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3rd Development Tourney for SC

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:16 pm
by buckeye_in_sc
and the third time in a row my best hand after the flop was busted by a river suckout...

last night again was an adventure with no cards most of the night...never saw 10's, J's, Q's, K's, or A's...had A/K once which I was able to use to get a few chips...then had to play A LOT of substandard starting hands just to try and hit a flop...made it to the break with about $3K in chips and blinds at 200/400 (we play 20 minute levels)...

after the break our 3 tables break down to 2 and the chip leader comes over...I still have about 3Kish and honestly made some steals out of the SB vs the BB and what the chip leader is an older guy who has never played in this tourney before and one of is buddies was at our table...his buddy told us beforehand he likes to play a lot of hands and in some respects is a big donkey as he plays hands like J/5 i didn't play a few hands while he was at our table and he proceeded to bust a guy with A/10 vs 88 and he caught a Queen on the river to hit his inside straight...

So the blinds go up to 300/600 and i have about my 3K...i have about 2 more hands before I am BB...I get dealt K/J of spades...donkey min raises to 1200 to go...I am thinking he probably has an Ace or some smallish pair...So I come over the top all in (hoping for a coin flip)...gets to the person in the SB...and she goes all in with her last $600...the donkey calls and here is what is flipped up:

SC - K/J of spades
Donkey - A/10 off (I was sort of right about the A)
SB - 88

flop comes awesome for SC...K/9/rag...turn J (so SC is rejoicing at this point)...river THE FUCKING QUEEN...

so this donk in pretty much in back to back hands hit TWO FUCKING INSIDE straights (ON THE RIVER NO LESS) to knock THREE people out...needless to say I was a little pissed at this point...but hey what can you do...apparently he was hitting river cards all night...

This is the third tournament that SC has played in making it half way through the field with no cards...finally picks up a hand pushes a marginal hand...gets the better of it on the flop and turn, but gets hit with a suckout on the river (in fact the last two tournaments before this I got hit with runner runner like last night to get knocked out)...

If I ever get cards watch the FUCK is just frustrating...but hey that is the beauty of this game...

SC will get revenge...