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Final World CUp Farce: Zidane Gets Golden Ball
Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:36 pm
by See You Next Wednesday ... 154248.stm
Yeah, the guy had some fantastic games against Spain and Brazil. But he was non-existent in the group stage games, wasn't good but not great in the final and of course ended his career in stupidity.
Canavarro was the best player of the tournament and should've won, even with out the Zizou headbutt.
Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:43 pm
by Shoalzie
Found this on another messageboard...very rack-worthy.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:48 pm
by WolverineSteve
I get such a hard-on for boys from Eastern Europe grinding against each other against plexiglass, but Mommy won't let me use her credit card on the internet. So I watch Ice Hockey instead. Ice Hockey is like real Hockey, but it's on ice. It's a bit like proper football, but not as good, but I really like the fighting. It's great when people hit each other when it's not me by my Dad! I really like it when all these men are rolling about on the floor. It makes me do a white wizz in my pants. Does anyone want to talk about it with me?
Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:58 pm
by Q, West Coast Style
WolverineSteve wrote:Perfect pussy ending for a pussy sport.
For all of us who hate the fucking game and are tired of Jehovah Witnesslike attempt of soccerfags to convert everybody, it was the perfect ending.
A pussy player, from a pussy country, makes a pussy move, allowing pussy country II to win in the most pussylike of fashions. PK's , yep this is a misunderstood sport in the US.
What are you, 12 years old? Allow me to bring the discussion down to your level . . .
The "pussy players" from the "pussy county" could kick your "pussy ass."
He's right. Some of us who grew up in East Germany could probably kick your ass too.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:04 pm
by Cicero
WolverineSteve wrote:I get such a hard-on for boys from Eastern Europe grinding against each other against plexiglass, but Mommy won't let me use her credit card on the internet. So I watch Ice Hockey instead. Ice Hockey is like real Hockey, but it's on ice. It's a bit like proper football, but not as good, but I really like the fighting. It's great when people hit each other when it's not me by my Dad! I really like it when all these men are rolling about on the floor. It makes me do a white wizz in my pants. Does anyone want to talk about it with me?
Hello Steve, you sound really cool and stuff. I like to see men rolling about too, it makes me want to jam my hand up my lower mouth where I have no teethe. I saw Superman yesterday it was really cool. He can fly in the ayer and he wear his underoos over his pants like I do when Mom is in jayl and I have to dress myself. We can go and see again and sit on the backseat and pretend that you are girl or I can be.
Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:05 pm
by Shoalzie
Shoalzie wrote:
Re: Final World CUp Farce: Zidane Gets Golden Ball
Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:10 pm
by Sky
See You Next Wednesday wrote: ... 154248.stm
Yeah, the guy had some fantastic games against Spain and Brazil. But he was non-existent in the group stage games, wasn't good but not great in the final and of course ended his career in stupidity.
Canavarro was the best player of the tournament and should've won, even with out the Zizou headbutt.
This was a poor result for FIFA. I cannot believe the voters gave him credit for a couple of great games when he also had a couple of very ppor games and a huge mistake in the biggest game of all.
And before we even get to that point, FIFA made a mockery of this WC with their seeding and referee "guidance." Giving him the trophy was really just icing on a poorly run tournament.
Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:53 pm
by RadioFan
Cicero wrote:WolverineSteve wrote:Now we'll have no more excuse to spam this forum with "I hate this sport" takes.
Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:18 pm
by Degenerate
The vote was taken before the head butt, wasn't it?
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:36 am
by T REX
Just read that the fuck stupid wop guinea racially insulted Zidane....basically calling him a terrorist son of a whore or something to that effect. If that is even close to the truth then Mazerati-fag should be banned for life. Fuck him and the scooter riding, cigarette smoking soccer mullet italian fags. Poor, poor ending. This could have been the showcase here in the states. I guess I am turned off for another four years. Back to your cheating home country ya greasy nasty pizza doll rolling fascists.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:43 am
by Shoalzie
T REX wrote:Just read that the fuck stupid wop guinea racially insulted Zidane....basically calling him a terrorist son of a whore or something to that effect. If that is even close to the truth then Mazerati-fag should be banned for life. Fuck him and the scooter riding, cigarette smoking soccer mullet italian fags. Poor, poor ending. This could have been the showcase here in the states. I guess I am turned off for another four years. Back to your cheating home country ya greasy nasty pizza doll rolling fascists.
