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Attention ASSclowns (this means YOU)

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:24 pm
by Cult of tomas Oracle
tomas is without a doubt THE coolest mofo to ever grace these boards. His demeanor is the standard for comparison. The more like an asshole you act, the less you have followed in his general direction.

I have come to realize that this board is doooooomed. All of our messageboard souls are in for the fires of miserable damnation. tomas does not post here... why? Someday I may divine the whole answer to that question but for now my guess is that he forsakes us because we're living in sin exceedingly.

Go forth and repent, that someday tomas will see fit to grace us with his coolness and apply the purple mushroom stamp of justice to the loopy domes of the unrighteous.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:28 pm
tomas does not post here... why?
Aw, CONFOUND IT! DO you know what behind-the-scenes configuration, toil, and setup it took to achieve this?

FUCK! Gig's up

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:40 pm
by Cult of tomas Oracle

The laughter you have caused me to convulse with is making staying in character difficult.)


The awful admins here make meanness the order of the day. That attitude is an impediment to liking people.

tomas likes everyone, and tolerates shortcomings. He is not one to judge, like the self appointed ninnies who follow the mean path of the anti-tomas... Dinsdale.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:53 pm
by Loganfan
Admins are SUPPOSED to be mean.

Nice guys don't run successful messageboards.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:04 pm
by Cult of tomas Oracle
The existence of Launch Pad-ians like LortabFungus makes being cool fukking difficult.


*tries to find happy place*

...anyway, the admins can foster a culture of caring if they wanted to. tomas replies to every T&P thread he sees. Can't top that.
We would do well to follow his example.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:13 pm
Cult of tomas Oracle wrote:

*tries to find happy place*

In that hairshirt? Good fukkin luck. Not even Geddy and the Glaswegian Choir could offer emo-balm to that degree.

And spare me the "Neil plays keyboards too" blather...

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:18 pm
by Cult of tomas Oracle
I dare not opine about any Ruhssh related references. I would be too tempted to edge into ~saying mean things~ territory.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:24 pm
by Dinsdale
Rush is cool-imo...I had the LP back in the day.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:37 pm
by Cult of tomas Oracle
Of course, Evil one. I know about that, which is why I dare not opine.

Don't you have some fragile egos to crush? Some self of steam to ruin? You know exactly how to manipulate the inner demons of others and you make them expand and grow.

I have given up being mean (for now). But sometimes when I read the posts you use to obliterate people with, I get the urge to revert to old form and give you something to think about.


But I am ashamed of having followed the path of meannes in the past and am now a wandering penitent.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:50 pm
by Dinsdale
Cult of tomas Oracle wrote:Don't you have some fragile egos to crush? Some self of steam to ruin?

Oh, you and I will be getting to that shortly...

All in due time.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:52 pm
by lk_pick1
This fukkin troll is killin me!

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:53 pm
what was that about damning with faint praise?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:05 pm
by Cult of tomas Oracle
Dinsdale wrote:
Cult of tomas Oracle wrote:Don't you have some fragile egos to crush? Some self of steam to ruin?

Oh, you and I will be getting to that shortly...

All in due time.

Your smack is as strong as any that one may encounter on the interweb. But that whole smack concept is not something I am unfamiliar with... indeed were I wrapped in the garb of my usual, and now past, incarnation you would understand that is no hollow statement.

Sell your demonic wares to someone who aches for a beatdown, Emperor Disneyfeaturedposter. I have found peace, and all praise is due the cool ways tomas espouses.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:10 pm
by Dinsdale
OK...I'll stop for the moment.

But only due to slight fits of laughter...(and maybe having the owner pegged).

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:18 pm
by War Wagon
Dinsdale wrote: and maybe having the owner pegged).

Similar style.


Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:29 pm
by Van
Too lacking in specific elocution to be a Velo troll...

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:32 pm
by lk_pick1
It isn't moth?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:46 pm
by Dinsdale
Van wrote:Too lacking in specific elocution to be a Velo troll...

Van...shut the fuck up.

What you know about trolling wouldn't make a gnat's piss yellow.

Now velo, on the other hand...

You know, even just in the short time I spent typing this, you began to sound dumber and dumber, Van.

