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Omaha Hi/Lo

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 5:12 pm
by See You Next Wednesday
So I've been playing some SnG Omaha Hi/Lo (after a string of pretty bad luck/play in some Texas Hold'em). I had never played it before and the first time I played I didn't even know the rules regarding what constituted a low hand until about half way through. Yet I still won the one (low $3 buy-in, I was just teaching myslef the game). So I play another one, and I win that one also. So, I move to to a higher buy-in ($15) and take second. 3 for 3 in the money, not bad. Either a) I am good at it compared to everyone else or b) I am getting lucky (prbably 70% b and 30% a). So I have played a total of ten single table SnGs and I have won four, second twice, third once and shutout three times.

It's a fun change of pace. The hi/lo aspect of it adds a different he raisng because he is on a hi hand or a lo? Or maybe he thinks he can take both?

Anybody else here dabble in some Omaha?

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 5:21 pm
by buckeye_in_sc
I have been playing some ring games on Full Tilt PL Omaha...I have thought about playing some Omaha SNG's...i might start to dabble in Hi/Lo...i mean got to learn all the games right...

good job on the cashes...keep it going...who cares if it is luck or what just ride it until it bucks you off...

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 5:28 pm
by Dinsdale
buckeye_in_sc wrote:who cares if it is luck or what just ride it until it bucks you off...
No doubt. Regardless of the answer, chalk it up to "luck" and pad your account. Ride that horse until it throws you.

I was on a pretty deece roll playing $6 Sit and Go hold em. "Was" being the operative word there. I could do no freaking wrong for quite a while...until the time came that I invented new ways to go wrong.

Account went up....and then it went down...and down...and....well...those freerolls have been sounding awfully good.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:50 pm
by indyfrisco
Big fan of Omaha Hi/Lo when playing with the buddies. I’ve still never played any kind of poker online, but if I did, Omaha would be one I’d play.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:54 pm
by Dinsdale
IndyFrisco wrote:I’ve still never played any kind of poker online, but if I did, Omaha would be one I’d play.
Phil Ivy

That guy just cleans some freaking clocks playing Omaha on Full Tilt. Why anyone would sit down at a $5000 table to play Omaha with Phil Freaking Ivy, I don't know. A $500- stack seems to last somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes against that guy. Awesome math, plus awesome instincts = bad day for an ameteur.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:23 pm
by buckeye_in_sc
plus when you just won a WSOP bracelet in Omaha that got to tell you something...

but hey I am sure the boys at Full Tilt love the fact that they can take mucho rakes off these ass clowns...

You know Ferguson and his dad are both Math guys (his dad is a Professor at UCLA) and Ferguson has a PHD I think in artificial intelligence...Ferguson and his dad co-authored papers on Game Theory and Ferguson had the name Tiltware in the title of his company...did he start Full Tilt...if so he has some MAJOR FUCKING BODE...

if you had to pick 8 players to sit down with who would they be (obviously you would be the 9th) are mine in no particular order

Hellmuth - just love the guy...his style sucks when there are a lot of donks but when he plays in tourneys where there are more skilled players he is pretty damn good
Mike Matasow - just love to hear him and he is probably one of the best all around players...just seems to have a problem keeping his winnings
Doyle - Nuff Said
Daniel Negraneau - Probably one of the brightest up and coming players and has some incredible instincts
Phil Ivey - he seems like a really cool guy
Jennifer Tilly - i want her to wear one of those tight ass low cut dresses so I can see her pop out of it
John Juanda - i have him up there ala Ivey and Negraneau
tie Paul Phillips/Sheiky - so i can beat the hell out of these two pansises when I bust them...I can handle phillips in small doses but damn he thinks he walks on water...Sheiky well he is just an ass

others waiting that I would sub if need be

Clownie Gowen - pretty hot for an older chick
Ted Forrest - tough leaving him out
Erick Lindgren
Antonio EsDickiari - see Phillips/Sheiky I hate this fucker
Phil Gordon - Love his math sense and seems like an all around good guy...
