are horrible hires, and i expect a lot more from the FBI, maybe i'm wrong for the expectations, FU, you can't tell me that those 2 are questionable hires? If not shocking hires. Especially with all of the qualified law enforcement peeps out there in country. Steal the best form the LAPD, the best from Detroit pd, etc.
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Post by Cuda »

Rack Fu wrote:
Care to back that up with a link or two of my so-called plungerings?
Sure... here you go ... or=Rack+Fu
I believe that Tom ran you from this thread already. Good day!
Nobody ran me. I'm unemployed and don't have much free time to post anymore. I'll check back tomorrow for your predictably feeble response
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Post by Dinsdale »

Like it or not bitches, Cuda just dropped by far the best line around these parts in a while...

Cuda wrote:I'm unemployed and don't have much free time to post anymore.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
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Post by Rack Fu »

Adelpiero wrote:ok, talked to 3rd dude(security guard)

he had 3 1/2 years of college out of hs, then finished his last year up this past year( which is not what he originally told me, but my fault)

but that wasn't the point, i still say hiring:

1.a police officer who was busted in a prostitution sting( i don't care if he got out of it, because his father was key memeber of police board, he still did the crime, i believe sg and bace will remember the story)

2.a armored security guard

are not good hires, and shocking that FBI took them.

the other guy was a fantastic hire, Rob-O-Cop will be a huge assett, and wouldn't be suprised if he goes up the FBI chain of commands, or ends up getting a gig with secret service(if thats possible). He is the only peep my father has ever given perfect scores and reccommended infront of the hiring board to hire him. Even in HS, he knew his shit, which is how he got the Rob-O-Cop nickname.

but i still say that the other 2 are horrible hires, and i expect a lot more from the FBI, maybe i'm wrong for the expectations, FU, you can't tell me that those 2 are questionable hires? If not shocking hires. Especially with all of the qualified law enforcement peeps out there in country. Steal the best form the LAPD, the best from Detroit pd, etc.
Are they actually hired, signed, sealed and delivered?

If they are still in the selection process - only 1 out of 100 actually walk across the stage with a gun, badge and credentials. They may still get weeded out.
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Post by Rack Fu »

Cuda wrote:
Rack Fu wrote:
Care to back that up with a link or two of my so-called plungerings?
Sure... here you go ... or=Rack+Fu
I believe that Tom ran you from this thread already. Good day!
Nobody ran me. I'm unemployed and don't have much free time to post anymore. I'll check back tomorrow for your predictably feeble response
Definition of a feeble response:

Using the oh-so-witty link to all of their posts when asked to provide proof.

Good work, Ace. Way to set the bar so high that even JTR could clear it.
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Post by Adelpiero »

Rack Fu wrote:
Adelpiero wrote:ok, talked to 3rd dude(security guard)

he had 3 1/2 years of college out of hs, then finished his last year up this past year( which is not what he originally told me, but my fault)

but that wasn't the point, i still say hiring:

1.a police officer who was busted in a prostitution sting( i don't care if he got out of it, because his father was key memeber of police board, he still did the crime, i believe sg and bace will remember the story)

2.a armored security guard

are not good hires, and shocking that FBI took them.

the other guy was a fantastic hire, Rob-O-Cop will be a huge assett, and wouldn't be suprised if he goes up the FBI chain of commands, or ends up getting a gig with secret service(if thats possible). He is the only peep my father has ever given perfect scores and reccommended infront of the hiring board to hire him. Even in HS, he knew his shit, which is how he got the Rob-O-Cop nickname.

but i still say that the other 2 are horrible hires, and i expect a lot more from the FBI, maybe i'm wrong for the expectations, FU, you can't tell me that those 2 are questionable hires? If not shocking hires. Especially with all of the qualified law enforcement peeps out there in country. Steal the best form the LAPD, the best from Detroit pd, etc.
Are they actually hired, signed, sealed and delivered?

If they are still in the selection process - only 1 out of 100 actually walk across the stage with a gun, badge and credentials. They may still get weeded out.
2 of 3 are agents.

the last one is going to the academy(armored guard) at end of august. i'd be suprised if he makes it, he is the constant winefest. i'm sure he gets under someones skin after day 1.
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Post by Cuda »

Rack Fu wrote: only 1 out of 100 actually walk across the stage with a gun, badge and credentials. They may still get weeded out.
Bullshit, seeing as how you made it.
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Post by Dinsdale »

Rack Fu wrote: Definition of a feeble response:

Definition of a feeble poster:

Having a witty line go right over their head. Making their response completely devoid of humor, while dismissing a very funny response as "feeble."

Sorry, Fu -- you just lost a bout to Cuda. Put that one on your resume.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
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