"This troll can't be So-And-So, because So-And-So always uses..."

Dumbass. Shut up and enjoy the ride, douche.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:48 pm
by Van
Great, Dins is morphing into TVO...

At least try not to use your teeth so much.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:01 pm
by Dinsdale
Vannie in North Mexico...we need to talk.

I have no fucking idea how you've twisted it in your mind that people are ankle-biting you, or fellating you, or whatever fucking delusion you're suffering from...

But you're sorely mistaken.

The reason people(some more than others) jump your shit when you post isn't because they admire you, it isn't because they want to gum your nub, and it isn't because you have a cult following, regardless how much you'd like to believe it...

it's because you post like a placentaface who needs his teeth kicked in.

Straight up...

Van, you are EASILY in the top-three dorkiest motherfuckers here. Most likely #1. Everything you post screams "I'm a fucking dork" from the mountaintops.

Don't believe me? We can start a poll to verify this(and I'm QUITE confident of the me).

So when people tell you you're a dumbass or a dork, don't fucking flatter yourself by thinking it's out of admiration -- it reallyreally isn't.

You garner "anklebiters" and admiration much the way LK Pick does...light coming on yet? That's right...every time she posts, there's a storm of replies. Props on being the male LK Pick of T1B, dweeb.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:04 pm
by Cult of tomas Oracle
I think my point is proven about Dinsdale. Wherever he posts, cruelty and invidious machinations emerge. Look at this thread: the tenuous kindness vibe was pulverized as soon as he appeared.

Counter-productive identity accusations from War Wagon followed, and the message is getting lost in the scuffle shuffle: be cool to one and all.

If tomas were in charge of the Middle East, there wouldn't be the problems we see.

If he had the sort of influence he should have here, people would be eager to log in to find the latest ways folks use to enable one another to engage the positives of life's potential.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:33 pm
by War Wagon
Cult of tomas Oracle wrote:I think my point is proven about Dinsdale. Wherever he posts, cruelty and invidious machinations emerge. Look at this thread: the tenuous kindness vibe was pulverized as soon as he appeared.
And that's just the way we like it...wouldn't have it any other way.
Counter-productive identity accusations from War Wagon followed, and the message is getting lost in the scuffle shuffle: be cool to one and all.
I stand corrected. Velo, even in a troll effort, wouldn't write anything as GAY as that. Be cool to one and all? WTF kinda' fun would that be? a goddamned SMACK BOARD. These are shark infested waters that we circle, and the smell of blood is never far off. Those that survive the bloodletting, are free to swim another day. Those that don't...let's just say that poptarts list keeps growing.
...people would be eager to log in to find the latest ways folks use to enable one another to engage the positives of life's potential.
Wha... :?

"engage the positives of life's potential?"

Silly troll. We don't do that here, either.

You must have been looking for the Faggy Butt Lickers reach around board, because you are so obviously stupid and gay, you don't even realize how stupid and gay you are.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:33 pm
by Van
CotO, or, Dins is just full of shit. He's very good at being full of shit, but full of shit defines his sole reason for being here.

Dins can be a great poster when he wants to be but far too often he falls in love with his kneejerk rabid pitbull shtick and then his act soon grows stale and wearisome.

He just tries way too fucking hard to come off as some badass internet warrior when often as not he merely comes off as a childish egoist.

Dins, the reason you're my ankle biter is you simply can't resist the pavlovian response to snap with gratuitous name calling just as soon as you see my name appear in a thread. You're capable of doing better, sure, and occasionally you manage a bit of impulse control, but most of the time you simply cave in to your Inner Idiot and you end up posting like a wannabe South Park character...

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:41 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Van wrote:CotO, or, Dins is just full of shit. He's very good at being full of shit, but full of shit defines his sole reason for being here.

Dins can be a great poster when he wants to be but far too often he falls in love with his kneejerk rabid pitbull shtick and then his act soon grows stale and wearisome.

He just tries way too fucking hard to come off as some badass internet warrior when often as not he merely comes off as a childish egoist.

