Coming This Fall To A Football Field Near You...
Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:46 pm
...or maybe NOT so near you...
the_ouskull, everybody's favorite the_ouskull, could quite possibly be coaching football in additon to the teaching gig he just landed. If not football, which is NOT a gimme at all (I'm going to meet with the coaches after I move, but before school starts...) then basketball is another possibility and a preferred one, honestly. Either way, it's nice to know that sometimes hard work DOES pay off...
...eventually. (A lot of guys go to college for 13 years...)
Anyway, wish me luck, fuckers. Small-town Oklahoma (well, medium-sized town Oklahoma) is in for a suprise. :D
the_ouskull, everybody's favorite the_ouskull, could quite possibly be coaching football in additon to the teaching gig he just landed. If not football, which is NOT a gimme at all (I'm going to meet with the coaches after I move, but before school starts...) then basketball is another possibility and a preferred one, honestly. Either way, it's nice to know that sometimes hard work DOES pay off...
...eventually. (A lot of guys go to college for 13 years...)
Anyway, wish me luck, fuckers. Small-town Oklahoma (well, medium-sized town Oklahoma) is in for a suprise. :D