Wrong, fader, because remember--Hezbollah was effectively CREATED by Israel following the horrific savaging of Beirut in 1982. Just like this astonishing act of Nazi-like aggression will fuel a MUCH bigger backlash than Hezbollah. Too bad Hezbollah isn't secular and sane like us--er...like me.
While we're letting pictures make our case (i.e., you've got NO argument presented otherwise), let's take a lil' stroll down recent memory lane and look at our Special Friends, the Isarelis as they've sought to promote peace....
Okay, here's the King David Hotel in Jerusalem 1946 after the Zionists, led by Menachim Begin, announced their arrival as peace makers in the region. This blast murdered over 100 British officials, as well as many hotel workers. "Hi, we're here!"
http://www.historycentral.com/Israel/Ki ... troyed.gif[/img]
"No more soap," Begin would implore to each arriving guerilla from Europe. What he meant was there's no more soap, towels, room service,
or porters at the King David Hotel.
And here's the brave Zionists exterminating the entire village of Dier Yassin, a suburb of Jerusalem in 1948. They shot most, blew up some more, and as a Lesson stuffed many dead women in wells.
Nothing says Promoting Peace like a massacre of women and children.
"C'mon out! How can we promote peace if you don't come out?"
Okay, here's the U.S.S. Liberty listing back to port having been attacked for three hours by the Israeli aircraft--despite open radio communications with the Israelis as well as a thirty-foot wide American flag waving. Thirty-six Americans were murdered.
And Israel only LAST YEAR offered a small and muted apology--really a mealy excuse at best.
Look familiar? This is Israel spending American tax dollars promoting peace in 1982 in Beirut.
Here's a Lebanese woman enjoying the American sponsored fruits of Israeli peace promotion.
Fanatical soccer fans, Lebanese civilian/terrorists are notrious for faking injuries. Here's a bunch of fakers lying around, refusing to enjoy the American sponsored fruits, etc..
More slackers refusing to enjoy the fruit...
Make no mistake, Israel likes to extend its peace promotion efforts to its neighbors, but nothing says "L'Chaim" like promoting peace to your occupied subjects. Here in the giant kennel of Gaza City--with more razor wire and trigger-happy guards than Auschwitz, Sobidor, Treblinka, and Bergen-Belsen COMBINED--the IDF gets down to some serious outreach peace promotion..
Israel's Peace Promotion efforts come in every color--but usually red...
Like any farmer knows, peace promotion requires getting up early in the morning...
Okay, here we are finally in 2006--and the peace promotion just keeps on coming...
Hey, bro, soccer practice is, uh, cancelled due to peace promotion..
Seriously, Israel stands--and has always stood--for Peace :twisted:
Oh, yea and "Harmony"!!!
And ya gotta trust Rudy, right? I mean he was THERE on 9/11!!!!!!!
Is this Rudy's ex-wife?...girlfriend?...I can't keep 'em straight. She looks like she's had enough of Israeli Harmony and Peace.
How about you?[img]