My ethnic stereotype counter just exploded after reading that post...

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:24 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
T REX wrote:Just read that the fuck stupid wop guinea racially insulted Zidane....basically calling him a terrorist son of a whore or something to that effect.
So what? Doesn't excuse what Zidane did. If Zidane pulled that shit on the street in response to a verbal taunt, he'd be arrested and charged with a crime. The taunter, OTOH, would get nothing. And rightfully so.
T REX wrote:If that is even close to the truth then Mazerati-fag should be banned for life.
You may be right. If the Italian player did go to the ethnic insult card, definitely poor sportsmanship, but those more knowledgable than I on the sport might argue that the shit goes on all the time. I have no idea what the FIFA rules are regarding what the PC crew would call "hate speech."
Then again, we're dealing with a sport in which hooliganism is part of the deal and in which racist taunts from fans (monkey noises, throwing bananas, Holocaust taunts to Jewish players) made news even here in the soccer-apathetic U.S.
T REX wrote:Fuck him and the scooter riding, cigarette smoking soccer mullet italian fags. Poor, poor ending. This could have been the showcase here in the states. I guess I am turned off for another four years. Back to your cheating home country ya greasy nasty pizza doll rolling fascists.
Don't hold back, open up and tell us how you
really feel...
BTW, doesn't it strike you as either ironic or hypocritical to come out with that "ethnically insensitive" blast considering your attitude toward the Italian player's alleged action? Remember, it was ONE playerwho allegedly made the taunt and now you've colorfully insulted ALL of 'em....
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:40 pm
by See You Next Wednesday
Rack the Italian for getting Zizou to act out like a five year old and getting him removed in the most important game on the planet. Seriously, who cares what was said? What difference does it make in the end.
Although I am sure the Saint Zizou didn't say anything at all disparaging during the match.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:41 pm
by T REX
mike: I was waiting for the pot calling kettle black card. I could care fucking less. There is no place in sports for that kind of shit. Fuck the cheating italians. Fuck them.
wed: Rack a racial slur? Are YOU five?
There is a line you just don't cross.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:49 pm
by WolverineSteve
WolverineSteve wrote:I get such a hard-on for boys from Eastern Europe grinding against each other against plexiglass, but Mommy won't let me use her credit card on the internet. So I watch Ice Hockey instead. Ice Hockey is like real Hockey, but it's on ice. It's a bit like proper football, but not as good, but I really like the fighting. It's great when people hit each other when it's not me by my Dad! I really like it when all these men are rolling about on the floor. It makes me do a white wizz in my pants. Does anyone want to talk about it with me?
^^Pussy move, by the guys running the pussy forum for a pussy sport.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:28 pm
by See You Next Wednesday
T REX wrote:
wed: Rack a racial slur? Are YOU five?
Oh please, it's freaking words said with the obvious attempt to get a player off his game, words nobody else probably heard. It worked. I don't like racial epthet, but they serve one purpose, to get you worked up and to react. That's why Zindane acting out like a five year old is an idiot acting out like a five year old. It's what the Italain dude WANTED. He wasn't trying to make som social comment, he probably doesn't even believe it. You want to take the sting out of it, you help your team deny him the World Cup trophy. Because right now Mazerrati could care less about that knock in the chest, he is a World Cup champ. I could see some sanction against him if he said something, but ZIdane still acted like complete moron.
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:21 am
by T REX
Dude, the italians are pussy scum. They may be champions but they look like cheating chumps to me.
Fuck em. Italy is practically third world in the grand scheme of things.