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This Tard is up Shit Creek...

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:42 pm
by YD
"City Counsel Candidate Posts on Raunchy Website" ... _category=
Candidate posts on raunchy site
Bend council hopeful's online comments called 'inappropriate'
By Christine Metz
Published: June 01. 2006 6:00AM PST
Bend City Council candidate called a local television reporter who interviewed him a "little hottie" in an online chat room posting and placed her picture on the site.

Dumbshit, who is a designer and builder, acknowledged the postings on Gorillamask Forum, but said he would rather have voters focus on the issues than what he called "mindless fluff."
dude posted his real name and solicited votes on that board :lol:

dude is fucked

beware the interwebs a lil....

but not posting shit like he did aint exactly rocket surgery :meds:

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 1:01 pm
by mouse
How can he lose his job? when you have a mayor smoking crack on tape and he still has his job?