Dins, the reason you're my ankle biter is you simply can't resist the pavlovian response to snap with gratuitous name calling just as soon as you see my name appear in a thread. You're capable of doing better, sure, and occasionally you manage a bit of impulse control, but most of the time you simply cave in to your Inner Idiot and you end up posting like a wannabe South Park character...
Change "Dins" to "Goober," and change the references to you to references to me, and you're spot on.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:55 pm
by Cult of tomas Oracle
Dinsdale wrote:Vannie in North Mexico...we need to talk.

I have no fucking idea how you've twisted it in your mind that people are ankle-biting you, or fellating you, or whatever fucking delusion you're suffering from...

But you're sorely mistaken.

The reason people(some more than others) jump your shit when you post isn't because they admire you, it isn't because they want to gum your nub, and it isn't because you have a cult following, regardless how much you'd like to believe it...

it's because you post like a placentaface who needs his teeth kicked in.

Straight up...

Van, you are EASILY in the top-three dorkiest motherfuckers here. Most likely #1. Everything you post screams "I'm a fucking dork" from the mountaintops.

Don't believe me? We can start a poll to verify this(and I'm QUITE confident of the me).

So when people tell you you're a dumbass or a dork, don't fucking flatter yourself by thinking it's out of admiration -- it reallyreally isn't.

You garner "anklebiters" and admiration much the way LK Pick does...light coming on yet? That's right...every time she posts, there's a storm of replies. Props on being the male LK Pick of T1B, dweeb.

OUCH!!!! Goddamn, man that fukkin hurt and it wasn't even directed to me! Your curb job style (see definition 2) leaves nothing to be desired in the way of brutality. I must admit, my work is cut out for me.


War Wagon, I am fully aware of where I'm posting. Inspect this thread for posts. It should be obvious that what I'm about is changing the culture by influencing attitudes gently and with civility. And observing the ways of tomas can be of instructive value.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:58 pm
by Van
To further inflame Dins, hey, this CotO is sounding more and more like Velo afterall!

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:59 pm
by Cult of tomas Oracle
Van wrote:waa waaaa waaaaaaa sniffle waaaaa

Your approach is ALL WRONG. Doomsdale can be flustered with the one thing he has no answer for: be kind to him.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:08 am
by War Wagon
Van wrote: Dins, the reason you're my ankle biter is you simply can't resist the pavlovian response to snap with gratuitous name calling just as soon as you see my name appear in a thread.
Pretty much the same act that mv uses, and Van? YOU nominated both of these guys to the T1B HOF just last night. :lol:

And no, it isn't just you that Dins calls names. Pretty sure that at one time or another, dude has called every poster on every IBB he's ever posted on "The Stupidest motherfucker on the Planet", or some variant there-of.

Of those that haven't been accused as such, they don't post very much. Getting attacked by Dins just means that like Steve Martin in "The Jerk", you got your name in the phonebook and are a "person" now. Getting attacked repeatedly is a badge of honor, like winning a Purple Heart.

Dins is like that "Ya' Know" rock in the comic strip B.C. The one with the pedal that us cavemen walk up to, step on the pedal, and out pops some smartass comment. You no like the comments? Quit stepping on the fucking pedal.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:09 am
by Dinsdale
Van wrote:He just tries way too fucking hard to come off as some badass internet warrior when often as not he merely comes off as a childish egoist.

You're assuming I don't WANT to come across as a "childish egoist"?

How very Van of you.

Keep telling yourself whatever is necessary to make it through your day, VanK_Pick.

No's because you're so cool that people tell you what a fucking dork you are...really. You've got it allllll figured out, cowboy.

Now Van -- I suggest YOU get off MY ankle. If I tell you you're a fucking dork, you will either take my word as law, or you will silently disagree.

Because you really really really don't want to do this.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:10 am
by Van
CotO, nope I've been down that road too with Dins. Sugar works no better than vinegar with Dins.

Alcohol, golf, shrooms and women who carry their own penicillin. Distractions. Them's the magic potions with Dins.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:14 am
by Van
War Wagon wrote:
Van wrote: Dins, the reason you're my ankle biter is you simply can't resist the pavlovian response to snap with gratuitous name calling just as soon as you see my name appear in a thread.
Pretty much the same act that mv uses, and Van? YOU nominated both of these guys to the T1B HOF just last night. :lol:
Deservedly so too, for both.

