Goofs for
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
* Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Any inaccuracies regarding the Earth's climate depicted in this film are intentional according to the director.
* Continuity: During the plane sequence the Stewardess closes the curtains, and the left half doesn't touch the wall, but in the next shot just before the trolley hits, it is touching the wall
* Crew or equipment visible: The Cameraman's reflection can be seen in the right-hand side of the Porsche during the tornado sequence
* Factual errors: During the typhoons in LA, the weatherman gets into his Porsche and tries to start the ignition with his right hand. All Porsches have their ignitions on the left side of the steering wheel.
* Continuity: In the opening shot, the lab building is located near the drill which falls into the crevasse when the ice shelf begins to break off. In the aerial shot, there is no building.
* Errors in geography: Relative position and the distance between Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan island.
* Continuity: A traffic light is shown sticking out of the snow in Manhattan during the blizzard, but the streets had been flooded with enough water for the cargo ship to float into the city, which means that the level of the water (that soon froze) was far higher than the height of a street light.
* Plot holes: When Jack, Frank, and Jason are driving to Manhattan through the blizzard, Jason says they're "just north of Philadelphia" when the car crashes and they have to walk. Jack later says that they're still 40 miles from New York. Walking the approximately 70 miles from the car crash to Manhattan would be impossible in those conditions. In perfect weather, with food, water and supplies, and in optimal fitness, it would take a minimum of three days to make that walk. They were in blizzard conditions, probably exposed to near-zero, if not sub-zero, temperatures. They surely would have froze to death long before they ever got near NY. Even if they had made it to NY, if would have taken them probably a week to ten days before reaching Manhattan.
* Factual errors: There has never been a documented attack on any human in North America by healthy wolves without human provocation. Wolves would feast on carrion first, and there would be plenty of it under the circumstances. Stray dogs would be far more dangerous to humans; there have been numerous unprovoked attacks by healthy dogs - some such attacks fatal - upon humans.
* Factual errors: Not only do Celtic not wear blue, they are not called "Hometown Celtic". If they were the home side, the match would not have been played at Old Trafford. Also, the man watching clearly has never seen a soccer match before as he keeps saying, "Kick it, kick it!". What else does he suppose they are doing?
* Plot holes: Jack and his friends are all in High School and on a High School scholastic team. Where are the teachers from the High School that should be there with them? They wouldn't send three teenagers from a High School without an adult.
* Plot holes: The sea water that inundated Manhattan had to be, at minimum, tens of feet deep to carry the cargo ship in from the bay. For so much water to freeze solid so quickly, the outside temperature would have had to have been something on the order of 50 to 100 below zero. Even inside the buildings, everyone would have frozen to death in a matter of hours.
* Factual errors: During the Mexican US Embassy scene we see a building with several fixed satellite dishes. The angle of the dishes is far too low for a tropical (or almost tropical) location, they'd be pointing much higher in the sky.
* Continuity: The position of the partially sunken ships near the Statue of Liberty changes between shots.
* Revealing mistakes: When Jack is briefing the President, the evacuation line that he initially draws across the US is clearly well to the south of Washington - suggesting that he's writing off everyone in the room as being doomed. In later shots, the line has clearly been awkwardly redrawn so as to place Washington to its south.
* Continuity: In scene 27, Sam is running from the wolves in the ship. He closes the door and a wolf runs into it leaving blood on the window. In another shot, the blood is gone.
* Plot holes: The air from the storm, described as "super-cool", is cold enough to almost instantaneously freeze a helicopter in motion, yet can be fought off with a small stove fire or medium sized fire in a fireplace.
* Factual errors: The penicillin aboard ship was found in solution. If in solution it should have been found frozen and it is clearly liquid when picked up. Normally penicillin is stored as a powder and reconstituted (by adding water or sterile sodium chloride solution) just prior to use.
* Plot holes: Early in the film, when the three English helicopters crash, we are told their fuel lines froze. Later, when Jack Hall hides in a kitchen to escape the rapidly freezing air, he uses a gas stove to heat the room. If a similar vortex (there are three) froze the helicopter's fuel lines, the stove's fuel would have frozen as well.
* Factual errors: We are led to believe that the only global surveys of the weather available are through manual observations from the International Space Station. In reality there are several dedicated meteorological satellites in orbit around the Earth.
* Revealing mistakes: When the Japanese businessman's cell phone falls to the ground, it has a Rogers AT&T logo on the bottom, a Canadian cellular provider.
* Factual errors: The space station appears to be orbiting from east to west; in fact it orbits in the other direction.
* Continuity: When the cleaner looks under the door, there is a very bright light shining through, but in the external shot, we see it is very dark and the sun is shining on the other side of the building.
* Factual errors: In one scene in earth orbit, the space station appears to be tumbling out-of-control but the view from the observation portal the astronauts look through is steady. A space station would remain gyroscopically static in orbit unless acted upon by an outside force like gravity or a meteoric impact which was not depicted. The only other reason for a space station to spin would be to create artificial gravity, but the stations design does not indicate this would be the case.
