Dr_Phibes wrote:Oh lookout, it's T1Bs own Tyson/ LaRouche with his wacky, whiskery, leather-elbow-patch, right-wing views again.
And hey, it's "Doc Fibs," trying to twist his opponents words, wave away damning evidence againt his point, and mischaracterizing his opponents...
First off, my views in total are hardly "right wing." I'm all for legalization of marijuana, dropping of "sin taxes," same-sex civil unions...
And despite the tendency for you and you little buddy to try to paint me as a hardcore political devotee (hence the LaRouche remarks), the fact remains that it's you guys, not me, that try to turn threads into debates over "classicism," post threads to commemorate historical events for "the party" or for "party heroes." I've never posted a "Happy Birthday" post for Thomas Jefferson, put links up for LP events, etc.
Hell, it's even
you nutjobs that have avatars reflecting your wacky political views, while I merely have my fraternity crest.
And hasn't it occurred to you that I couldn't possibly be THAT gung-ho a libertarian, since I went to a STATE college and teach at a PUBLIC school? Of course, mentioning that would undermine your deliberately deceitful characterization of me, so you conveniently ignore it...
Dr_Phibes wrote:Thanks for the Lysenko bio - the dicslaimer in the reference section was interesting - I loved the bit where he "killed millions of people". Between Stalin and Lysenko, it's a wonder anyones left alive. Anyway, interesting stuff and it corresponds with everything I've said previous:
No, it doesn't, despite your attempts to spin it otherwise.
Dr_Phibes wrote:He was a harmless crank,
Now see, here's a specific quote from you that you claim was supported by what I posted. Obviously you've chosen to either ignore the information, hope that everyone else ignored it or lacks reading comprehension, or are indulging in deliberate falsehood.
Lysenko held a great deal of influence, as HEAD of a ministry, FOR THIRTY YEARS and as a result, honest scientists were arrested, were exiled, or died.
"Besides Vavilov, others who perished were Agol, Ferry, Levit, Karpechenko, Levitsky, Chetverikov, Efroimson, Kerkis, Philipchenko, Serebrovsky, Avdoulov, Aljin, Koltzov, etc."
In addition, "The Laboratory of Cytogenetics was liquidated along with the Laboratory of Plant Cytology and the Laboratory of Phenogenesis. The Institute of Morphological Evolution was “reorganized” as well as the Institutes of Cytology, Histology and Embryology. Genetics was labelled a “foreign” science, its leading representatives, 'bourgeois.'" (same reference as above).
Add the deaths/exiles/repressions of scientists to the deaths from crop failures resulting from his fraudulent science, the billions of rubles wasted, and the fact that he held a very visible official government office for almost three decades, and only a complete idiot would relegate his impact to that of "harmless crank."
The guy who peddles his worthless dietary cures on TV infomercials might be considered a "harmless crank." Peter Duesburg and other HIV deniers might be considered "harmless cranks." Flat earthers are "harmless cranks."
Lysenko was given power, abused it, and people died, government money was squandered, and science was subverted and stunted. He was far more consequnetial that "harmless crank."
But, then again, you have the tedious tendency to ignore or gloss over hard evidence that refutes you, so this is par for the course...
Dr_Phibes wrote:unfortunately he had power, abused it and got screwed in the end.
And here we see how you attempt (poorly) to gloss over the damning evidence. Jamming three decades of ideologically-motivated and government-supported scientific fraud that cost real lives...
Dr_Phibes wrote:Does it make you feel good to come upon these little tidbits of information? Keep in mind that a fuedal society was going through a process of industrialisation which included agriculture and it's a viciously coercive and brutal undertaking.
Feudal society has nothing to do with Lysenko's deliberate fraud. Feudal society wasn't generating fake solutions in the name of political ideology. They were just trying to feed themselves. And I can't recall the names of any "feudal agricultural researchers" who were exiled, imprisoned, or executed for failing to adhere to agricultural orthodoxy...
Dr_Phibes wrote:This may be tough, but try and view things in their proper context, his job was to inspire the rank and file and he did exactly that. The rest is a shame.
A "shame?" Nice way to completely write off people's lives and intellectual/scientific integrity. Oh, wait, that's right...if it's all in the name of inspiring national pride in "the State," then it's OK in the end.
Dr_Phibes wrote:I'll tell you what, you keep harping on it because you're a complete moron, someone should ship you off to the gulag.
Well, that's what your kind does when they are confronted with truths that contradict the party line or when folks have the audacity to think and communicate freely...
Dr_Phibes wrote:You've seized upon an anecdote, a singular and unique incident and you shoot your mouth off to your little capitalist chums, 'Communism murders scientists!' in order to present an exception as a rule. You're taking a complex situation and turning it into a cute little sound-byte - American history in a nutshell.
As opposed to your reducing one of science's infamous cautionary tales of mixing science and ideology into a "harmless crank?"
Nice intellectual honesty there.
Dr_Phibes wrote:What part off the END of story do you not understand? The man played politics, messed his peers about and got shipped off. What has this got to do with socialism?
Let's see...he was lionized by the party apparatus, given a government gig that directed (fraudulent) research that shipped folks away when honest scientific scrutiny/debate occurred because it was "disloyal" or "subversive," scientific truth was subordinated to party ideology...yeah, that has nothing to do with socialism
Lysenko is a big deal in biology specifically because he is a cautionary tale. His hideous example is
cited more frequently now by scientists and other scientifically-literate folk who are concerned that the Bush regime is wading into the same ideologically-forced area.
At least in "Bush's World," those of us who disagree with his regime's pathetic attempts to commandeer science at worst wind up dismissed from a government job or lose government funding. No one being exiled or imprisoned for speaking out, regardless of how loud we are....
Dr_Phibes wrote:ooooo but wait, there's still this:
Soviet science and biology are a frigging oxymoron.
Here are a wonderful collection of articles by authors YOU have cited. They touch upon topics ranging from:
* Mathematics
* Biological Science
* Biomedical Sciences
* Chemistry
* Physics
* Astronomy and Space Exploration
* Geology and Technology
* Policy Studies
My point still stands, and listing eight other topics OUTSIDE of biology doesn't support your argument. The sections of that one reference that touch on bio and biomedical science name a few folks that contributed. Compare and contrast that pathetically small list to the eminent scientists from the U.S. & Great Britain. Hell, in my own field of biology, when we go over genetics, evolution, physiology....there isn't a single landmark scientist from the vaunted USSR. Gee, and if you check the
Noble prize list by country, it sure doesn't look good for Lysenko's countrymen.