I went with "impact", and both guys have had a ton of impact on this board.
And no, it isn't just you that Dins calls names. Pretty sure that at one time or another, dude has called every poster on every IBB he's ever posted on "The Stupidest motherfucker on the Planet", or some variant there-of.
Doubtless. I think he's in a race with TVO and Mvscal to see who can burp up the highest total of gratuitous insults.
Of those that haven't been accused as such, they don't post very much. Getting attacked by Dins just means that like Steve Martin in "The Jerk", you got your name in the phonebook and are a "person" now. Getting attacked repeatedly is a badge of honor, like winning a Purple Heart.
Make no mistake, I only have a problem with it when he overdoes it and dilutes its effect. A tedious and "common" Dins, we don't need.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:17 am
by Van
Dinsdale wrote:
Van wrote:He just tries way too fucking hard to come off as some badass internet warrior when often as not he merely comes off as a childish egoist.

You're assuming I don't WANT to come across as a "childish egoist"?
Not at all. I'm just stating fact, not the motivation behind it.
How very Van of you.
How very Dinsian of you to once again jump off the ramp and miss the boat by a mile.
Because you really really really don't want to do this.
I'll let you know what I do and do not want to do. You really aren't much of a bother or threat, Dins.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:48 am
by Dinsdale
Van wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:
Van wrote:He just tries way too fucking hard to come off as some badass internet warrior when often as not he merely comes off as a childish egoist.

You're assuming I don't WANT to come across as a "childish egoist"?
Not at all. I'm just stating fact, not the motivation behind it.

You're stating my undisclosed intent as "fact?"

Yup...quite Van of you.

And I think you reallyreallyreally underestimate the number of people here who find you loathsome.

Whereas I have no such delusions.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:53 am
by Van
No, Dins, try to follow along here. I'm stating the fact of your posting like a childish egoist. I'm not stating why you do it. Only you know why you do it.

It can't speak well of you though, whatever your reason. Strange way to wish to spend your time, Dinsvenis.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:11 am
by Dinsdale
Van wrote:I'm stating the fact of your posting like a childish egoist.

Dumbass --

"He just tries too hard to come across as"....

And this is what passes as a "fact" in Vanmyopian's world?

Here's a real FACT for you --

You have no fucking idea how I "try to come off."

This is a FACT. And that indisputable FACT is at odds with your psuedofact, so guess what?

Yup, you guessed're wrong.

But sure seem to be more than willing to respond to my every post, even making up lies with which to do so.

In some circles, they refer to that as an "ankle-biter."

Van, you're coming dangerously close to reaching the level of stupidity that is required to get on the "avatars that scream 'scroll on by' club."

Very close.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:53 am
by Cult of tomas Oracle
How you come off is interpreted through the subjective reading of your audience. And make no mistake: when you enforce those meltdowns, well, this virtual venue is supposed to be just that, but the psychic trauma and resulting headaches are real.

Your ascendency in the smack realm is the inversion of the pilgrim's progress. And you drag others with you through the slough of despond, O wicked bringer of doom and destruction.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:34 am
by Van
Dins wrote:You're assuming I don't WANT to come across as a "childish egoist"?
Again, no, I'm not assuming it, but it's good to see you're not denying it either.

Bottom line, the fact is you DO very often come off here as a childish egoist. Whether you do it on purpose or not, it really doesn't matter. Either way, it speaks poorly of you.

You're just getting to be, lessee, how'd you put it...

...oh yes..."really really really"...average.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:40 am
by War Wagon
Dinsdale wrote: Van, you're coming dangerously close to reaching the level of stupidity that is required to get on the "avatars that scream 'scroll on by' club."

Very close.

Dins just threatened to ignore you.

Sell all your stock options and avoid tall buildings, because by golly, I think he means it.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:05 am
by tomas8
wow, wow, wow! :lol:

nice troll job!

fwiw, i kinda look like that fucking monk! :shock: :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:21 am
by Cult of tomas Oracle
tomas8 wrote:wow, wow, wow! :lol:

nice troll job!

fwiw, i kinda look like that fucking monk! :shock: :lol:


we are not worthy!!!!!! we are not worthy!!!!!!!!!