* Continuity: When the first group of people are leaving the library, the homeless man is standing on a balcony watching them leave. In the next shot, Sam is trying to convince them not to leave while the homeless man sits near him.
* Incorrectly regarded as goofs: During the presentation of the ocean currents, the gulf stream seems to be flowing the wrong way, but the presentation shows the "oceanic conveyor belt", which flows below the surface of the ocean in the direction shown, thus causing the warm surface water to flow in the opposite direction (which is the Gulf Stream).
* Factual errors: On the Trimble GPS Unit, the screen shown is the Satellite Screen, not the Map Screen, so every time the navigator was asked where they where, he could tell them how many satellites where being used, but not the location of the unit.
* Revealing mistakes: When the wolves approach the iced-in ship, their shadows are inconsistent with their surroundings.
* Revealing mistakes: Onboard the ship, the pharmacy is locked from the inside, with a type of key in the door which means it could not have been locked from the outside.
* Errors in geography: During the Sky TV footage of blizzards in the UK, you can clearly see a yellow American style crossing signal in shot.
* Factual errors: As well placed as the Hawaiian Airlines ad was, Hawaiian does not fly anywhere east of Phoenix.
* Crew or equipment visible: When the cleaner is walking towards the brightly lit door, you can see the shadow of the boom operator behind him.
* Revealing mistakes: During the destruction of Los Angeles, one of the buildings is apparently shaking violently yet the bottles on the shelf in the background are standing quite steadily.
* Continuity: When Frank is hanging from the roof of the supermarket, you can see that Jason's hand is bleeding. In subsequent shots, there is no blood and no bandage.
* Factual errors: During a meeting with his cabinet, the President stands and leaves, yet everyone seated at the table remains seated. White House protocol requires that when the President stands up, so does everyone else.
* Factual errors: American glaciologists in Antarctica are heard using US units of measurement during their work. The metric system is in use by glaciologists - even American ones - in all scientific contexts. The metric system is far easier to use.
* Factual errors: Hailstones are shown as plain clear chunks of ice. Because of the way that they form, hailstones are opaque balls of concentric layers of accumulated ice (like rings of a tree), or agglomerated lumps of smaller stones.
* Factual errors: Glasgow Celtic are shown wearing blue kits. Blue is the one color Celtic would never wear, as it is the home color of their arch-rivals Glasgow Rangers.
* Continuity: When Frank is hanging in the mall, and we see Jason supporting him on the glass, it appears that there is nothing other than the main roof supports holding him up. But in the close-up, there is a cross member holding up his weight.
* Continuity: Gomez's tie clip changes position between the meeting with the President, walking Prof. Hall to the elevator and returning to the meeting. It goes from straight, to 45 degrees and straight again.
* Audio/visual unsynchronized: After the Global Warming Conference when Prof. Rapson is hailing the cab, he removes his fingers from his mouth before the whistle is finished. That type of whistle requires fingers to remain in the mouth.
* Continuity: At the beginning when they are in Antarctica and the ice splits, when the camera pulls out to reveal the extent of the split, their trailer and equipment are no longer visible, even though in the previous shots they are only a few feet away.
* Continuity: When the reporter gets hit by the flying billboard during the tornado, the billboard flips over after hitting him and there isn't a body.
* Continuity: Jack's hands are empty at the beginning of the movie when he falls into the crack. When we next see him, he has a tool in his hand clinging to the wall.
* Factual errors: In the shot where Jack Hall is explaining why the air coming out of the cyclone is so cold, the computer model of the low pressure system is spinning clockwise, not counter clockwise, as it should be in the northern hemisphere. Also in the starlit picture when the weatherman says that the low pressure systems resembles a "tropical hurricane" is also spinning clockwise.
* Factual errors: We are told that Australia has suffered its worst typhoon ever. In Australia they are called cyclones not typhoons.
* Miscellaneous: In at least two scenes, people in NYC are watching TV - WTTG, Channel 5 in DC.
* Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): When Jack enters the library, he shines his flashlight on the people sleeping. The girl that spoke French from the cab is sleeping on the couch. She left the library with the policeman. How did she end up back at the library at the end?
* Miscellaneous: When the three English meteorologists are on the verge of freezing to death as their generator is running out of fuel, one scientist offers up 12-year-old scotch to keep it running. Instead of using it they choose to drink it and freeze to death. If you notice the room they're in, it's completely full of paper - books, charts, maps, ledgers. Why would they not burn this material and make a fire to keep warm?
* Revealing mistakes: The itinerant with the dog is wearing a yellow plastic bag on his head. The brand on the bag is "Super C", a Quebec supermarket that does not exist in United States.
* Revealing mistakes: All over the movie, there is no steam coming out of people's mouths when they are in a cold environment.